I’m absolutely gutted, I’m currently out of action for the foreseeable future. Due to an accident I’m out with broken ribs. I’m so sorry to the guys I had to cancel on, I hope we can reschedule.
I’m so upset, I had some great matches in the pipeline and now have to wait to heal - god knows how long I’ll be waiting.

Última edição em 05/8/2019 10:54 por Wrestle in london
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Silverlink2 (28)

10/8/2019 15:25

Gutted for you mate but at least you have a genuine reason to cancel. Half the time people don’t have a decent reason! I’m glad I got in before it happened and I’ll crush you again when you’re fighting fit!


surrey71 (21 )

06/8/2019 21:22

Take time to heal fully. I picked up an injury, fought too soon afterwards and regretted it! I can only say what everyone else has and wish you a speedy recovery!


Wrestle in london (15)

06/8/2019 21:23

(em resposta à...)

Thank you mate, don’t worry I won’t rush back


Wrestle in london (15)

07/8/2019 08:21

(em resposta à...)

I’ve been genuinely touched by the responses on here and by the many guys who have sent me messages off the back of the blog post. I really do appreciate it, thanks guys


hephaestion2014 (47)

06/8/2019 21:06

Feel your pain mate. Ribs ate tricky painful things. Little tip, make sure you don't get a cold. Sneezing and broken ribs are not a good combination.

It does take time. It took me a while to recover and have to admit I'm still a bit rib-shy when wrestling.

Take your time to recover, the opponents who are really worth it will be there when you return..


Wrestle in london (15)

06/8/2019 21:20

(em resposta à...)

Yeah, my brother in law is a doctor so he’s given me all the tips (hold a pillow against your chest when you sneeze or cough to cushion the strain) but I’m just so frustrated. I hate cancelling on people!


Submission Guy 82 (55 )

06/8/2019 17:59

Awww dude so sorry to hear that! I feel your pain, my broken jaw has had me out of action for ages!! Sending bearhugs buddy!!


Wrestle in london (15)

06/8/2019 20:48

(em resposta à...)

I’m just so fed up!


Transatlantic (47)

06/8/2019 04:59

Get better soon! You need to heal and I’m sure you’ll be back in the game in no time!


Wrestle in london (15)

06/8/2019 11:28

(em resposta à...)

Thank you mate, and sorry to cancel on you.


FerrelFighter (41 )

06/8/2019 02:14

I know the pain of bruised or broken ribs. I've experienced it myself more than once. Best wishes to you for a quick and full recovery. Don't jump back in before you are truly healed. The wait is worth the reward to get back in the game.


Wrestle in london (15)

06/8/2019 11:28

(em resposta à...)

Thank you, it’s just so frustrating


Shadow Knight (78 )

05/8/2019 20:30

Health is more important than wrestling, get well soon. We will all still be here when you come back


Wrestle in london (15)

05/8/2019 20:34

(em resposta à...)

Cheers dude


duel action (18)

05/8/2019 15:27

That happened to me some years ago and as you say very frustrating and painful.
However, it does heel and you'll be back on the mats as soon as the bones knit together


Wrestle in london (15)

05/8/2019 16:07

(em resposta à...)

Thank you, I know it’s just a frustrating waiting game
