Muleman's blog

Expectations for the non host

For most of us wrestling takes a back seat to many other facets of daily life. We work and sleep away most of our time, family and the rest of life comes next then we wrestle. Not having the ability to host, I travel. Sometimes it’s close by, other times it can be a short ride to Philly, a longer ride south to Baltimore or Washington. Lining up matches can take longer than it takes to travel there. A long day trip for another reason, throw in a match or two and have the best of both worlds. The toughest part is coordinating schedules. The easiest part is usually agreeing on parameters and boundaries.
Getting there on time is my responsibility. The GPS makes getting there on time a breeze. I take great pride in getting there at least 15 minutes early. Any less is cutting it too close. I stay in contact with the host on the day of to confirm the meet or address any last minute issues. I usually confirm I am on the way and provide an ETA. Communication is the key, after all the host is opening up their space and waiting for my arrival. This is how I roll, just incase you’re interested.

Última edição em 11/10/2018 02:35 por Muleman
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bobster (30)

11/10/2018 16:39

I like to host when I can and take the time to rearrange my schedule. Muleman is a genius and I would like to thank him for his foresight and take the responsibility to get there and keep in contact with the potential host. There are few things that bother me more than waiting for guest to show up.
Keep up the good work and stay with it Muleman.
