ME: 4....5.....6.... your breathing gets more normal, our cocks leaking preccum ....7...8...9.... You’re hugging embrace and the kiss on the forehead finishes the count ...10. Match over but you still lay on top of me....
You: I c what he is doing and I don't like it I just lie on him though he's like a big pillow I just lie on u and I wrap my arms around u and don't squeeze but I hug u and whisper in ur ear "thank u " then I look in ur eyes and kiss ur forehead as I lie on ur chest and hug u and look at u I want to fight but I can't so I let u count to 10
Me: The blood and spit makes me realize I have gone too far and I feel bad about this. I have let my dick pay back get to crazy. So I walk over to you and whisper into your ear brother I am sorry. I lie down next to you and pull you on top of me. Your chest on mine stomach on mine you cock and balls on mine your head lying next to mine your just looking me as I count...1....2....3...I am not holding you down at all you are just laying on top of me so i think go myself I won't kick out the only way for me to win is for him to break the pin..
You: I cough up blood and spit that really is bad for me I'm done I can't move or anything he is in control of me now
Me: I stop using my teeth and deep throat your cock one last time ad get off of you. You’re lying flat on your back breathing heavy from the pain and punishment. I step on your junk than your gut walking on you and I step on your chest, I grab your hair pulling you to your feet your are done for you are leaning against me unable to really stand on your own I put you on my shoulders laying across my shoulders I than throw you off my shoulders put up my knees so as you come down you land on both my knees right in your gut.....
You: Ur like so gonna beat me I'm like paralyzed it hurts
Me: you shouldn't have bitten my cock punk, lol. Now you better do something or you may never get the advantage back...?
Me: your kick lands on my chest bouncing off my peck with some affect , but not a lot so you sit on my chest and start throwing haymakers I put up my arms to block most of them but some do get through to contact on my chin.... I let one get through and grab it for dear life rolling at the same time putting your arm in an arm bar twisting your arm underneath me as I stop your offense twisting and scraping your elbow joint across the ground. You roll to your back as I continue to twist and pull on your arm. I sit up one knee into your neck the other I drive into your gut, with your arm under my control I grab your dick and start jerking you off and as I feel your arm start to go limp from the pressure and your yelps of pain I let go of your arm and send a crushing punch to your cock and then I sit on your chest making you unable to move as the pain from your cock burns in your balls and stomach. I put my feet on your arms spread out so you can't move as I bend over and suck on your balls moving up your shaft making the pain go away slightly as your dick gets hard in my mouth but this is what I want and I clam down hard using my teeth as I go up and down your shaft making you feel like a am using a cheese grater on your dick.....
You: I then kick u and get on top of u and start punching u rapidly
Me: Your punch knocks me off of you...
You: Ur on top of me and I punch u in the face
Me: I charge you sending my shoulder into your gut driving you back and into the air slamming you onto your back....
You: I c u and I'm ready to rumble
Me: the kick to the gut stops me in my tracks my hard cock and body lying on the ground naked and I start to get up my gut red and has your foot print on it. I look at my gut with my cock loose and standing tall, getting ready to dominate your cock and balls...
You: Seeing what u did to me I just take off the speedo and I run at u and rip off ur speedo and I kick u in the gut
Me: this is just the beginning I say as you are being pinned. with every count I thrust my hips against yours getting your dick just as hard as mine... 1....thrust and grind...2.....I raise my chest off of yours so that all of my weight is on your gut with my gut and my cock is crushing into your cock my balls rubbing on yours, I grab your hands and put them under you head holding them there with my strong hand with my other hand I grab our speedos and pull down the waist band exposing our cock heads continuing to grind with every count I than slide my forearm onto your chest up to your throat and apply slight pressure just to make it harder to breath...3....4.....5...... our cocks are one completely against each other but I won't let this end so quickly even as your thrusting back at me hoping to get me to cum or maybe that's all you can do to try and break the pin.....6.....7....I get up and leave laying there junk totally exposed for more punishment to it and the rest of your body...
