keenomega's blog

Morning workouts

Morning workouts should be a part of my routine if I want to turn back the clock. An hour on the bike or half an hour run/walk. I have enough singlets and cycling gear to last a lifetime, and it would be a waste not to put it to use.

Última edição em 24/5/2019 14:01 por keenomega
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24/5/2019 18:51

i work out most days either 45 minute arm workout and another day i dead lift then 3 classes a week strength class, spin then weight training class.
not one of them go over 45 minutes, hit the gym and never stay there for fucking hours it never helps, a) you hurt yourself,
b) if you train and do not rest it becomes a negative and you end up getting pissed off as you do not see results.
there is no fast tracking in this fitness lark, it takes a steady committed routine and stick at it
