"Zootopia" was a 2016 cartoon. In the language of cartoons and in a manner that was accessible to children and adults alike, it explored themes about racism, prejudice and the difficulties of building an open society. It also included enough jokes just for the adult audience to keep it funny and entertaining the entire time. The eternally optimistic vision being, if anthropomorphic animals of all sizes and habits can co-exist, then perhaps us humans might too, someday.


Última edição em 02/11/2020 22:38 por SileX
Link Permanente



newzealander (21)

02/11/2020 22:14

powerful and lovely , thnak you


privateguy55 (40)

03/11/2020 00:20

Love the sentiment expressed.....


Raywrestle (8)

03/11/2020 00:56

Excellent advice!


NJWoodbridge (141)

03/11/2020 02:55

GREAT!!! Thanks for sharing!


rsl4fun (44)

03/11/2020 04:10

The original Star Trek TV show was ahead of it's time in showing multiple ethnicities, races, working together with mutual respect. We now have motion sensors to open doors, laser weapons, a medical device similar to a tricorder, maybe mutual respect for all is next? Anyway, great drawing, and great thoughts as always SileX.


SileX (204 )

03/11/2020 07:38

(em resposta à...)

Perhaps that is why I cannot stomach Star Trek Discovery, the new series. It too has multiple ethnicities and motion sensors and lasers, but otherwise it is Star Trek in name and some visual representations only. I'll rant another time :)


NJWoodbridge (141)

03/11/2020 15:24

(em resposta à...)

And we have screens on walls and hand held communicators. BUT when are we going to get transporters? I want those 100 million engineers around the world who are working on making the next "phone" sparkle 0.00001% more to start working on transporters instead. (To help with global warming, of course).


wrestlme37 (22)

03/11/2020 04:28

Great job!! I have really been enjoying your art.


bcgrapple (2)

03/11/2020 05:21

Love the drawing love the quote so powerful love zootopia and it’s message as well

Nicely done


SileX (204 )

03/11/2020 07:41

Big THANK YOU to everyone who commented and rated today and through my Inktober efforts. While I failed Inktober this year, didn't post something new every day, I had fun failing and I hope you had some too.



05/11/2020 19:55

YOU and your art are a Gift to all of us.

Thank you SileX!


jobberasian (27)

06/11/2020 00:18

For me, when I have any matches through meetfighters, I'm always still happy win or lose. Is this different for others? I didn't think people would be deeply disappointed from losing (as conveyed by this great drawing).


Tigerrific (127)

07/11/2020 21:41

I like the emotions you've captured on his face, very accurate and expressive!


bnjifghtr (2)

02/1/2021 20:34

Great life lesson
