Stephenphoto's blog

There are two new (FREE) pro style matches now up on my Watchfighters page.

There are two new (FREE) pro style matches now up on my Watchfighters page.

When answering an ad on Meetfighters for a match (read my blog for full story), agreeing to it with the advertiser, then booking the venue, cause he couldn't. I then changed my shifts at work to accommodate this agreed match, travelled three hours to the venue, and the advertiser didn't bother to turn up at the agreed time, or bother to let me know and still hasn't to date.

But he found time to block me on Meetfighters !

So I had to improvise a couple of matches at very last minute.

Here are a couple of free to view matches, a very light hearted look after the non appearance of who I now know to be a repeated no shower.

1. The Dummy v The Mask. With no possible chance of getting a last minute, very late notice opponent, The Dummy stepped up for a match v The Mask.

2. Invisible Man v Stephen. You can’t grab what you can’t see, and Stephen is about to find out the hard way.

Última edição em 13/7/2024 17:30 por Stephenphoto
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