So I don't usually share too much about myself, especially on here, but to make the things happen that I want, it's time to change that.

Thanks to some people I've met in the past few months, among other things, I've decided that the time is truly right for me to take up boxing as a sport. Yes, I've done some 'backyard' type stuff, and taken lessons in an actual gym, but there's always been some sort of excuse for me to stop..... no time, too much work, lazy, etc.

The time for excuses is over! I'm 49 years old, and not getting any younger. Boxing is something I've had an interest in doing since I was 9 or 10 years old, but never had an outlet for doing it. Perhaps if I had been a "poor black kid" (no offence), or a upper-class kid living out in the suburbs, things may have been different; I came from a typical f*cked-up American family, who didn't know how to provide any real positive support.

There are certainly other reasons I've had an interest in boxing, but those have really fallen by the wayside... it's not something you can pretend at, or just fall in and out of... you either do it, or you don't.

If you're still reading this far, you may be asking "What do you hope to get out of this, besides a black eye?" Well, I do know that I'll certainly take my lumps, and I full well expect that, but much like falling off a horse, you either get back on, or just give up, and I haven't given up so far! But as to what I expect to get out of boxing:

1. Lose weight, and be in better overall health.
2. Improve my confidence. It's ALWAYS been a weak spot for me, so what better way to do it.
3. Actually put my 'all' into something that I've always wanted to do, but been too scared/unsure/uncomfortable to pursue. If people knew what I had to overcome to meet up with the people I have already, they would be amazed!
4. Have a positive outlet for stress and such that I can't control, but want out of my day.
5. Rid my life of the negative influences in it.
6. Meet/make friends with some people with a common interest.

What I don't expect to get out of boxing:

1. No, I won't be turning pro. And as much as I'd like to get my skills to the point that I could compete in the Masters Boxing Division, I think the fact that I wear glasses will keep that from happening.
2. I don't expect an instant turn-around. It's going to take time, and hard work and practice on my part. I'm only going to get out of it what I put into it.
3. I don't expect others to understand. As part of my journey, I'll have to 'come out' so-to-speak to others (such as co-workers), about my interest, (and possibly a black eye LOL), and to be honest, I really don't care if they understand or not. Selfish though it may sound, but this really is all about me! And I know it will be hard for some to understand.... I mean, really? A gay man in probably the roughest sport this side of football? Some won't be able to comprehend, and some may even laugh.... and at one time in my life, I took that to heart, and it really hurt, and would cause me to give up. But that time is over, and there are a couple of people on my friends list that I have a great deal of respect for, as they don't let others get them down!
4. I'm not looking to hurt or be hurt. Though boxing is a contact sport, the key word for me is 'sport'. You don't see golfers whacking each other with clubs, though there is always the possibility of one getting hit with an errant ball LOL I'm not looking to knock someone out, or 'bash their brains into Jello', etc, and I'm not looking to be on the receiving end of such. As I said earlier, I know I'll take some punches; that's part of the sport, but it's gotta happen if I want to succeed.

There's a couple of friends who may be surprised that I've opened up so much about myself, but like I said, it's time for some positive changes. I'm planning to post workout updates and such, so if it gets too much, just let me know LOL

I know this is long and wordy, which is very unusual for me, so a big thanks for reading; everyone on my friends list is an inspiration to me in their own way!

PS: If anyone has a suggesting for a ring name for me, feel free to share.

Última edição em 21/10/2015 23:04 por MikeJGEG
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