bailey's blog

Demise of Globalfight, and no, this is NOT an April Fool

Those of you who are also members of Globalfight may have noticed that over the past couple pf days the site has not been operational. I know Gary, the guy who ran the site, and consider him a friend. I contacted him to ask what the problem was. He tells me he has been in dispute with the company who host the site for some time and the issue came to a head when he said he wanted to give two weeks' free membership during the Covid-19 isolation period. The hosting company refused and took over the site. The old site can now be accessed at a new address: Gary is moving his business in a new direction which he describes as 'musclebear daddy' and he will have a new site soon.

In fairness to Todd and Bill at Globalfight, this is what they have to say:

"Todd and I have been a part of GlobalFight for over two decades. Over time the principal of GlobalFight has moved the site further away from being a mens sport site. This has been very disappointing to many of you and to Todd and me. The domain is blocked by many businesses using firewalls. This has been disappointing to us but unnecessary as we wanted a wrestling site. During this trying time emotions have escalated and the site principal has severed ties with us to go his own way and we are continuing to operate the personals as a True Wrestling site."

I am aware that there has been some 'bad blood' over the years between Meetfighters and Globalfight (the April Fool 'joke' of a few years back being a particularly sorry episode). I never understood what that was about, there was plenty of room in the market for both sites and their different approaches. I personally have no stake in either business and I am passing this message on simply as a service to members here. If you comment on this post, please be respectful. Thanks. Stay safe.

Última edição em 01/4/2020 18:33 por bailey
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muscbull (13 )

01/4/2020 18:18

Thank you Bailey
I’ve enjoyed Global Fight over the years and although still a supporting member I must admit I prefer Meetfighters
Due to a glitch in the system I’m not yet able to donate to Meetfighters but once that is corrected I will support both sites


ukrassler (57)

02/4/2020 00:35

I was a paying member of Globalfight until a few years ago. I began having problems when browsing the site, as a message would appear saying I had exceeded my daily allowance. I wrote to Admin telling them I was a paying member, and should have unlimited browsing. They replied that my browser was outdated. I told them that the message didn't say that, and they then became abusive. I told them there was no need to be abusive, and they said I had started it! I decided not to renew my membership when it expired.


wildwooly (16)

02/4/2020 00:45

for people who want to get on the site it is now men wrestle
it uses your global fighters log in and pin.


ChiFight (6)

02/4/2020 03:12

I was on there when the site began but closed my membership a few years ago when the number of people there fell off so much I basically stopped getting messages, and with their chat time and message limits it got to the point where I no longer even bothered to check for weeks on end.

One big mistake I felt they made was limiting you to two messages a day with that two hour chat limit. I know I was a way to try and twist your arm into paying a subscription fee, but with other sites like MF out there, and many members on mare than one, the limits weren't stopping you from chatting with people. They only made you use sites like MF instead.

It would have made way more sense to give you unlimited messages and chat, to keep members combing back daily, and try to make money in other ways (like the videos, etc) but they did it in a way that made them go from the primary site for most people, to an after-thought, the way they shook you down and whittled down their own membership with their business model.

Essentially Globalfight was the MySpace and Meetfighters was the Facebook. One had a MAJOR head start no one could touch, but the other adapted and evolved in smarter ways, more quickly, while the other stubbornly stuck to their guns well after their decline was evident and most their membership had moved on.

It's not surprising and I don't think many people will care at this point.


Andi2 (3)

02/4/2020 07:15

Good riddance to it . I was on there for a hot minute and it was not easy to navigate .They applied too many restrictions, and set up too many limitations. It was a horrible experience. They couldn't hold a candle to Meet fighters , on many levels.


Heel bait (3 )

02/4/2020 12:41

Much like Ukrassler, I also had issues of abuse with GF. They had removed my profile, admittedly I did use rather offensive language, but they would not allow me access to my profile so I could properly delete. I had photos attached, and I no longer wanted to be a member. I was very respectful and asked that I have access just for the reason of deletion, and that they could give me a specific time to do so. Bill’s response was “no! This would be no different than an abused spouse saying that they won’t do it again. You are a disrespectful (insert f bombs and other foul language) and don’t contact me again!!!” I felt that was uncalled for. Anyway, MF is way better in my opinion. Plus GF was really becoming more about gay porn than wrestling. I’d say 90% of the users I encountered wanting nothing to do with wrestling, and everything to do with sexual favors....some even expecting payment for such things!!


FighterBA (43 )

02/4/2020 17:47

Meetfighters: A site mainly for male wrestlers -and not other things- where you feel that is necessary to put some little money (projected in global scale) to maintain operational a great site.

Global: Gain, gain, gain, business, business, business, make your customers bleed money! This is a business, you know! You are mine!



toolz (0)

02/4/2020 21:46

Actually, the split did not occur as a result of Bill and Todd refusing to give 2 weeks of freedom to all members. It did occur because Gary demanded that no unpaid members be able to use the site any longer. Bill and Todd refused that demand. The fact that Gary told his buddies something different sheds some light on the kind of person Gary [Admin Edit #S54795: removed full name] is.

So, if you did not like sleazy porn and Gestapo tactics with members, they are gone. And, good riddance!



bayridgefighter (3 )

03/4/2020 06:30

Thank you Todd for fiilling us in what has been going these past few years with GF.s And now things have come to a head all because of this covid 19 situation and more if not all people staying in now. Well if that's how Gary reacted 2 you and Bill's sug-gestion of giving two weeks of free access to the whole site🤔. Maybe you should have said " hey Gary, this would have been a gresture under the cloak of humanitarianism to give these two free weeks of full access. Maybe it could "entice" more non-paying members to become members when they see the variety of both wrestling and fetish kinky p***. It comes to my memory. They've been free access over the past five years since I've been non-paying member and that got me to say let me support Globalfights. So that's what the split was all about. Well their are other differences between meetfighters and GFs..for one I and many other guys tell me they appreciate the freedom of posting any fotos photos that Meet Fighters would deem as being suggestive.. Which have gotten them frustrated with meetfighters and so they left and stay with global fights.1 but I stayed and continued to support MF.. Well I say when in Rome do as the Romans. I tell my friends there's value in both these sites and you can still communicate which is what it's all about to communicate and engage in combat. And not right now until we can all pound to submission and annihilate this virus. So I say to my friends don't complain about the cards being misshuffled for us but be wise enough to learn how to use it to your advantage like the old philosophers would say... so it's no big deal but it's frustrating to trim your photos make sure you have one foot on the floor and one on the bed while your seemingly making out. And what and other television shows from the 50s make sure the wife and husband sleep in separate beds no no it's a no no king size mattress for the both of them. My God that's why Gomez and Morticia Addams have to separate nail beds and not a joint one so they can enjoy the Pleasure and Pain of each other and the nails anyway good luck with the schism and will still support Global fights nevertheless yep we work out the glitches all the best to you both Global fights n M Fighters and let's support them keep this site going we appreciate both your group's thanks again good luck Todd


nightstranger (56)

07/4/2020 17:54

I have no ill will to global or what was global. That's where i began my wrestling odyssey but as time went on and the advent of meetfighters superior website I essentially migrated and ignored my global profile. I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and check in more to see if things are getting any better.
