joeran's blog

Cabin in the Woods

Here's another story from my fertile imagination. Enjoy.

It was a five hour drive to the remote cabin that had been in Sam’s family for generations. It was in the middle of a 20 acre lot surrounded by trees. Over the years, it morphed from a rustic cabin with no enmities to an oasis in the woods complete with running water, air conditioning the works. Sam was certain he would have the cabin to himself because his folks moved into a retirement community 2 years ago and his sister didn’t like the great outdoors. He turned onto the gravel road and stopped to unlock the gate. He left it open for his guest who would be arriving later in the day. He pulled his car onto the carport and climbed out. He stretched his slender 6’ frame to work the kinks from sitting for the past 5 hours. As he unloaded the car, his thoughts returned to the last time he and his guest, Ian, were here.
It was 20 years ago, both men were still teenagers and, up to that point, best friends. But that changed when they both fell for the same girl. They came up here to settle who gets the girl. The fight was long and brutal that left both boys bloodied and bruised. It didn’t settle anything because the fight was a draw with the promise of a rematch to really settle the issue. The company that Ian’s father worked for went under and the family moved to another state. The boys vowed one day they would settle this once and for all. The girl in question played both of them against each other for some kind of cheap thrill. Sam didn’t find that out until Ian and his family moved away. About a week ago, Sam got a letter from Ian. The first contact since he moved away. Seems Ian still wanted to fight it out even after all these years. Not one to back down from a fight, Sam called the number Ian sent and the men worked out the details to finish this fight.
Sam unloaded the car and cranked up the AC. He grabbed a beer from the fridge and stepped out onto the front porch. It was a warm late Spring day, so Sam removed his t-shirt baring his smooth thin torso. Even after all these years, he was still thin, just barely 150#. Dressed only his shorts and sneakers, he took a seat on the porch and put up his feet on the rail. He finished his beer and dozed off.
Ian had been dreaming of this day for 20 years. He was, naturally, upset when he had to move before he and Sam could settle their issue. He kind of figured this girl was playing them, but he didn’t care. He had been wanting to fight Sam for years but couldn’t come up with a scenario. He followed Sam’s directions and found the gravel road that led to the cabin. As Sam directed, he stopped and locked the gate behind him. He continued up the road and found a cabin in a clearing just as Sam described. There was a sandy haired man on the porch when Ian pulled in behind the car on the carport. The man stirred as Ian parked his car. Ian opened his door and emerged from his car. He also stretched his 150#, 5’10” frame like Sam did.
Sam heard a car come up the road and rose from his chair. He watched the car park behind his and a red headed man exit the vehicle. He recognized Ian immediately. He stepped off the porch and stopped at the edge of the grass, hands on his hips. Ian climbed out of his car and noticed Sam’s stance. He peeled off his shirt and tossed it in the front seat. He stood at the opposite corner of the imaginary ‘ring’ in the front yard, also with his hands on his hips.
They slowly moved toward each other, arms out in front, palms facing each other. When their hands met, they tightly gripped and pushed against each other. They took this moment to size each other up, again. Like those many years ago, they were still slender with smooth chests and a thin ‘happy trail’ leading into their shorts and hairy legs exiting. The only sound to be heard was the whispering wind in the trees and the grunts from the two combatants. Even the wildlife was silent, as if they were watching the events on the lawn. Sam pushed Ian back until he pinned him against his car. Ian struggled to push Sam off, but Sam pressed his body against him. Ian twisted and turned until he was able to wrench one arm free and lock Sam in a tight headlock. He bent Sam almost double while cranking his headlock tighter. Sam struggled to breath but managed to reach up and grab a handful of Ian’s thick red hair from behind. He yanked Ian’s head backward and they staggered into the yard, away from the car. Sam kept pulling and knocked Ian’s feet out from under him and they toppled to the grass and rolled apart.
