denny62 us's blog

favorite wrestlers & video

Just wanted to let everyone know that I was fortunate enough to watch ben skull stephens and davidbuk1 wrestling video, it was fantastic. I really enjoyed it and hope more are planned for the future. I contacted them both and they were gracious enough to reply to me. They are very friendly in their responses and even though we are thousands of miles apart I was so appreciative of the cordialness. I hope to meet up with them some day. Thanks again for all the work.

Última edição em 28/2/2018 02:13 por denny62 us
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30/11/2021 02:22

Contacting those stars of the ring I can't imagine was an easy task. I am sure they were happy to hear from a fan. It is sort of a schizoid situation. You want to meet or talk to celebrities, but at the same time you know that though fans help make a career, they may wish that the need to meet the public is a two edged sword. Still, given what our blogger has reported, these guys were not asking for money to accommodate the solicitor. How different this is from many baseball star these days. Not too many Babe Ruth's around with the right attitude and generosity. So, let's hear it for pro wrestlers, and thanks for the going the extra mile to share with us.