You: It hurts too much he's too good I say I turn onto. My back and look up into the trees but u are lying on top of me face to face chest to chest cock to cock
Me: I continue my attack without pause, I frog splash your lower back causing you to raise your head off the ground. I rotate on top of you and put you in the Boston crab putting more pressure on your back and face as I thrust my hips down and forward to really sit into the move your feet are failing your hand on my arms trying to pull them off your face. I hold you there for several painful minutes than I grab your arms and pull them back putting my foot in between your shoulder blades and pull straight back the other foot standing on your lower back as I pull and push with my arms on your and my foot. Several more minutes of this and I feel my dick getting hard again recovering from your mouth this makes me hornier and reminds me of my dick being in pain from you inserting it into your mouth and biting down. I let go of your arms and push with my foot slamming your chest and face back into the dirt....
You: I fall down then I fall on my face in pain he's gotten better than last time I say quietly
Me: I come at you with a look of pain and suffering that I am going to put on you. we lock up, you struggle to fight against me as I drive you into a tree pinning you against the tree, I grab your hair and pull your head back causing you to reach behind your head trying you loosen my grip but just as you reach back I pull harder distracting you and then driving my own uppercut to your face letting your hair go as to stumble back against the tree setting you up for a huge round house kick straight to your hard gut, you fall to your knees grabbing your gut.....
You: I can't believe I did that I say and I see how mad u are so I'm scared and my defense is up
Me: Oh snap, I cry out and my whole body tenses up as if feel your mouth on my cock but then you clamp down and the pain is unbelievable I stop pleasuring your junk and playing with your crack to throw you off of me as if now grab my cock I pull up my waist band looking for teeth marks thinking I can't believe he just did that! Alright I will get him better guard your cock brother... I am horny and pissed...
You: I feel what Ur doing and I bite Ur cock area!
Me: I can't believe this your cock and balls are in my face I grab your ass and pull my shoulders up forcing my face into your junk licking you cock and balls and asshole through you speedos hoping this will distract you as I take my time letting you face grind into my cock and balls hoping you will return what I am doing to you... but if not that is okay I am just buying some time to recover from your burst of moves as your body slides and grinds against mine...
You: I see Ur junk getting happy so I pull off and lay on u my head to Ur balls Ur head to my balls
Me: I am lying on the ground waiting for your next move trying to fight back from your kick but I don't move fast enough as you jump on my belly landing a frogspalsh from standing over me; you got some air from your jump but only enough to bring back to seeing straight. I expect you to go for the pin and get ready to feel your body slide over mine to start the count but to my surprise you get back up and drop your elbow on my chest.... this aggressiveness turns my cock harder and my balls tighten in excitement...
You: Seeing u on the ground I go for a frogsplash and then an elbow drop
Me: I see you start to get up and ii go for a clothesline, but you duck and hit me with an uppercut, making me stumble a little bit not expecting that but than your kick to the gut lands on my belly button the sole of your foot sinks into my gut just a little bit because I flex as your leg comes off the ground. Nevertheless you timed it perfectly as I drop to my knee doubled over holding my gut and then falling over to my side because of the uppercut making me seeing double for a few seconds...
You: I cool down then get up and c ur cock coming out then I look at u then I charge toward u and duck and do an uppercut to ur jaw then I roundhouse kick ur gut
Me: the count goes 3...4...5... I am move my elbow and slide my armpit over your mouth I stop gut punching you and start slapping your gut giving the worst case of red belly ever. Every time your try to breathe you breathe in and taste me! 6...slap...7...slap...8...slap your arms and legs still failing around and with every slap your arms and legs out straight out from the impact, 9... I give you one last slap and leave imprint of my hand on your belly my palm just over your belly button and just above the head of your rock hard cock that is defined nicely in those red speedos.... but I don't finish the count inside I get off of you and knee you the gut right on your belly button and keep my knee there for a few seconds pushing off of it to stand up causing you to hold your gut and roll around trying to let the cool water stop the burning from the gut punching, slapping and the standing knee..... I grab my crotch and adjust my cock as I walk around you thinking and waiting for you to get up.....
