Bear_Combat_Warrior's blog

Today I had my second COVID 19 jab, and am really glad to have now got this done.

I am not a fan of needles in any way, although I do like my “pricks” to be meaty and ready for mortal combat.

Seriously though, wishing everyone continued good health and safe passage until it’s ok to once again meet up and go all out.

For what it’s worth guys, going solo has been ok during lockdown, but there’s nothing as good as another guy tugging you off.

Última edição em 15/5/2021 20:18 por Bear Combat Warrior; 7 comentário(s)
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Hi guys

Well, it’s certainly been a rollercoaster of recent months for us all, and without a doubt very frustrating for all of us wanting to meet up.

With so many of us doing the right thing by not meeting up, I have taken the decision to shed some weight.

Back in May, I was at my heaviest 21st 10lbs (304lbs), which was due to a total lack of care on what I ate.

Working from home meant I was going into the kitchen way too much and grabbing anything I saw. Plus, takeaway deliveries were the normal, rather than the exception.

One day I got a really bad ankle and they lasted for a week where I could barely put weight on it. It was then I decided that enough was enough.

So, I gave up all takeaways, stopped buying the sweets, cakes and biscuits and started to cook from scratch and eat more healthily.

Down went the portion size to something resembling sensible, and up went my vegetable and fruit intake.

I’ll always enjoy meat, but I’ll now eat vegetarian food too, and enjoy it.

I am now down to 19st 3lbs (269 lbs) and feeling better and happier.

I want to enjoy my meet ups when they can happen, and really enjoy the sexual side too, instead of just the fights.

My interim target is 15 stone (210 lbs), to see how I feel.

I’ll open up my weight category to more guys, and I will always battle the heavier ones too that I have met and fought before.

For me this is not a diet, but a lifestyle change that will be made permanent.

I intend to come out of this feeling better and to have more fun with my opponent.

Be safe, be lucky and stay healthy.

I look forward to seeing and meeting many of you when it’s safe to do so. 🙏

Última edição em 03/11/2020 13:18 por Bear Combat Warrior; 14 comentário(s)
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