SilverFoxFight's blog

Remembering my first "fight friend," Roy from GB

It was dark and lonely in my one bedroom apartment in Caldwell, New Jersey back one evening in the late 1990's. I was going through an unwanted divorce, was losing my job and my mother had just passed away...and I had purchased my first laptop computer with internet access (via telephone, buzzing and whirring modem and all!). At the time, AOL had interest or chat groups and I found one called "WrestlingM4M" and not soon after a website called "Takedown." It amazed me to discover that I was not the only man in the world with "fighting" interests later in life (I was in my forties at the time).

I cannot even remember my "handle" back then nor can I remember that of the gentleman who introduced himself as "Roy" from a small village in Northeast England. He was older than I, and single and, as I later found out, handicapped. Unlike myself, Roy had some wrestling experience and would even pay guys to come to his flat and wrestle with him (something I would never do myself...but it was tempting!). In a sense, Roy became my hero, trying to live out his fantasies, such as I did not have the nerve to even attempt in the real world. Here was someone who had overcome not only his reticence to meeting strangers to fight to the best of his ability but had also did not let physical handicaps hinder him.

We talked a lot, late at night, even for me in the United States, much later for Roy and not just about wrestling but about our fears, our disappointments and about our hopes for the future. He told me about his faith in God, though confused at is mine...Roy's faith was very real.

One day, Roy passed away. A memorial was put up for a while on the internet but has, to my knowledge, long since been taken down. My buddy had lived the life of "quiet desperation" that the poet had described. I often wish I could have been with him when he passed on.

As for me, over sixteen years have come and gone quickly since those events. I have moved to a different city, remarried (happier this time) and changed careers. I finally found a "real" fight bud sometime in 2000 and loved it. Why did I wait so long? (well, that's another story!).

Today, I have have many wrestling and boxing friends in the real world and the potential of many others.

But there was only one Roy.

Rest in Peace my friend...I'll be seeing you again.


Photo: after one of my first matches, 2004

Última edição em 06/7/2016 22:19 por SilverFoxFight
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Chris55 (2 )

06/7/2016 22:52

Thanks for posting the story....


SilverFoxFight (37)

07/7/2016 00:06

(em resposta à...)

You are welcome, Chris


countryfighter (29)

07/7/2016 02:47

Thanks guy...nice to remember that people are more than pictures and print


Snakee (4)

07/7/2016 07:08

Nice story. Thanks for posting. I bet we chatted in those AOL days. Your story is probably similar to many. Tell me, does your new wife know/allow/approve?


SilverFoxFight (37)

10/7/2016 18:19

(em resposta à...)

Yes she does and that's a big help but I do keep some limits.


Sparrhawk (9)

10/7/2016 04:06

Nice story. Thanks for sharing. It's great to know there are other guys who enjoy a good wrestling match.


osakarob (78 )

29/12/2019 19:15

Very thoughtfully written tribute.

"Why did I wait so long? (well, that's another story!)."

Like any great've left your audience wanting more.


nu2rasln (42)

30/12/2019 03:13

I am glad to personally know Silverfoxfight (Deano) I can give no better recommendation than to say that if you want a great match with lots of given n take, submission or otherwise, Deano is the man to meet up with. Hit him up for some boxing as well, he would enjoy that as well. I have known him for over 12 years. Never disappoints.
