Today I went to "open mats" at riwrestlebuddy's house, which I try to attend as often as I can. He's had as many as 8 show up and sometimes just one (me). I'm only 10 to 15 minutes from him, so going is easy for me. But today it was just me and one other wrestling (one showed up just to spectate), the other wrestler was pecs44.

The first time I met these two guys was over 3 years ago when riwrestlebuddy invited me to his garage to wrestle for the first time and when I got there, lo and behold, there was this well built man standing in his wrestling gear, pecs44. I wrestled with both of them and had a great time. I've wrestled both of them many, many times since. Sometimes in group matches with other guys many other times, I've wrestled them each one-on-one.

But today was the first time since that first meeting, that it has been just the three of us wrestling, and you know what? It was by far one of the best matches ever, because it was with 2 of the greatest wrestling friends ever! I am so fortunate to have such great wrestling memories.

Última edição em 24/11/2014 02:07 por RhodyRaybo
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