Mister_D's blog

No Shows. Late Cancellations and Double Booking

We all have had our fair share of no shows etc but today was the first time I realised I had been double booked (or rather my oppo had been) and the oppo knew he had done this.

As it turns out my oppo cried off late yesterday and as I was still available for a short period of time I sought out a guy who has just moved to my area and we managed a quick meet up.

Whilst we were having a general chat it was established that he had also agreed to meet the oppo I was supposed to have met originally. Albeit an hour later and in a totally different location.

This guy knew he would not have been able to meet both of us in this time period at 2 separate locations, so why would you bother. Well we found out about the double booking and the joke is on you now as us 2 guys got our wrestle but just not with who we expected it to be with.

Última edição em 03/9/2019 14:45 por Mr D Pro
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AZgrappler (114 )

03/9/2019 18:22

Good for you
I have had this happen several times
I think my favorite was the guy coming to Phoenix who lost his notebook at WrestleFest . LOL
Problem was that we did all our communications through MF and texting . As he was trying to set up his first match on Friday afternoon, he didn’t realize he was trying to set the match up with one of my good friends . The many excuses were hilarious. Needless to say , even though this guy has hundreds of matches on MF , I will never be one of his opponents . ;-)


surrey71 (21 )

04/9/2019 15:57

The joke is definitely on the guy you were meeting!!
I’ve had similar situation, a guy claimed to be moving (very suddenly) when he was infact meeting someone else.
Also had no shows - which are annoying when I take a day’s leave - or turndown other activities for the guy to not show or cancel that morning!


AZgrappler (114 )

04/9/2019 16:00

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Yes indeed
Took a night out of work for my no show


surrey71 (21 )

04/9/2019 16:02

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It’s not right, wish we could name & shame other than leaving negative feedback on recommendations!


AZgrappler (114 )

04/9/2019 16:05

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I should have done a recommendation as a no show
But when it’s somebody with many matches , it looks foolish with one negative no show


Mister D (28)

04/9/2019 16:06

I agree wholeheartedly. Name and shame.

The guy who double booked me, had agreed to a 10am match with me and arranged his other match at 11am. Different locations which are also separated by a river so not easy unless he planned my match to be just 5 minutes.

Had he not have cried off the night before I would have gona balisitic had I travelled across to meet him to find an empty house.


surrey71 (21 )

04/9/2019 16:09

I’ve had someone change time of matches several times the day before, from midday, it eventually ended up as 8am, but at least he showed and we had an awesome fight!
I have heard of one guy in the U.K. giving false addresses to meet - o cant and won’t name as he’s got a string of past opponents but it beggars belief why someone would give a false address!
I know who it is and will steer clear!


Davey716 (45)

06/9/2019 22:50

The main reason I will not double book myself is that it sends a really bad message. Essentially, a guy is saying, "I don't trust that you will actually show so I am booking a second opponent at the same time." Or possibly, "I found someone hotter to meet up with.". Neither are good messages to send.

But this brings up another good reason...our community is really small and things can get back to the person.

I know guys who do it because they feel so many men out there are flakes (and they are not wrong about that part), but I'd rather get stood up than assume the worst about someone that I liked enough to schedule a meet with.


nightstranger (56)

11/9/2019 17:50

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Thank you. I was going to say something similar. When traveling i have had several no shows and when trying to set up another i get the oh wish you would have contacted me sooner which raises the temptation to double book but i still will NOT be that guy.