Ian scrambled to Sam just as he was about to stand and tackled him back to the grass. Landing on top, Ian locked his hairy legs around Sam’s and tried to bearhug him as well. Since Sam was on bottom, for the moment, he was able to lock Ian in a dual bearhug and grapevine. He snaked one hand around and pushed against Ian’s chin, rolling them onto their sides. This allowed Ian to put an effective bearhug on Sam as well. He grabbed a handful of Sam’s thick brown hair and rolled him onto his back again. Sam used the move to roll them over, so Ian was on the bottom now. On the ground, in a tight ball, locked together in a dual bearhug and grapevine, the two men rolled across the grassy arena. One hand was buried in the other’s thick hair, while the other punched and slapped each other.
After about 20 minutes, it felt longer, the men were sweating profusely, bits of grass and dirt covered their bodies and their holds were getting difficult to maintain. They were on their sides when they stopped rolling and eyes locked and breathing heavily.
“Well, this is getting us nowhere.” Sam gasped.
“No, didn’t. But I have an idea.” Ian said, pushing his crotch into Sam’s.
That’s when Sam realized their cocks were rock hard and pushed back.
“Cockfight.” They both said.
“That’s a great idea! Let’s do it.” Sam challenged.
“You’re on.” Ian agreed.
The two released their holds and stood. They quickly took off their shorts, briefs and shoes. Stepping back from each other a bit, they sized each other up. Now nude, their eyes locked on their throbbing cocks. Both were 6” and cut, Sam’s a bit thicker than Ian’s. They noticed their matching ‘happy trails’ ended in a thick triangle of curly pubic hair, Ian’s dark red and Sam’s brown. Each sported a fat pair of hairy balls beneath. Placing their hands on their hips, they stepped toward each other again. Once they were in range, Sam swung his hips and batted his hard cock into Ian’s. Back and forth the two men swatted their cocks into each other in a fleshy swordfight. They stepped closer and closer until their bodies were pressed together and their hard cocks trapped between two sweaty bodies. As they pushed and shoved against each other across the grass, Sam moved his hands from his hips to Ian’s butt and tightened his grip. Feeling Sam’s hands on his ass, Ian duplicated the move. Each of Sam’s thrusts was met with an equal thrust from Ian. It took a few thrusts before the two got in sync. Their flat bellies slapped together that resounded in the eerily quiet yard. They danced around the grass, thrusting and slapping until Ian’s legs tangled with Sam’s. They toppled to the earth with a thud, but maintained their tight holds this time. Locking their hairy legs around each other, they rolled across the grass. Just like round one, they pulled hair and punched each other as they fought. The difference this time, they rubbed and ground their hard cocks against each other. Their fat purple cockheads were wet and slick with precum, their hairy balls tight against their crotches. Both were close, but neither wanted to be the first to climax. Ian forced a hand between them and tweaked one of Sam’s hard nipples. Sam let out a yell and pinched one of Ian’s nips. Ian suddenly froze. His body wracked as if in pain but felt his throbbing cock spew load after load of hot creamy goo between them. As Ian’s cock erupted, Sam was about to declare victory when his cock suddenly unloaded. Twin geysers of goo spread between the two men as they lay on the grass. As their cocks oozed cum, the two slumped against each other. When they were able to breathe normally again, they staggered to their feet.
“I win.” Sam declared, still gasping for breath.
“Just barely! I demand a rematch!” Ian replied.
“Sure, just not today.” Sam agreed.
“Yeah, ok.” Ian said.
They gathered up their clothes and went into the cabin.
“This is going to be a fun weekend.” Sam stated.
“Yeah, especially when I bring you to a screaming climax.” Ian challenged.
“We’ll see who cums to a screaming climax!” Sam replied.

Última edição em 12/5/2024 21:57 por joeran
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LV1GUY (3)

12/5/2024 22:36

Good story !! I’ve read some of your other stories on another website…. always getting me “hard”. I hope you write a sequel to this one and many more stories.


NoCalWrestlebob (19)

13/5/2024 03:31

Again Joe, very good and hot story, you are very creative and it really felt like I was there as a fly watching the two of them wrestling and fighting so hard and a good outcum as well. Can hardly wait to read the next one.....maybe a continuation of this on in the woods, grass or maybe a jump in the middle of the night in the other room and fight on the bed or floor?
Keep them coming...very well done!!!!


surrey71 (22 )

13/5/2024 15:41

No disrespect but maybe this would be better suited to the stories section of Chatfighters?


Ondra (0)

14/5/2024 01:07

Hezký příběh, jen tak dál!


SeattleFight (468)

15/5/2024 01:04

I wanna do this with an old rival either real or contrived.


daytonwrestler (41)

20/5/2024 14:14

Nice story, Joe! We need to wrestle and maybe recreate.
