rangard's blog

Bronx Bomber v. Rangard the Destroyer (Round 1)

Round 1 started with me on my back, my arms pinned above my head, and with the Bomber grinding his junk in my face. His knees had my arms pinned and his hands had my wrists pinned above my head, and his junk...was grinding in my face.

"So you finally decided to join the bout, huh?" he said, grinding his cock, covered by his jockstrap, into my face as I finally opened my eyes. I winced and tried to avoid it, but he kept at it. "I'm going to call you 'Rangard the Destroyed' from now on. You're pathetic, you know it?" [grinding continues]. I tried to dump him off my chest, but I was weakened and he was fresh.

He wasn't built all that well...a little chubby, smooth chest, and had a pretty good-sized package (if you know what I mean). I couldn't see a lot for obvious reasons since I had some guy rubbing his cock in my face and I was tired from getting my ass kicked earlier.

"You're not much of a fighter, are you?" [grinding] "I mean, you're down there and I'm up here and I'm hardly even sweating. Your email said you were going to destroy me. Looks like that's not gonna happen," he laughed. [grinding] I was starting to feel lightheaded from lack of oxygen, so I tried to summon all my strength to dump him off my chest. "Oh, so you wanna play rough, huh?"

He adjusted his position, scooted down my body, and now had his chest in my face. He had grabbed my wrists, folded them over my head tightly, and his ass was on my belly. His chest was very close to my face, rubbing his nipples where his cock had been rubbed just a few seconds before. He had an even better angle on my body now and there was no way to dump him off. I struggled to breath, given the close quarters, and when I struggled, he punched me in the jaw with his right hand. It wasn't a wind-up punch, but just a short, close-distance jab. I reacted violently to the punch.

"Take it easy chief, so long as you just lay still and let me kick your ass, I won't completely mess up your face." But it was too much...I writhed and tried to breathe. After a few seconds I tried to move, and WHAM, he hit me again and my body reacted. Then he did it again...WHAM...and I grunted and reacted. "What did I tell you, 'Destroyed?' Just remain calm." He laughed. He hit me again...and again...I started getting weaker and weaker and wasn't fighting back as much as before. If you were watching this fight from the comfort of your own home, you wouldn't see much action here...just some guy covering up the face of another guy and occasionally the guy on the bottom would jolt. His punches were so close, you couldn't even see them...but there was a lot going on, I was trying to breathe.

He climbed back up to the original position. His knees on my arms, my wrists pinned above my head, and his crotch grinding in my face. He was hard now, his cock had grown over the top of his jockstrap. It was, I recall, a lot softer than his jock...I was getting a little hard too. I'd secretly liked being dominated like this...but I wasn't going to tell him that.

He started talking trash again. "Here's how this is going to go down." [grinding] "I'm going to spend the first round kicking your ass physically. Systematically taking you apart until you can't stand or even sit up anymore. Then I'm going to pin you. [grinding] Then I'm going to strip you. Then, in round two, I'm going to make you wish you hadn't said that shit in your email, and then you're going to get sexually demolished. [grinding continues] After you finally come, I'm going to have my way with your beautiful body. You okay with that?" [grinding] I wasn't answering for obvious reasons. "YOU OKAY WITH THAT?" I could only groan from his weight on my chest. "Oh, is my cock making you feel uncomfortable? Let me make it better..."

He slid down my body again in the other position with his chest/nipples in my face and my arms folded over my head. Now he was rubbing his ass on my cock and periodically punching me in the jaw. This went on for way too long, in my humble opinion. I was completely dismantled and I couldn't imagine what could happen next. But my cock seemed to like it...and so did his.

He finally stopped and got off me, stood up, and pulled me up to my feet by my hair. I was rickety. Standing on my right side, he grabbed my left arm and locked it behind my back. Then he locked his right leg in front of mine and pulled me into him close...effectively removing my right arm from being any help at all. "This is going to hurt you a lot more than it's going to hurt me." And he began delivering blow after blow to my exposed gut. His right arm like a hammer, sometimes driving it deep into my gut, softening my midsection even more than before. He would also caress my chest or rub my crotch occasionally (inside and out of my briefs)...then he'd return to the onslaught. Punch after punch. I grunted with each blow, I could hardly keep my head up.

