I wrestle a lot of guys, many are "one and done" matches. Some are semi regular like "Michael" or "Stanley". And then there are others I only see once or twice a year. One guy in particular I will call "Guido", because he is a nicely muscular, strong, Italian guy about my age. He is not on any of the wrestling sites, but rather someone who responded to my Craigs List ad a few years ago. Since then I have only heard from him about a couple times a year even though he is only an 18 minute drive from my house.

The ritual that I have with him is the same each time. It's usually a Sunday evening after dark. I check my email and see his name pop up on an email in my inbox. When I see his name, I know he's home and wants me to come over. The first time we met, he came here, but since then I have gone to his place. But anyway, when I see the email, he simply asks how it's going. This is a mere formality, I know he wants to wrestle so I immediately respond and offer to come over. A few minutes later I will get another message telling me to come over. I quickly get a couple things together and hop in the car and text him.."I'm on my way". He responds with "please call when you get here".

After the 18 minute drive, I come to his street. It's a dead end in a very wooded section of a small suburb north of Providence. Anyway, I drive up the street and come to the end. He lives in a studio apartment on top of a garage. He always asks me to not use the driveway but a small field next to his apartment. It's a bit creepy, but intriguing. I call him as I pull up, he just says "come on in". I walk in the pitch black night up to the garage steps and halfway up, a light comes on. I get to the door and let myself in. Here's where it gets interesting. He is always ready, he's pushed back the furniture, got a comforter on the floor, and the lights are all off except for his tv and some candles he has lit. He is also sitting waiting for me ready to go, oh, and he's buck naked. I say very little, just short "hi, nice to see you" blah, blah, and I immediately disrobe. Once I am "ready", I just go to the floor where the comforter is and get on my knees, he gets on his knees. The whole thing is both creepy and cool.

Now the action begins. Guido is very strong. He works out religiously and he works in construction. He immediately gets me pinned and is sitting on me, sometimes on my face. I manage to squirm out usually only to find myself sniffing his privates again and again. I get a few breaks only to find myself being sat on most of the time. There is one drawback with Guido. He seldom lasts more than 25 minutes when we wrestle. I can always tell when he's running out of steam. When he has me in one of his face sitting holds, he starts going for my manhood. I feel the old rod of mine being yanked. At that point I try to draw it out a little more. I try harder to pull away and pin him down, usually to no success. I only find myself back under him with him grabbing. I then decide to tap, then after sitting and catching our breath, we do what a lot of guys do when wrestling, we climax. I will let you use your imagination on that one.

Afterwards, I go into his bathroom and shower the whole experience off me. We still don't say that much. I politely thank him for having me over, then it's time to drive back to my home. I drive away wondering when I'll see him again. But it's ok, it's always a fun time. I wish he wanted to wrestle a little more often, but each match is very memorable. Last I heard from him was January, so hopefully in spring, I'll hear from him again. Guido, luv ya bro! Let's wrestle again.

Última edição em 09/2/2016 02:36 por RhodyRaybo
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