commandertc's blog

read from the bottom up. first of three matches with one of my favorites.

Me: I see you are done. you are laying in the middle of the ring breathing heavy and unable to move... it’s time for my finisher but I want to you feel me impact your gut sending the feeling of the impact from your head to your toes, I don't mess around I climb to the top rope. Line myself up on you perfect and give you a frogsplash landing perfectly timed so I impact as you are breathing out knocking the wind out of you even more. I land and bounces off your gut from such high of an impact. I grab my gut wincing in pain and the crowd chants one more time. You are so beyond done you can't even resist but lay there and picture my body flying through the air landing on you.. Please pin you whisper and I respond okay but one more. I go to the opposite corner from before an give you another frogspalsh.. I bounce off of you again and your toes curl from the impact. I crawl over to you and lay my entire body on yours. Crotch to crotch stomach to stomach chest to chest and the ref counts 1....2....3... Match is over but I continue to lay on top of you soaking up the moment. I get off of you once my boner goes away and this pisses you off but the crowd loves it and you still are recovering from the last frogsplash..
You:I'm totally wiped out and just want u to pin me
Me: as you stand up i come up and wrap my arms around you and squeeze you so hard in a bearhug you cry out for mercy but i keep squeezing the ref holds up your arm and it falls once, twice but before he can do it again i give you a belly to belly suplex. You land in the middle of the ring as i grin knowing your done but now i want to prolong your pain and humiliation. i pick u up by your hair and give not one but two german suplexes.....
You: Weak from exhaustion I know what is next as I barely stand up his finisher is coming
Me: i see my opening as you get up i rush you locking you in a headlock and twisting you to the ground i am tightening down on you as you are losing the ability to breathe. i release the headlock and you flop down reaching in the air to try and catch your breath but i grab your arm and twist it behind you driving my knee into your arm multiple times laying out your arm to your side you on your gut already from the pain and i do an elbow drop on your arm. You roll over to try and shake it off but i was hoping you would do this as i am already set up for another elbow drop to your chest followed by a frogsplash to your back as you roll away from me .
Me: i feel you grab my leg and think now he’s weak not expecting you to go for a pin, you get two again but i kick out with much more energy breaking the pin and allowing me to get up as you are thrown off.
You: I'm in pain and it really hurts but while ur still down I crawl over and grab ur left leg and go for the pin

ME: not expecting to attack from the ground I sweep your legs as you step off of me and you crash to the mat hard lying flat and landing on your back and shoulders causing you to grab your lower back as you arch up from the mat from the impact..

You: Not knowing what to expect I stand there and tighten up waiting for the hit
Me: I am still not letting you get more than a two count even when you cheated, this frustrates you leaving you open for my counter attack...
You: drop down to try to pin me but I kick out at 1..2..
You: your kick lands right on my chest, you circle to the other side to give me another than you move down to my gut. Driving your heel into my gut and leaving it there stepping on me putting the other foot right on my crotch before stepping off on the other side of my body..
You: I get off u but I kick u while ur down
You: the ref warns you again to let me out of the corner so you step towards the middle of the ring, I fall to the mat on my knees you see this and pull me down to my back and lay on top of me for the pin, an early win maybe is what you’re thinking. I feel you on my chest as you press your chest into mine it feels so heavy I can barely breathe. The ref counts 1..2... I am trying to kick out but you have my arms pinned to my sides but the ref notices your legs are propped on the ropes ... cheater the crowd yells at you as you get up off me but only after like a five count just to piss off the ref and the crowd more..
You: Not knowing what to do now I'm confused
Me: I feel your body pressing against mine holding me up against the post, I am hard already but it has no effect on you as your push into me more. the ref tells you to back off so you do back up but you turn your back to me and drive your but into my gut holding me there once again, I am struggling to stay on my feet now.
You: I got u cornered right where I want u
Me: I wasn't expecting that and your knee drills me solid driving back into the post...
You: Then I grab ur neck and knee ur gut
Me: I flex as you hit me so it doesn't go to deep into my gut I still let out a moan.
You: Dang he's good I say I tackle u and get u up the ropes and punch u in the gut
Me : you come at me again wanting me to meet your chest to chest so you can bump me off balance but instead I slap your chest so hard that you stumble backwards holding your chest , you look at your beat red chest as my hand print is clearly seen over your nipple and pec muscle...
Me: I meet you in the middle chest to chest and I push into you throwing you off balance...
You: I'm walking toward u starring into ur soul
Me: we eye each other up and I fake a couple of attempts to lock up but I back up towards the ropes..
You: Come into the ring and get ready punk..
Me: I am walking around the ring flexing for the crowd and making sure you cant surprise me again...
You: I'm on the way to the match
Me: I am waiting in the ring for you.

Última edição em 28/5/2014 05:47 por commandertc
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