I faltered and he let me drop to my knees. He then came around in front of me and put my head between his knees, lifting my body up until I was on all fours, then he dropped to the mat, driving my head and body into it. He picked me up again and did the same thing. He must have done that about four or five times. I was dizzy, disoriented, weakened, and regretting the doorbell ringing that started this whole thing.

He picked me up off the mat (again by my hair) and then picked me up like a sack of potatoes and dropped me over his knee ...holding me there in a backbreaker, forcing my head back way too far. Now he had my upper body completely vulnerable and was able to actually start jacking me off underneath my briefs, pinch my nipples, or even suck them...he did that several times. I was very close to coming....but he also used his elbows to continue to pound on my gut and solar plexus which sort of took me out of the mood. After a while, he seemed bored and just dumped me onto the mat face down. I tried to push myself up, but that didn't work because he stomped on my back. "Don't try it," he said.

Try what? I could barely fucking move. I was face down, unable to get up.

He dropped down, laying on top of my body length-wise, and put me in a full nelson then rolled us both over and wrapped his legs around me...squeezing those already bruised ribs and abs. I was groaning...the pain was excruciating. Sensing my weakness, he switched to holding both of my arms with his left arm and rubbed my chest and nipples...punctuated every now and then with yet another blow to my gut or chest. Squeezing off and on, until my body was completely drained.

He rolled us over again and broke the hold. He got up and started strutting around. "Where's the great Destroyer you were talking about? He clearly didn't show up. You're toast, man...stick-a-fork-in-him done." He knelt down and laid across my chest, going for the pin. "One, Two..." and then he lifted my head up. "Oh, so you're not done yet?" He stood up gloating over my defeated body that he was about to continue defeating.

It took a second to get my breath, but in the faintest whisper I said, "Come here." "What? I can't hear you!" "Come...here..." I was able to motion to him to come closer. He bent over to listen. Through gritted teeth, I said, "Fuck you."

Not gonna lie, that probably wasn't the best thing to say at that moment, but there it was. He stomped on me...ALL of me...for a fucking long time. My gut, my arms, my legs, my sides. "You need to show a little respect, 'Rangard the Destroyed.'"

He lifted me up and delivered several knees to my abs. When I finally bent over, he slammed me with his forearm to the mat. Then he picked me up and put me in a crucifix and did small jumps up and down cracking my back in places my chiropractor hadn't been able to do. As I was draped across his shoulders, he managed to reach between my legs with his right hand and start to rub my cock again. I was hanging there, in utter pain but also loving every minute of it.

He kept at it until I was hard, then he dropped me from his shoulders all the way to the ground. Then he did some body drops, flipped me over, and put me in a combination figure-four hold/camel clutch...pulling my head back to try to meet my feet. In the next few minutes, he put me through his entire collection of stretch holds. Holding them long, talking trash, and enjoying the pain (and obvious pleasure) it was causing me.

After what seemed like an hour (but was really only about 15 minutes) he finally body slammed me into the mat, his chest against my chest, and crawled up so our faces were next to each other, wrapping his arms around my neck and my left arm, his legs scissoring my right leg, so that the entire weight of his body was draped over my chest...pinning me. His lips were close to mine, I could feel his breath..."One...Two...Three. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how it's done. Rangard the Destroyed is exactly that....utterly destroyed." He held me in that pin, with his face close to mine, for a while...it was sexy and he was enjoying that part. He released the hold and got up and rang the bell for the end of round one, then he came back to me and stripped me.

I was laying on the mat naked, wondering what the fuck just happened to my evening, when I heard the goddam bell again.

Round 2.

Última edição em 25/6/2021 05:18 por rangard
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Florida Pro (2)

25/6/2021 13:03

Love the false pin. Sexy story! I want more.


rangard (0 )

25/6/2021 14:58

(em resposta à...)

Thanks! I hope they are as much fun to read as they were to write!
