Don't get me wrong. Recommendations are a good thing.It's a helpful tool to weed out scams & potential flakes.
Not all of us that have a small list of recommendations are scammers or flakes.
In my case I don't have the means or convience to do alot of traveling, niether do I have a gregarious
nature to aggressively pursue potential opponnents. I am still a happy camper.
I'v come to realize that I am gratful& satisfied with a small handful of quality local people who I enjoy wrestling' gut punching or boxing with.
The lack of a long list of recommendations & opponents can create a handy cap as far as attracting new interest. I envey the lucky ones who
do have that, but why be greedy if you have had a small yet high quality of people to satisfy your fetish.
I have also checked out other venues locally to find a match. Leather bars for instance. They may have leather fetishes but many are open to trying wrestling or boxing& errotic gP.
I have even found locals into it on date sites. They are there, you just have to be patient. It takes a bit of time to smoke them out.
Bottom line is at this point I have no need for a long list of recommendations or opponents.
I still enjoy meet fighters.
The blogs are usually interesting, and most of the members on here are great people.
So without the quotas& recommendations
I have still got satisfactory action. No worries.
I joined this site to fullfill my gut punch fetish.
It didn't take an army , only a few cool people

Última edição em 22/8/2019 04:43 por Andi2
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osakarob (78 )

22/8/2019 18:35

I think your last two sentences say it best: "I joined this site to fullfill my gut punch fetish.
It didn't take an army , only a few cool people."

If a person's fighting interest has a sexual component, the recommendations feature - as well as the confirmed opponents feature - are particularly helpful. They diminish potential risk in meeting up with strangers for acts that require significant trust, safety, and maybe discretion.

Like you, I personally would rather find a small number of reliable opponents that I know are a mutual good fit. But if I was purely looking exclusively for bodies to wrestle with for pure sport or to dramatically improve my skill, I'd probably find recommendations or confirmed opponent features to be less important.

Nice blog post!


Andi2 (3)

22/8/2019 21:50

(em resposta à...)

Thanks Osakarob.
Agreed, recomendations serve a broader perpose if you are looking for pure sport and no errotica.


FerrelFighter (41 )

23/8/2019 02:33

Thanks for this blog. You make some very good points about what I think is a complicated issue.

First, I will have to admit to you that I am one of those people who has fallen into the habit of looking at the "number" of recommendations someone has here and making a snap judgement about them. Your comments have me rethinking that. I dont have a huge number myself, and I do find myself having the attitude that, "I need to get my number higher to boost my credibility". Maybe that's an ego thing? I don't know.
But my growing tendency towards these snap judgements about others is not totally unfounded and rests on some personal experience. I have, on a number of occasions, spent a good deal of my time chatting with someone who has been on the site for some years, and had zero or one match listed. They would lead me on with assurances that they wanted a real match and would spend time with me setting up the details of time and place that works for both of us. Everyone here know that that can sometimes be difficult and can take a while to coordinate. But then, as we got down to the wire, and the match was imminent, there was always a reason to back out. Sometimes perfectly reasonable, sometimes seemingly irrational. So, I came to learn that on this site there are guys who really dont want to wrestle or fight, but enjoy fantasizing about it. Or perhaps they do want to, but are just too paranoid to follow through.
I have therefore fallen into the habit of not pursuing a match with someone who had been here a while and has no matches listed. Obviously, in your case, my judgement would be in error. I'm not sure that there's an easy fix for this, but I do really appreciate having heard your perspective.


Andi2 (3)

24/8/2019 00:27

(em resposta à...)

Exactly. Not to be hypocritical but I admit I too scutinize those who have been on here for years and haven't had at least one match, but given what I stated above , I try to put myself in their place and acknowledge the social challenges of setting up an agressive match when you have a bit of a jobber personality so to speak.
Don't misunderstand that. Im a quite storm but will fight It goes back to fullfilling what you want.
I have had so much fun with the few that iv had a session with that I don't care if no one else even checks my profile out anymore.... Just jokeing .


osakarob (78 )

25/8/2019 21:03

(em resposta à...)

FerrellFighter's reply is probably one of the smartest comments I have ever read on this subject. Good job sharing true, honest, and personal feelings on something we all wonder about on this site.


Dogfighter5 (125 )

24/8/2019 02:53

Well thought and written😊


Andi2 (3)

25/8/2019 19:53

(em resposta à...)

Thank you 👌
