For a number of personal reasons I don't have as much opportunity for matches as I used to. That's mostly on me.

But when I do get the rare chance to meet up with new opponents, I try to share as much information as possible about my interests/styles/expectations....mostly to help determine whether I'm a good fit for a match with them.

So, question for you: How important are "action shots" to you in a person's profile?

By action shots I mean photos or videos of your prospective opponent engaged in a match versus simple profile shots of their body or whatever. Are you more interested in a prospective opponent if they've got some good action shots in their galleries?

Or, maybe they don't matter at all to you. Maybe the number of "past opponents" or "recommendations" are a better gauge for you?

Just curious what people think specifically about action shots.

Última edição em 15/2/2020 22:09 por osakarob
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nu2rasln (42)

15/2/2020 23:10

I personally like to read the recommendations, action shots to me seem to be like they're posed. Pics should be in my opinion stills from action video, it shows you truly were in a match and not just put into a hold.


passermontanus (28)

16/2/2020 05:04

Action pics are cool, and I enjoy them both as a gauge of how much our wrestling style will match, and just as eye candies. So for instance, I'm not into pro but from time to time there are pro action pics that catch my eyes. Then I think to myself, well, these pics are pleasing to look at, but we probably are not going to be a good fit.

Furthermore, I think good action pics can give a very good idea of their preferences, sometimes much better than words. We all say we prefer submission, pro, or whatever style, but oftentimes there are subtle differences even when we are referring to the same style. Action pics can help me decide if his favorite "submission wrestling" is the same thing as what I consider "submission wrestling" to be.


wrestlingkit (126)

16/2/2020 20:07

I really love action pics!!!! And as i do...i try to offer some of them of myself in my prof to future opponents.
And you can get action shots (real ones not posed) in a very easy way....if u film ur matches then you can get action shots directly from the video...
U can get a more complete idea about your opponent if u see him in action....i mean, 1 picture could you u show more than 1000 words.


osakarob (78 )

17/2/2020 18:50

Wrestlingkit has a lot of great action shots in his galleries!


wrestlingkit (126)

18/2/2020 23:07

Thanks osakarob!!
u too!!!!


bigchicago (68)

19/2/2020 15:45

Action shots are relatively low on the list of determining how real a guy is on here. Recommendations, past opponents, in common past opponents, and pictures in general are what I look at. Action shots don't really outweigh any of those (though they are nice to look at).

That being said, red flags do go up when some people have dozens of photos of themselves (shows they obviously like and care about photos) but none are action shots or with others. That's a bit weird to me.


nu2rasln (42)

20/2/2020 01:06

(em resposta à...)

they may not be into wrestling.


bayareawrestler (22)

01/3/2020 23:16

For me i like to view wrestling photos in action major plus.

As for determination of vetting someone i care more about match history vs length of membership. One match in 3 years not good. Reviews are helpful.


fightfan1 (0)

03/3/2020 10:21

That's a GOOD action shot!!!


hellcatedy (47)

06/1/2022 14:51

I think action shots are very important. Posed or not, they do offer a glimpse of what the guy can and can't do.
