- 18/9/2012
Postado por wrestlerspSempre me falaram para fazer um blog bla bla bla....nunca fiz. Claro, me falaram para fazer um blog não de luta. - 14/9/2012
- 13/9/2012
- Wrestling for fun
Postado por Steve ShockWell tried using the Challenge feature to see if any interest I need to try find some guys close to my size see if I can get some competative urge in - 12/9/2012
- Hot Cyber match
Postado por JMMThe_Mauler62 : I'm at the gym and see this hot young stud pumping iron. He looks good. - 10/9/2012
- Third Times The Charm
Postado por GuysmileyI know everyone has experienced flakes and no shows. It seems to be a constant source of irritation no matter what fight site might be used. - 03/9/2012
- Scratching my head
Postado por Lkn4awrestletoyIt never fails to amaze me the logic or illogic of how people treat other people on line. - 02/9/2012
- Sunday rainy grey day
Postado por Lkn4awrestletoyLying in bed wishing I had a jobber next to me right's a rainy grey Sunday perfect day to wrestle all day long...any takers? - 02/9/2012
- August Update
Postado por AdminWhat happened on MeetFighters on August? * I have rearranged the [[forums|forum page]]. - 01/9/2012
- pro matches
Postado por the punisheranyone here travels to tenn im looking to set up pro matches here in my pro ring anyone interested contact me looking to take on any size age is def - 31/8/2012
- Initial entry
Postado por Lkn4awrestletoyGreat site here...I hope to update this frequently. Just got back from a trip to St. - 30/8/2012
- Blocking persons
Postado por PerseusI don't normally feel strongly enough to write a blog but I do on this occasion! - 29/8/2012
- Sowing and Subsequent Reaping
Postado por AdminWhen a member decides to delete his profile from MeetFighters he is asked to confirm this decision, and is given the opportunity to leave a final note - 27/8/2012
- Anyone into cyber wrestling ?
Postado por Masked BearHey guys, if interested in a cyber wrestling match of any style, please message me. Thx Simon yahoo messenger id ; [email protected] - 26/8/2012
- Cyberfight 2, with fit jock
Postado por herovsvillainfightscenelover : wearing black leather jacket, white wife beater, skinny jeans, black boots fitjock : haha right now fox motocross pants n a wife - 13/8/2012
- Spotland Scrappers
Postado por AndyBoyI wrestled Sammy Scrapper in the ring during August 2012 and I can recommend it, it was awesome. - 12/8/2012
- 12/8/2012
- Wrestle Meet
Postado por Steve ShockWell Sat wasn't up to scratch damn swollen throat finding hard to eat food and swallow (not that swallow) ! - 10/8/2012
- How to Introduce Yourself, or How Not to Offend a …
Postado por AdminThere is nothing more obnoxious than, when you are in a chat room, getting a private message from someone you have never messaged before and reads "im - 09/8/2012
- The Buddy System
Postado por Wrestling BeastOnce upon a time, I met my first opponent in a hotel room for a wrestling match. - 08/8/2012
- Olympic wrestling
Postado por londonorientalNo competitors from team GB in the men's wrestling (where are they??) but I'm starting to get excited about seeing some of the freestyle finals this Saturday.