Once gyms closed due to COVID I developed this home workout based on what limited equipment I had available and what I planned to accomplish. It’s essentially a Leg, Push, Pull, Core routine but could easily be adapted to a one bod ypart a day routine. I performed the exercises as supersets or cycles to increase time under tension to help make up for the intensity missing due to the lack of free weights and machines. In addition, you can add intensity by holding the movement at its peak contraction for a moment. Overall each workout is about 60 minutes. Also, I usually walk 3 miles a day along the East Bay Bike Path. Obviously walking is low intensity but can be converted to a HIIT workout by doing intervals of walking, jogging, and sprinting.


Step ups 50 total reps BW or Backpack (25 lbs)
Lunges 50 total reps BW or Backpack (25 lbs)
Wall ball squats 50 reps
Calf Raises 25 rep
Roman/Stiff Leg Deadlifts 50 reps Band

Core 4 Sets of Abs and Lower Back

I perform the leg exercises as a superset. The first cycle with body weight (BW), and the second and third cycles I add a backpack with three biology textbooks (25 pounds) for the step ups, lunges, and calf raises. I do substitute Bulgarian splits squats, one leg squats, and hip thrusts on occasion.

Chest and Triceps

Push Ups 25 reps
Fly Low to High 25 reps Band
One Arm Parallel Fly 25 reps Band

Triceps Pushdowns 20 reps Band
Triceps Extensions 20 reps Gallon Jug

Core 4 Sets of Abs and Lower Back

I perform the three chest exercises as a superset. The fly exercise is done with resistance bands and the hands start low and as you bring the hands together the hands move in front of you to about shoulder height, the idea being to hit the upper pecs a bit more. The one arm parallel fly also uses resistance bands and starts with your arms at shoulder height and moves across the body. This one arm variation allows a greater stretch of the pecs.

I do the triceps pushdowns with resistance bands and the triceps extensions with one gallon water jugs ( 8 pounds ) as a superset.

Back and Biceps

Row 20 Reps Band Parallel
Row 20 Reps Low to High
Table Pullup 10 Reps
Pulldown 20 Reps Bands Neutral Grip
Pulldown 20 Reps Bands Straight Arm
Pullups AMAP Pronated Grips
Row 20 Reps Gallon Jug

Bicep Curls 20 reps Bands
Hammer Curl 20 reps Gallon Jug

There are quite a few sets because the back is so strong that working with resistance bands requires more reps to get a good workout. The back exercises are performed as a superset and then the bicep exercises. In the row exercise parallel means the band is relatively parallel from where you station it and throughout the pulling motion. The low to high means the band is anchored near the floor and you are standing a few feet away and pulling the band up to your torso. AMAP is as many as possible. Since I am doing the pull ups using the basement beams the grip somewhat limits the number of reps I can perform.

Shoulders, Traps, Core

Lateral Delt Raises 20 reps Bands / 20 reps Gallon Jugs
Front Delt Raises 20 reps Band / 20 reps Gallon Jugs
Rear Delt Raises 20 reps Band /20 reps Gallon Jugs
Shoulder Shrugs 20 reps Band /20 reps Gallon Jugs

Core 6 Sets of Ab and Lower Back Exercises such as crunches, planks, low back extensions, etc

Due to past shoulder injury and surgery, I do not do overhead presses. The shoulder exercises are done as a superset and I do three cycles.

Be safe and start out slowly when working out at home, especially when you are improvising or rearranging furniture or have not done a particular exercise previously. For example, I use a cooler for the step up and the ceiling beams in the basement for pullups.

Última edição em 09/4/2020 21:44 por sportsri
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LeanInSpeedos (14)

09/4/2020 22:07

That’s an awesome innovative workout routine. In these times that’s so helpful when all the gyms are closed and equipment is limited. Your commitment and dedication is so impressive! Thanks for sharing all the details.


sportsri (51)

10/4/2020 13:55

(em resposta à...)

Thanks. Home work outs are a matter of trial and error. Everyone’s goals may different. You are looking good.


kohl (36)

23/3/2022 20:30

Great man. Thanks for sharing


sportsri (51)

23/3/2022 22:08

(em resposta à...)

Your welcome