You: I'm like underwater and I don't like it I'm fighting to get u off me but ur to big strong and a stud I can't get u off me
Me: I feel you come to grabbing my chest. I am not sure what your plan is so hit you the gut one last time really hard causing you to lose your breathe and your stomach gets weaker which is always my main goal, weak stomach makes it hard to kick out and come back to pin me ..Plus I love to feel and see my fist sink deeper into your gut with every blow. This has a definite affect as your hold gets tighter hoping to bear hug my chest if think but I don't know so I slam you down on the ground 1... 2... and lift you up to do it again but this time I let your shoulders fall and smack the ground. I put my elbow and push into your face pushing up on the bottom of your nose putting pressure on that pressure point and I put all my weight on your chest causing the water to flow over my back and holding you under water but the water is only like 4 inches deep on the shore/ beach so your kind of getting water boarded because of my elbow on your face... I have no real initiation of pinning you but this pressure torture is really working you over and you are close to releasing your hold on my chest because your arms are flailing all over the place and your legs to so hot and erotic for me to see you struggling it turns me on and so I use my other hand to grab your junk and squeeze just to add a little more to this move...n
You: I get dazed I'm stunned then I feel a wet body on me I grab u while ur hitting me and pull u in like a hug I'm just holding on to u trying to find a plan
Me: I get up quickly as you are getting up from the cold water I round house kick you my foot hitting you on the face causing you to do a 360 before you hit the water again. I see you land and I lay on top of you holding you dazed in the water but not pinning your shoulder because I am holding your shoulders off the ground and I lie on your chest and take my time gut punching you as you come back to seeing straight
You: I get thrown off and into the river I get a cold chill
Me: I let u lay on top of me staring back at u for a few seconds before I throw you off...
You: I see u trying to get up so I lay on top of u chest to chest and looking in Ur eyes
Me: I am slightly winded from the impact but the water helps soften the elbow allowing me to recover nicely as if yet again am laying on my back starting to get up
You: I push u down then elbow drop u while Ur in the water
Me: I let go stumbling from your foot stomp...
You: I scream in pain and as u pull me up I punch Ur gut and stomp Ur foot and make u lose Ur grip
Me: Pulling you up by your hair and your nipples...
You: I charge you tripping you making you fall down I grab both your nipples and twist them in opposite directions....
Me: I look at u and u look at me
You: Don't need to see it, it’s outlined perfectly...
Me: The water makes me more awake now and u can't see past my dark red speedo so u can't c my cock
You: The water is a just cold enough to makes nip out, our tight Speedos clearly showing our rock hard cocks
Me: We both roll in different directions and get our whole body's wet
You: The water makes break our hold of each other...
Me: We keep on rolling and we end up rolling down a hill and we just keep rolling till we hit a river
You: We are rolling on the ground our legs and bodies intertwined trying to gain the up hand
Me: I tackle u and Ur already sweaty body and I take u down
Yuri gets up prepared to be tackled by you...
You: Dang I say
Me: I land just barely catching myself soften the landing like I was doing I push up landing on my hands and feet on the ground.
You: I side step out of the way and watch u fall
ME: Perfect you look up and see my flexed body flying through the air. Do you move or let my body slam into your chest hopefully propelling you to land on the ground on your back with me landing on top of your chest...
You: I hear u so I stop right in front of the tree u are hiding behind
Me: I hear you coming I tense up my body getting ready to pounce from the tree branch hoping to land a cross body block on you.....n
You: I'm walking through the woods in my red speedo looking for the fighting area
Me: I am hiding in the woods with my tight blue Speedos, the kind with my ass exposed waiting for you to show up

Última edição em 12/6/2014 00:23 por commandertc
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