Me: 9....oh God I am going to cum but I hold back as i count off ...10. You feel my body against yours jolting and you thrust your hips up but its too late, match over, but your last minute thrusts just sent me over the edge I cry out in loud moans and I stretch your arms out to your side putting on my weight on you as i arch my back and blow all over your speedo . I feel great but horrible because I know that's not what you thought would happen so I am careful not to get any of my load on your bare skin as i get off of you and roll on my back next to you unable to stand up.
Me: Tree to finish you off with not one but two frogsplashes, the most beautiful ones yet in our epic matches I land both times with such impact the ground you are laying on vibrates from my body on yours you are done I can feel it as your gut can't even support mine as lay on top of you from the second splash. It sinks to the ground you barely able to exhale I rotate my body so yet again my naked rock hard Cock is on top of yours stomachs together chest against yours I grab your arms stretched them out behind your head and slowly grind and thrust my junk against yours as I count..1....2...3...4...5...6...7...8
You: I'm finished I think ugggh
Me: The length of this pin is getting the best of me as my now twitching Cock is free to move as you thrust up your hips knowing I won't go beyond your limits so by the time I get to nine I am about to lose my load all over your Speedo with your hard Cock being contained. I break the pin and pull you up by your hair scoping your weak body up and body slamming you on the ground. Followed by gut kick, chest kicks, kicks to the head, and a massive leg drop to your chest finishing you off with not one but two elbow’s straight to your gut. Setting you up for my frogsplashes this time i find a good high
You: I feel ur hot body and dick against me but I can't move as u get up to 9
Me: I should have pinned your arms I think to myself as i am on top of you
Me: I try to capitalize on you laying there so i get up off the stupid tree and fall down on your stomach with my Cock and balls against your speedo chest to chest just laying on top of you knowing that you may kick out since I took so long to cover your sweaty body with my now naked sweaty body the movement of our stomachs and chest raising and falling causes my dick to grind into yours as I count...1....2....3...4....5....
You: Seeing ur naked body I want to get up and go pin u but I'm to weak to move so I just lie there in my speedo
Me: As I bend your over my shoulders, your pulling on my tight shorts I squeeze my ass cheeks together to stop the pain and to my delight you are pulling so hard that you actually ripe them right off of my body my Cock springs loose and my balls tightened as my cock bounces off my stomach which is going in and out with every breathe but since this is the woods, not a ring your move causes me to lose my footing and I drop you onto your back with me landing my back on your gut. My exposed butt hits the ground harder than I can deal with. I grab my tailbone and can't even pin you as you lay there laid out from the impact. I see an opportunity to hit my finisher so I climb onto a fallen tree and line myself up to frogsplash you. But I am not having any luck with these woods because the log I climbed onto breaks sending me straight down onto my own gut. I am pissed and on my knees holding my gut laid over the log that broke my fall causing my gut to weaken more.....
You: I'm lying over ur shoulders arms dangling but I get the idea!! While u picked me up I grab ur speedo and yank on them giving u a wedgie!!
Me: by 5....6... your cock is twitching ..7...your arching your back trying not to loose your load...8.... but I know that is past your limits so at 9... I break the pin and pull you up by your hair.. you are whelmed by the feelings in your pants and can barely stand as I put you on my shoulders and rack you causing your body to jolt into pain as I bend your body over my shoulders...
You: I'm weak and tired because that just happened I hear him say 5....6....7....8....9 what do I do?!
Me: you pin my chest with yours and start to count..1....2....3....4.... I break the pin by grabbing your cock and start to jerk you off. you say you don't like it but your cock tells me something different. I squeeze the crap out of your balls causing you to roll off my chest onto your back as I roll on top of you still holding your junk and start my own count...1.....2.....3....4.....
You: I see u struggling beneath me so I just jump on top of u chest to chest and try another pin
Me: I grab your foot flexing my abs as you jump up and down on my gut, I am moaning and grunting with every little impact as you finish by putting both feet on my gut, all your weight is on me now I am struggling as my face turns red to keep my abs flexed......
You: I then step on ur gut putting all my weight on
Me: my gut absorbs your kick, you need to punish my hard gut a lot more with more than just a kick i think to myself grunting from your barefoot landing on my gut.
