Andi2's blog


Don't get me wrong. Recommendations are a good thing.It's a helpful tool to weed out scams & potential flakes.
Not all of us that have a small list of recommendations are scammers or flakes.
In my case I don't have the means or convience to do alot of traveling, niether do I have a gregarious
nature to aggressively pursue potential opponnents. I am still a happy camper.
I'v come to realize that I am gratful& satisfied with a small handful of quality local people who I enjoy wrestling' gut punching or boxing with.
The lack of a long list of recommendations & opponents can create a handy cap as far as attracting new interest. I envey the lucky ones who
do have that, but why be greedy if you have had a small yet high quality of people to satisfy your fetish.
I have also checked out other venues locally to find a match. Leather bars for instance. They may have leather fetishes but many are open to trying wrestling or boxing& errotic gP.
I have even found locals into it on date sites. They are there, you just have to be patient. It takes a bit of time to smoke them out.
Bottom line is at this point I have no need for a long list of recommendations or opponents.
I still enjoy meet fighters.
The blogs are usually interesting, and most of the members on here are great people.
So without the quotas& recommendations
I have still got satisfactory action. No worries.
I joined this site to fullfill my gut punch fetish.
It didn't take an army , only a few cool people

Última edição em 22/8/2019 04:43 por Andi2; 7 comentário(s)
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Última edição em 03/4/2019 06:49 por Andi2; 2 comentário(s)
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Última edição em 19/4/2018 15:18 por Andi2; 4 comentário(s)
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