
I have a goal of trying to meet up with more of you and do things and part of that goal involves clothing.

I'm giving myself a goal of getting a little gear every month for the next three to see how things go. I made my first move last week and have ordered my first singlet. I'm so very excited about getting it and trying it on. I'm also ordering a new jock. I've decided I like them and want another one or two.

That's pretty much it. Everything else is trying to meet up with people I will have fun with and keeping up with those of you I've already met.

Última edição em 24/1/2015 14:44 por synxiec; 0 comentário(s)
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I think I'm going to update the calendar for spur of the moment trips. Stay tuned for when I'll be in your area.

Última edição em 30/12/2014 13:41 por synxiec; 0 comentário(s)
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Checkin In

It's been a while since I've posted. All the normal reasons: work, life, blah blah blah.

That said, I've been okay. There's been a little bit of a slowdown here communication-wise, so hopefully all of you guys are doing okay, too.

In terms of what's going on this way: just life, I suppose. Got a couple of messages where people want to meet up or whatnot (not many, but some) and I'm figuring all of that out.

Can't decide if I want to be manhandled or fight. I feel in the mood for the former these days.

Última edição em 23/11/2014 15:39 por synxiec; 0 comentário(s)
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"Are you in a red car?"

That was the text I sent before finding the car and hopping in. From there, we headed to the meeting place and got ready to playfully wrestle for a bit.

As we rode out, he politely answered my onslaught of questions about everything from jobs to speedos. He had driven quite a way and in heavy traffic so he was a bit tired. Ever the trooper [J] came down anyway.

After a bit of talking, he wondered when we would start. I'm never one to go first in most things, so I explained myself. We talked about the rules and stripped down to speedos and, in my case, a new jock I had bought. [J] normally wrestles by pinfall which was new to me and so it went down 4-2.

He wanted me to add the following: "You got beat by a 50-year-old, out of shape man."

We chuckled about this and he suggested I work on upper body strength. To be fair to me, however, he's a bit heavier than I. That said, I knew that and I wrestled anyway and I wouldn't have done otherwise.

He asked what my favorite holds were. I have a number I want to try, but meh. I need to practice them and how will I do that? :P

Apparently, I also wear a jock well.

So went match number two. I wonder what will happen between now and the next one. I hope the answer isn't another six months in coming, though :P

Última edição em 14/9/2014 05:37 por synxiec; 0 comentário(s)
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I think between this entry and this one, I find myself generally wondering what to even do.

It's just hard to catch people where I live. I should move to a place upstate or on the West Coast or the UK where this stuff happens more often.

Anyway, I'm a week or so out from vacation and I will probably have free time to wrestle if I can meet up with someone. That said, I have about a snowball's chance in hell from what I can see of that happening.

Última edição em 28/8/2014 15:33 por synxiec; 0 comentário(s)
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DC Trip!

I thought it might work better if I made mention of it beforehand, so: I'm heading to D.C. tomorrow and I'll be landing in the evening. If anyone in the area is up for a playful roll (and doesn't creep me out), we should meet up!

Última edição em 21/7/2014 23:30 por synxiec; 0 comentário(s)
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Maybe Maybe

So recently, I've been in contact with some people and others have been in contact with me about trying to set things up. This usually ends up not working out because of some detail, but at least it is starting to happen.

Maybe with the summer coming up, more people will be free to hang out and do stuff. Recently, we've changed office buildings where I work, so I don't have the space to wrestle and I'm not networked with people that have mats and the like.

I've been checking through people in my area and messaging as new ones pop up and so on. It sort of prompts the question for me: *how long did you guys talk to a person on average before you could actually have a match*?

I've seen some places where it takes days and others where it takes years. I wonder if that is a location thing or what. Who knows, right?

Última edição em 04/6/2014 17:38 por synxiec; 4 comentário(s)
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The Bug

Some days make me want to climb a wall. How are there like 30 people within 50 miles that I can't wrestle with?!


In other news, I might have an upcoming vacation and a road trip sounds wonderful. I don't know how far I'd go or if I'd go at all, but I'm entertaining the thought right now.

Última edição em 22/5/2014 21:01 por synxiec; 0 comentário(s)
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In Drought

I think this is the best way to describe this sort of thing. I've been in one match with one guy from here since I joined. I do talk to a lot more than one of you on here, thank goodness, but I really would like to wrestle again at some point.

It's just fun and when I'm not working (read: most weekends) I'd like to wrestle around a bit or just get to know you guys a bit better over coffee and so on. Other things in life are keeping me busy (work/art/japanese/etc), but I did join here to get to wrestle more and I want that still.


Side note: being on work trips sucks because I can't set things up the way I want to as I have no free time. I was in DC last week and there are apparently a lot of wrestlers in the area from here, but I couldn't catch a break to meet anyone.

Blah x 2.

Última edição em 11/5/2014 00:47 por synxiec; 0 comentário(s)
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  • I'm not especially experienced, but do okay at defense.
  • I think a lot and sometimes, that gets in the way.
  • I'm one to respond rather than react.
  • I never strike first unless playfully and most times not even then.
  • I love banter and I'll even thrown in a little trash talk, but I'm not big on that.
  • I'm durable and don't mind being man-handled a bit, just don't be stupid.
  • I'm comfortable to wrestle in most things. Like boxers. I'm oddly okay with this.
Última edição em 12/4/2014 19:18 por synxiec; 0 comentário(s)
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