I am a musician. We have a shorthand. For instance, "ff" means "fortissimo": play really loud. We'll play quietly if "p" (= piano) is marked. The instruction "sf" (sforzato) tells us to emphasise a particular note.

I'm told that some military musicians used to write " ffss" on their band parts after the last note if a piece finished with a very long, very loud chord. You definitely didn't want to be the only one left blowing when everyone else had stopped! This abbreviation is, however, less official and less known.

FFSS = "for f*ck's sake STOP".

Here at Meetfighters, if we have a visible photo in our profile, we are invited to be part of the peer review process, moderating the photos uploaded by fellow members. I am delighted to do this as I feel it is my opportunity to give something back to our community.

However, I recoil physically and my heart sinks whenever I am asked to moderate yet another photo of someone's prick. Surely you realise such prick-pics will always be rejected as unsuitable for general view?

Please don't submit them. If you really need them, just keep them in your private folder so they won't be sent for review. PLEASE!

Though I am not a military musician, if you are about to post a prick-pic, I urge FFSS.

Última edição em 04/11/2017 21:40 por edscissors
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