This past Thursday night I had the extreme pleasure and honor of meeting two of the most beautiful and talented session wrestlers: Mia Annabella and Megan Jones.

This was for an interview only, because of a neck injury I sustained. Both ladies knew that and Mia especially knew. All three of us had been talking on Twitter a lot since early this year.

When I arrived at their hotel, Megan answered the door and I was immediately stricken but her cordialness and beauty. I introduced myself to her and she seemed genuinely surprised that I would take city transit to come all that was for an interview.

She told me that Mia was still getting ready, so Megan and I chatted for a few minutes about myself, my book on Session Wrestlers I am in process of writing, my job (as I'd come straight from work) among other things.

When Mia came out of the restroom the first thing she did was give me a big hug and said "Hi love, it's nice to finally meet you," We chatted about Portland/Vancouver. When Megan told me that someone told her to check out my hometown she thought Vancouver Canada (common misconception).

Then the interview began, and it was a very fun experience talking with them about their experiences in the session business. My questions were only 8, so I had to make up more on the fly. Which I did, and they both answered them.

When the interview was over I took my leave to go have a smoke. I was joined by both ladies who asked me what my interest in wrestling was. I told them that I too am a session wrestler with a profile on another website. They were perplexed at first until I showed them my profile.

A gleam came into their eyes as they knew guys who'd be interested in doing that where they lived. As I had finished my smoke, Mia looked at me and said something I'll never forget "Wow, you have real pretty eyes. My son's eyes are the same color." What she didn't know then, but now does, I blushed more red than the reddest rose.

It was time to take my leave and both ladies gave me a big hug and told me to get my neck better. I guaranteed them that I would.

So that's my experience in meeting Mia and Megan. I will never forget them, or their kindness. Class acts.

So as far as my book goes I have interviewed the following people (mostly by text or email):

Becca Jaguar - Boxer, wrestler
Julia Regoli - Catfighter, Wrestler
Geri Wrestler - Oil wrestler
Devon D'amo - Wrestler/Boxer
Miami Banks - Wrestler
Megan Jones
Mia Annabella

Última edição em 08/9/2018 21:18 por mikej7777
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your punching bag (0)

14/9/2018 18:03

Would they be interested in participating in this site? This is a free site {as far as I know}

would they do this for free??


mikej7777 (9 )

14/9/2018 19:31

(em resposta à...)

Mia and Megan know about this site because I told them about it.


Pindowntom (1)

22/9/2018 08:29

(em resposta à...)

It has been my experience that no session wrestler does anything for free.


mikej7777 (9 )

22/9/2018 16:24

(em resposta à...)

No they don't. I paid Megan and Mia for their time, more than they wanted as a thank you.

Devon D'amo also was, but the rest were kind enough not to charge me.
