GoForTheGut's blog


Hey everyone, I thought I'd give an update on myself. I've been out of commission for awhile. Last September I visited my doctor because I had chest pains. After an x-ray and an angiogram I was informed that I had only a couple of weeks to live because of blocked arteries around my heart, and that my legs were also in very bad shape. I had emergency triple bypass surgery that week. It saved my life. Unfortunately, the incisions where they took arteries from my legs to replace the ones around my heat became infected with cellulitis and opened up again. I could barely walk around the house while these wee healing. A byproduct of this was that my legs swelled up a lot and this has caused the skin on my shins to become very sensitive and even the smallest touch would cause open wounds on my shins, and they developed a staph infection. I am happy to report that this latest episode is healing nicely, and soon I will no longer need any medical care. I think the good Lord for watching over me during all this. The circulation in my legs has also improved a lot. I can walk again for longer periods every week.I am back into gut punching, although chest punching is off limits for a little while yet. Hopefully, I will be posting more videos soon. Thanks for reading

Última edição em 06/5/2023 13:54 por GoForTheGut
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MIbigguy (7 )

06/5/2023 13:10

The Lord bless and keep you. You have gone through an ordeal but sounds like you are coming out the other side. Hope and pray for your continued healing and glad you are back to living your passion with the gut punching even if limited.


Mortadelo (10 )

08/5/2023 00:14

I am very happy for all your latest good news although I had no idea about your bad health. I hope you take care of yourself from now on after having been reborn. Welcome back buddy


NorthwestGPer (2)

10/5/2023 07:56

I'm glad to hear you made it. Others should take heed....avoid eating junk food. Avoid sugar, high fructose corn syrup and oils that come from seeds. Your health is your biggest asset. Treat your body well with the right kind of fuel.


JoeDiscreet (1)

23/6/2023 14:43

Wishing you all the best in your recovery. (A fan in Tillsonburg).