You: I was so dam close I yell!! Ull pay as I stand up and kick ur stomach
Me: you hit my stomach with your elbow right on my belly button, I grunt out loud from the impact. My nuts have dropped out of my stomach, since your punch was so unexpected and perfect. I feel you on my chest, thinking to myself I am going to wait until 7 to throw him off of me and break the count. But thAN YOU GRAB MY junk and squeeze bringing back the pain from your punch. I cry out in hot erotic pain as it hurts but its a good hurt as my cock grows to full girth all seven inch throbbing in your hand. you count 1....2....3....4...5.....6.....7..... and the junk grab was a good strategy because I can't seem to get my legs to stop twitching my your junk grab since you have started to jerk me off now you continue to count.....8.....9..... and it registers with me that I am about to lose. I won't go down without a fight bro and I kick my legs causing your chest to come off of mine just enough for me to lift my shoulder breaking the pin.....
You: I then drop an elbow on ur stomach then I garb ur ball sack and go for a pin
Me: I drop to the ground as you release your bear hug on me. I still have you in a choke from the front. I see your arms swinging hit my body , my sides , chest , legs whatever you can but I can feel you having trouble breathing , but just as I think I have the upper hand you use your remaining strength to pull out some endurance, from our last couple of matches you have enough built up to make it through this hold for sure! you swing hard and land a punch exactly on my junk, hitting my balls and hard with your fist. I immediately release the choke, moaning and wincing in pain as I feel the impact all the way up to my stomach. its a great shot and puts on the ground laying on my back holding my cock and balls just rolling back and forth from side to side......
You: Being not able to breath I let go and claw at ur arms to get off me so I start throwing wild punches hope one hits ur cock
Me: as you keep holding me up and squeezing I know that I can't let you keep me here for long I wiggle and struggle to get my hands free from being trapped at my sides, I get them free but it back fires on me because now you have more leverage to really bear hug me good. I am starting to feel it now as sweat drops off my brow onto your chest... I bring my arms up over your head bringing them down to your neck and start to choke you out, who is going to release there hold first me or you...
You: Just keep on holding on to ur hot sweaty body with my dear life holding to get some ideas but I'm drawing a blank!!
Me: I feel you bear hugging me but its not very effective since my body is at 100% my gut is still hard as my cock is and I am still shocked I made it to 7....
You: He gets to 7 then I shake him off me and my junk then I grab him around the chest like a hug and just squeeze stalling to find out what I can do
Me: I go for a hot erotic lazy pin as you hit the ground after the gut stomp you are laying there slightly weakened but nothing compared what you have taken in the past..i am thinking maybe he didn't come to put up a fight so I from standing over you do a mini frogspalsh basically doing a belly flop on your stomach and with one hand on your junk and the other on your chest I start to count ..1...2....3.....4....
You: This is a one sided match it seems like I'm trying everything in my power to get up but he won't let me do anything
Me: I let you out of the hold and stomp on your back between your shoulder blades as you try and get up very slowly because your chest and pecs are on fire. After the stomp to your back you bounce off the ground rolling over and arching your back at the same time. I stomp you in the gut you arch your back..
You: This guy is not letting up on me I grumble to myself as I feel him get hard on me it makes me get harder
Me: you are still screaming in pain but we are in the woods and your scream only cause me my cock to get hard as I come up behind you and put back in the full nelson pushing you to the ground laying on your back with my junk on your back, legs spread out so you can't throw me off. I am grinding my junk against your back and pushing your body to the limits.
You: There is nothing I can do I think as all I can do is scream
Me: I push on your back pulling your arms back even further really pulling on your chest and pecs.
Me: I release my hold but keep control of your arms and put my bare foot in between your shoulder blades and extend your arms behind you while your still on your knees....
You: I'm screaming in pain now
Me: I kick your knees from behind causing you to fall on your knees, giving me more leverage to really pt the pressure on you...
You: I can't move now ur in control of me
Me: you are wrenching on my arm I throat chop you to get you to release my arm. you drop my arm and grab your throat letting me put you in a full nelson putting the pressure on you hardcore....
You: I'm grunting in pain but I twist around and i put u in a reversal
Me: you back up letting out of the tree, alright that's nice of you. I lock up with you again spinning you around puting you into the same tree but I stay pressed against your body, just to throw you off your game. you push me off and I am waiting for this as I grab your arm and put in a standing arm bar..
You: I release the hold to c what u got
Me: both struggling to get the upper hand but your a little taller than me so you use that to your advantage and push into a tree with a fork in the trunk bend me back into that fork exposing my body to you, are going to release your hold or use this position to get on top...
You: I lock up with u and we are circling each other
Me: this only makes my cock get harder and I charge you to lock up....
You: I'm seeing u eyeballing me and I'm showing off to u now
Me: I eye you up getting my lay of the land for my use to destroy you. I circle you while you are stretching waiting for my chance to attack, stretching is a thing for the weak minded and weak bodied, this fits you well ....

Última edição em 02/6/2014 05:17 por commandertc
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