technics2's blog


I thanks anyone who took the time to message me. However I'm puzzled by some. Too often I get a, "Hi", Hello" , "Hey There' ect as a message with nothing else. I reply back with a similar greeting plus a what's on you mind type of greeting. The I get another greeting of "Hi", "How are you?" ect. The how are you questions is still another greeting type question. I will give another reply either about my day, progress on finding a match, or ask if they are looking for a match. Then I will get another greeting type reply like, "What's up". Now I'm like, "OK greeting out of the way, what's on your mind. Speak to me". Then nothing. days later I will get another , "Hi". Did I miss something? My social skills must so bad that I believe that if you reach out with a message that you should have something to say about why you did so? WTF???

Última edição em 12/1/2020 18:10 por technics2; 19 comentário(s)
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