Guysmiley's blog

September, perfect for Gut Punching, in Paris

It was a beautiful morning in Paris, a light misty rain falling, cooling the city, making the air fresh. The rented apartment had large windows which were now wide open,letting the coolness into the apartment. 3 of us were in the apartment, including my host, a young friend from another country, and having eaten a hearty breakfast, we were awaiting a fourth.

A bell rings from the courtyard door and we know our 4th has arrived. I go out to greet him, interested to see this young hardy man who is coming for a gut punching session. He is beautiful to the eyes though he is still dressed in a pull over shirt and levi pants. Guiding him into the large apartment, I introduce him to my host and my other friend, Andre. Andre and my host are preparing to leave to go to a specialty shop that sells platters, records, vinyl, whatever you want to call them, while Seb and I meet. That is, until he lays his own eyes on Seb, then he too decides to stay, wanting some of the action. My host seems fine with the change in arrangements and he leaves, not returning until we text him that we are done.

Wanting to leave the windows open for the cool air, but not wanting to alarm neighbors who can see in the apartment, we retire to the separate bedroom that is mine. The furniture is already pushed aside, giving us plenty of room for our planned activities. Seb pulls off his shirt and reveals a set of abs that is to die for, even better looking than any of his pictures revealed. I speak only English while Andre speaks a couple of languages including English but not French, but Seb speaks it also, so communication isn't any problem. We start getting set up. I strip out of my own shirt and shorts, standing now in black square cuts. Not to be out done, Andre also strips down to his under shorts only. I am now standing in the room with two gorgeous young men and getting to do what I love most, gut punch them.

With Seb standing against the wall, arms up over his head, I trail my hands down his torso, loving the hardness of his chest muscles, the striations deep and hard as I reach his abs. He truly is a beautiful man. I deliver the first punch, solid, bare fisted, and pleased to hear him grunt. This is going to be fun. I follow with a combination, left jab, right cross. He breaths out with each, and I feel the hardness of his wall against my fingers. I look into his eyes and can tell he is already enjoying my punches. I look down and see further evidence as I punch again and again, as he hardens within his jeans. Andre is also getting excited.

It is about now that Seb leans down, he is several inches taller than me, and places a sensual kiss on me. I don't resist, but rather explore his mouth some with my tongue. Then while kissing, I punch him again, a nice hard upper cut sort of punch. He moans and breaks away. Andre steps in and kisses him as well. I start rubbing his torso, enjoying the hard muscles even more at this point. I lean in and Andre turns and kisses me as well. Then Seb again. I push Seb's hands back up above his head and begin punching him again, harder now, combinations, upper cuts, even some hooks into his side muscles. He's breathing harder, struggling to keep his abs hard. It is exciting for us all. I continue until he asks me to stop in jilted breath. We then resume the threesome kissing, rubbing, enticing, enthralling, enjoying being together.

Our three hard muscled body's bump and grind, switching positions, rubbing, kissing, entwined like branches of a tree. I offer to punch Andre a few times. He is hesitant but stands like a man to take a few. Then Seb moves back into position and I start punching him again. His ab muscles are weakening and I start delivering more upper cuts, hard to enough to lift his heels off the ground. We have made it clear it will continue until he calls my punches to a stop. This isn't always the case, but for him, it is. My punches are digging in deep, his breath stilted, his moans deep and clear, then he says he's had enough. As promised, I stop. His torso heaves in and out as he recaptures his breath. Andre moves in for more kissing and fondling, the two young studs now enraptured with each other. I slowly excuse myself from the room to allow them some alone time.

Soon enough, they emerge, sheepish grins on their faces. The cool air must chill them a little from the sweat. Seb gets dressed and we say our good byes, finishing off with some more kisses and desires of meeting again some day. Maybe even the three of us, who knows.

Yes, September was a good month in Paris for gut punching.

Última edição em 21/7/2014 23:36 por Guysmiley
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