fightguy's blog

Just a little honesty???

Just a bit of venting it asking too much for guys to be a bit honest and upfront? Once again, after several emails/messages with a gent, suddenly it's "oh, I'm involved in a relationship, and he/she wouldn't understand" and/or "I'd feel too guilty...blah, blah, blah..." So why even bother with the contact to begin with? If you don't like the pic, if you don't think it's a good match, or you're simply not interested...then simply say so. Aren't we all grown adults...more or less? Sick and tired of these bogus time know who you are! Like I said...just a bit of venting...

Última edição em 12/9/2014 03:54 por fightguy
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Guysmiley (41 )

12/9/2014 15:54

I think it is what I call "wanderlust", see if the grass really is greener on the other side. Maybe they had an argument and go out "grazing" but then reality hits ... but you're right, it's a time waster.

Worse are those who spend time cyber chatting, you set something up, maybe even involving travel, and a week or even a day before, they disappear. Maybe you hear back from them, maybe you don't. Those are my kryptonite.
