
You Can't Always Get What You Want

This is a sentiment I've had for a while now about this site, and it's only recently that I found the right words to express it.

It's true that we all came here to find opponents to wrestle or fight with for a variety of reasons. And I'm sure a lot of the newbies came here expecting to find opponents, especially with guys whom they want to fight against.

But the thing is: You can't always get what you want.

It's pretty much inevitable that you won't be able to wrestle all the guys you want to wrestle here. Distance is the biggest barrier. Apart from that, you have the problem of different interests. And, to be frank, preferences over body appearance and fight experience also come into play, whether we like to admit it or not.

Let's not also forget that the world right now is no longer the same world we were in a couple of years ago. (You know what I mean.) And that affects a lot of things around us, which I don't think I need to say.

There are times when you might get a chance to wrestle someone. But keep in mind that some people may get a lot of opportunities, while some will get little opportunities. Some people may need to work hard to get a single opportunity, while some people don't have to do anything to get so many opportunities.

So if you're a newbie here, don't expect too much. You can still hope, but you'll have to moderate your expectations based on your realities so that you won't be too disappointed and frustrated. This is how life works after all.

Besides, getting a wrestling match is more or less a want, not a need. Life's too short to worry about a dream match that you can live without.

Última edição em 24/8/2021 01:29 por DM Mask
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BamaJDon41 (10 )

23/8/2021 17:25

Wise words echoing what I said a couple of years ago in a blog I've since deleted. I think most people are realistic about their opportunities here, but the more geographically challenging it is to get matches the more unrealistic some of us can be at first. Then reality sets in and it becomes clearly apparent that awareness of a profile does not grant you physical access to the person in that profile. We may only meet those who we really can meet.


DM Mask (2)

24/8/2021 11:14

(em resposta à...)

Admittedly, the travel restrictions brought about by the pandemic made that point crystal clear. And we have to face the fact that these restrictions won't disappear anytime soon. What's important now is staying alive in the pandemic years ahead.


officewrestlerto (6)

23/8/2021 22:40

Very well worded! I couldn’t agree more to what you said, but that’s the sad reality of the world we live in. We just have to adapt and accept it. I personally long lost the thrill and excitement after countless disappointments. Just try to focus your attention and happiness on other things in life.


DM Mask (2)

24/8/2021 13:24

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Agreed, especially on the last point. We're better off channeling much of our energy elsewhere.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

24/8/2021 15:42

Very fair point, I'm glad you took the time to share this, it's also why it benefits a person to have more than one interest, it keeps things in your life fun and keeps you seeking. Definitely important to separate the wants and needs in your life.


DM Mask (2)

26/8/2021 18:15

(em resposta à...)

True. It's safe to say that we had our own share of interests before we got interested in having a match from this site. We can consider re-exploring those interests again. And true, it's important for us to separate the wants and needs, especially in the current era where we have to give up some of our wants in order to survive.


Licra (4)

25/8/2021 00:49

Tienes razón. Aunque yo llevo muchos años interesado en todo esto y tampoco es que me haya ido muy bien, ser novato no creo que sea importante para conseguir luchar. Creo que es más cuestión de intereses, ubicación y como bien dices "de gustos físicos".
Yo por mis últimas experiencias llevo un tiempo cuestionando mi posición dentro de este mundillo, supongo que las motivaciones e intereses van cambiando con el transcurso de la vida.

Un abrazo.


DM Mask (2)

26/8/2021 18:28

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(Por favor, disculpen si la traducción es incorrecta).

Es cierto que las motivaciones y los intereses cambian a lo largo de la vida. Sólo tenemos que aprender a adaptarnos y ajustarnos a nuestras realidades.

Mis mejores deseos para ti también.


Jedi (39)

25/8/2021 19:01

There are some thresholds that mark moments of growth; “you can’t always get what you wan’t” is one of them. “There is never enough time” and “It’s not all about you/me” are some others. The sooner we take these lessons to heart, the easier we are on ourselves and others. We get reminders when we forget (and we all do)! One of the many things I love about martial arts and wrestling is the mat/dojo/practice space is a lab where we also get to practice (and be reminded of) these lessons. When the match/session is over, those lessons can stick with us in our daily lives.


DM Mask (2)

26/8/2021 18:25

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Admittedly, I never had any extensive training in martial arts, so I can't tell for sure how those lessons actually manifest in the practice area. But I think some related lessons that fighters need to deal with are the ideas of "Never quit" and "Know when to quit". It seems that many tend to emphasize the former when the latter is still something to keep in mind.

In some way, quitting can be a sign of growth.


wrestlesub (23)

26/8/2021 15:46

Even wrestling is a 'want' , not a 'need', I will take whatever it takes to have a match. Because life is too short, I don't want to live in a regret that I didn't take a chance to do what I love


DM Mask (2)

26/8/2021 18:22

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If you have the means and the resources to do that, then that's fine. What's important is that you are grounded on your own realities and in life, which will greatly differ from person to person.

We can either try to do something to avoid the regret, or just learn to accept regret in life.


wrestlesub (23)

27/8/2021 00:47

(em resposta à...)

Yes. Thats your choice bud
