Hi guys

Well, it’s certainly been a rollercoaster of recent months for us all, and without a doubt very frustrating for all of us wanting to meet up.

With so many of us doing the right thing by not meeting up, I have taken the decision to shed some weight.

Back in May, I was at my heaviest 21st 10lbs (304lbs), which was due to a total lack of care on what I ate.

Working from home meant I was going into the kitchen way too much and grabbing anything I saw. Plus, takeaway deliveries were the normal, rather than the exception.

One day I got a really bad ankle and they lasted for a week where I could barely put weight on it. It was then I decided that enough was enough.

So, I gave up all takeaways, stopped buying the sweets, cakes and biscuits and started to cook from scratch and eat more healthily.

Down went the portion size to something resembling sensible, and up went my vegetable and fruit intake.

I’ll always enjoy meat, but I’ll now eat vegetarian food too, and enjoy it.

I am now down to 19st 3lbs (269 lbs) and feeling better and happier.

I want to enjoy my meet ups when they can happen, and really enjoy the sexual side too, instead of just the fights.

My interim target is 15 stone (210 lbs), to see how I feel.

I’ll open up my weight category to more guys, and I will always battle the heavier ones too that I have met and fought before.

For me this is not a diet, but a lifestyle change that will be made permanent.

I intend to come out of this feeling better and to have more fun with my opponent.

Be safe, be lucky and stay healthy.

I look forward to seeing and meeting many of you when it’s safe to do so. 🙏

Última edição em 03/11/2020 13:18 por Bear Combat Warrior
Link Permanente



FerrelFighter (41 )

03/11/2020 14:47

Congrats on the weight loss. You are not alone in this struggle, for sure! When everything shut down and the gyms closed a lot of us started putting on weight, myself included. Like you, I got to a point where I just knew I needed to get back on track. I took off the weight but then put some of it back on again. And now I'm getting myself back on track and losing again. For me, it's really a question of my frame of mind. And not giving up when you fall back a little bit, just start again.


Bear Combat Warrior (8 )

03/11/2020 16:07

(em resposta à...)

Hi there

I really appreciate your comments and support.

This nightmare has really affected so many people and whilst I know I’m not alone, it doesn’t make it any easier for anyone.

I know that by loosing the weight I will be able to move easier and enjoy my meet ups in the future.

Well done on what you have done too; that’s really inspiring.

Wishing you all the very best. Stay safe and take care.

Hope that whatever happens in the election is going to be good for the country.


Hardmatch (100)

03/11/2020 19:27

Congrats on your weight loss. Keep up the good work. Getting to your goal weight will take a lot of self control and discipline but you're off to a great start. If I can offer some unsolicited advice, it would be to worry more about how you feel, how you look in the mirror and how your clothes fit on you than worry about the numbers on the scale. I know I have driven myself crazy because the scale didn't seem to reflect the improvement I saw in the mirror and felt in general.


Bear Combat Warrior (8 )

08/11/2020 20:10

(em resposta à...)

Hi there

I really appreciate your message of support. It’s great to receive positive ideas and comments, and yours is no exception.

I’m already noticing some changes in my clothes. The 3xx size has gone down to 2xx and if I’m honest, I can see the XL looming up sooner rather than later as the 2xx is getting looser.

I know I was so focused on what the scales that I didn’t look elsewhere, so your comments are very valid and much appreciated.

Wishing you well, and continue to stay safe!


Basher Bert (0)

04/11/2020 01:07

Well done. I’ve lost three stone using intermittent fasting. It’s really worth a look. Keep going. You are not on your own. When we get to 15stone I’ll challenge you to the weight watchers wrestling championship. 😉


Bear Combat Warrior (8 )

08/11/2020 20:16

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Thank you very much indeed for your message and comments. Many congratulations on your fantastic weight loss, that’s really brilliant.

It’s great to hear I have others doing a similar “challenge” and I wish you every success.

You are in my friend, re the WW wrestling challenge, and the fun that will happen afterwards! 😈


Ironbull (96)

04/11/2020 19:07

Good for you. I've lost a stone by going low carb (not quite Keto but less than 50g of net carbs a day and 2000 calories a day) and that really feels like a permanent lifestyle change rather than simply a diet.


Bear Combat Warrior (8 )

08/11/2020 20:21

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Thank you for your message. Congratulations on what you are doing too. That’s great and well done you. I totally agree that these things are a lifestyle change. I don’t know about you, but the further I get from my old eating habits the less I want to return there. Wishing you continued success!


Punishmentwrestling (0)

07/11/2020 05:33

Well done on your weight loss. Your spot on when you say it’s a “ life style thing” and not a diet.
We al know the ‘ yo yo effects of diets. Also they focus the mind on food which is not a good thing.
I live by the keto method ( it’s not a diet) it’s about skipping meals on certain days. I have done it most my life. Wishing you well.


Bear Combat Warrior (8 )

15/11/2020 18:17

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Hi Andrew

Apologies for the delay in replying to you, and thank you for your comments and encouragement.

Yes, I realise this is a life long change and if I'm truthful, it's no bad thing. Fast food establishments will no longer be rich on my support, as I'm learning to prepare thzings from scratch. I know what's in everything I eat!

I'm familiar with the keto method and think it's very good. Eating butter for example instead of margarine, full fat yoghurt instead of "fat free" is far better.

I'm now down to 19st 2lbs, so three more means a new front number (i.e. Next Stone down) which is phgchologically empowering.

Wishing you all the best and thanks for your support.

Kind regards


Centaur (62)

15/11/2020 16:33

Fai play to you!

You’ll not regret doing it, more energy, more motivation more stamina! It all comes from shedding the excess and being more comfortable with your size and weight!

Good luck with getting to your target!!


Bear Combat Warrior (8 )

15/11/2020 18:29

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Thank you kindly!

I'm certainly feeling better in myself, even after my 2.5 Stone loss, so I totally get what you mean.

I'm no longer falling asleep in the afternoon. A power nap is all very well for ten minutes, but mine were for much longer. Thankfully, no more.

I now look in the mirror and no longer hate what I'm seeing. I now realise that who is looking back is undergoing a huge change and therefore need to be supported.

When I've reached my target, I'd like to meet up maybe, and see how I fair with someone in my new weight category.

Thank you once again and take care.



Basher Bert (0)

15/11/2020 18:34

At today’s weigh in I was 21.2. From 24.4 in the summer and 27 stone three years ago. I yo yod for decades but haven’t been under 24 stone since my 20s. I’m working out at least an hour a day. I do enough to raise a sweat and get my heart rate up but I don’t knock myself about to the extent I don’t look forward to the next session. All I’ve got is dumbbells a kettlebell and a recumbent bike. Some music or an audio book. This is my hour. No phone calls or messages accepted. You guys are an inspiration. Is big fat lads need to keep in touch. Encourage inspire. Well done everybody, keep going.


Bear Combat Warrior (8 )

15/11/2020 18:46

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I wholeheartedly offer my total respect to you for your efforts. I think you have done a phenomenal job and deserve all the praise and support you can get.

I truly appreciate that this is not a straightforward journey, as it can sometimes get circuituitous at times.

Taking time out for yourself is excellent. I listen to audio personal development or read ten pages of personal development books, every day, without interruption. It's "my time" to chill out.

You are very much an inspiration to me, and that meet up when we get to 15 stone, is very much on....

Continued success to you and total respect!
