Mattyboy's blog

A Question of Perfection & Betrayal

Mason had known from a young age that he was something special. Before he was ten years old relatives had remarked on how he was going to break hearts one day. By the time he was a teen he was well aware of the unwarranted attention he gained in general.

Standing a lofty 6ft 1 & weighing 150lbs his genetic heritage had been kind all around to him. He was the epitome of the cliche ‘tall dark and handsome’. Now he was twenty and commanded the attention of a room he entered with his natural perfection. Indeed with the exception of being let down by his somewhat slender figure he knew he was what girls called “fit, smoking, gorgeous, I’d do him” etc. Guys would regard him with envy and gays would dream of doing a twink like that.

All this pretty boy perfection has its impact on man’s psyche and confidence. It can make one arrogant and cocky or it can have &the inverse effect of making one shy and withdrawn, retreating from the limelight. Mason was the later. He had 7come to realise that people generally wanted something from him and that this was usually a piece of him. Often it took the form of a cheeky bum pinch. Why did people think it was okay to do this?

Mason met Eldon on his first day in his new job and Eldon was everything he aspired to be. They had established an instant friendship. He was twenty seven, 6ft 2 but a much more muscular 200lbs and he carried that instant charm, aura and confidence of perfection. Eldon was gregarious and outgoing, he took Mason under his wing.

Mason loved being the focus of his attention. He basked in the glow of the dominant alpha male. Eldon picked up on his shyness and offered to help.

“You know I used to be like you” said Eldon. “A pretty boy who didn’t know how to take advantage of it. Then I started working out and wrestling to help build up my body and my confidence”

“I wish I was as well built as you” remarked Mason. “Would you take time outside of work to help me bulk up?”

“Sure, after work I’ll introduce you to the ropes…literally”

Chapter Two

The match had started off friendly with some light sparing and a demonstration of holds but Mason noticed that Eldon’s enthusiasm was taking on a dominant aggressive streak in the ring. He found himself being ‘placed’ into an example Camel Clutch.

Eldon’s taut bubble butt bounced onto the small of Mason’s bony back and his arms whipped around and then underneath Mason’s armpits, Eldon’s powerful grip slapping onto Mason’s bony shoulders and prominent collar bone.

Eldon gave a powerful pull and yanked Mason upwards straining his back into a painful arc.

“An effective hold, huh?” Said Eldon. “Hurts real bad”

Mason whimpered in pain and enthusiastically nodded his agreement.

“Oh I’m sorry Mason. My skinny buddy. How could I forget your head?”

Eldon released his grip on his scrawny prey’s upper torso and latched a powerful grip under the chin of Mason.

Mason yelped loudly as his long thin neck was yanked backwards adding to the overall strain on his long lean, string bean body.

“Ah, ah, ah…Okay, stop man. that really hurts”

“Stop! No way little buddy. I’ve got you right where I want you at last. I’m only just beginning”

“No Eldon, seriously. It really hurts. Let me go”

Eldon laughed with sadistic joy and Mason felt a shudder of fear run the length of his coiled spin.

“My skinny, but very good looking buddy. You aren’t going anywhere, anytime soon”

Mason reached up with his long bony fingers and began to claw at Eldon’s powerful grip with futility. Through gritted teeth Mason made another desperate plea to the decency and reason of his ‘friend’.

“Eldon I know you’re really enthusiastic and I’m grateful for the training session but this is getting too rough. Let me go…now.”

“Nah Mason. That’s not going to happen. I’ll make this easy for you and spell out everything that’s going to occur so you know what to expect. But beware because in your case forewarned won’t be forearmed.”

Alarm swept through Mason’s mind and he began to grapple and claw which much greater effort than the token resistance he had previously offered Eldon’s vice like grip on his chin. He tried pulling at the individual fingers to peel the hands off one layer at a time but this was greeted with a sudden bounce onto his back which sent a shockwave of pain up through his spin and neck.

Mason cried out a long howl of pain. This time he didn’t hold back to a simple loud yelp like before designed to save his personal dignity. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he gasped for recovery air.

“Fucking heck man are you trying to break my back?”

“I really haven’t decided yet. I’m torn about how to end you. But I am going to finish you. At least as a potential threat to me”

“What do you mean threat? I’m 50lbs lighter than you and have no ring experience.”

“Silence you lanky stick” Eldon wrapped a hand around Mason’s pitch perfect mouth and muffled further protest. “I was going to explain myself and watch you squirm in terror”

“First I’m going to work your back and neck with a long slow camel clutch. Oh you’ll struggle and squirm whilst you still have the feeble strength. You’ll pull and claw with all the might that you can muster from those scrawny undeveloped arms but eventually your will to resist will crumble and you will surrender”

“Then I’ll bounce up and down on your already destroyed back and listen to you cry, literally cry in agony. You will beg me, quite literally to end it. Once I’ve reduced your bony spinal column to dust I’ll release you at long last”

“Then I’ll let your head snap back onto the mats with a nasty suddenness that will bloody your nose. Your beautiful face will be hidden behind a mask of smeared blood. Then with the threat neutralised I’ll finally abandon you to pass out”

Chapter Three

Mason wasn’t simply alarmed now, he was already terrified just by the verbal description of the coming pain. He didn’t need to go through all that to surrender. He tapped on Eldon’s hand and muffled a protest. Eldon uncovered his mouth so he could speak.

“Hey man, look I don’t need all that torture to surrender. Let me go now and we can forget all this. Your the better man, I submit. ‘Threat’ neutralised, okay?.”

Eldon laughed ecstatically. The reverberations of his laugh worked up and down Mason’s spine. Inadvertently? Adding to his arched back painful discomfort.

“Get off me you muscle jock. NOW! I’m just a lanky twig. How am I remotely a threat to you?’

“Mason man. This isn’t about being a threat now. It’s about future proofing myself. You’re not a threat now, but you will be a couple of years”

“Huh? Come on please man. Stop this now before you really hurt me”

“Mason. You are so like me in my late teens. It’s like an echo of myself delayed by seven or eight years. Tall, lean, perfect faced, browned off skin, long eyelashes, deep brown eyes”

“I have green eyes fuck whit”

“Do you?” Eldon wrenched Mason neck around to examine his facial details. Mason grimaced with the extra strain this placed on his long scrawny neck. “So you do, my pretty boy”

“Like I was saying. You are simply too perfect. Sure right now your a bit weedy and underdeveloped in the muscle stakes but if I start helping you build up then time will give you the eventual edge”

“You see you will be younger, potentially better looking and more confident. The focus of attention will naturally turn in your favour just as my prime time twenties are coming to a close”

“But after I’ve broken your back and crushed your confidence tonight it will set you back years. Allowing my star status to continue to shine brightly. Cruel I confess but brutally effective. You see Mason, I’m eliminating the competition before it gets a chance to blossom. This is a preemptive strike”

“Don’t do this man. You ain’t right in the head. I’ll get you help” pleaded Mason.

“Mason, don’t beg. At least not yet. It’s beneath a stud of your perfection. Save it for when the pain really gets to much too bear.” With that Eldon yanked Mason’s back hard and began the brutal process of destroying his bony back…

Última edição em 02/9/2023 22:51 por Mattyboy
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18/12/2021 06:00

Any writer who wants to tell a story must at some point seriously consider his audience, whom he is writing for, to catch their attention. This story, whether intended or not, will doubtless find readers who are either sadists or those hoping to be the recipient of the attention of sadists. It would be hard to ignore the numerous comments on blogs or blogs themselves which address what is done to dominate, humiliate, and control other general men who willingly step onto the mat or into the ring and suffer and try to endure pain that is meeted out. Some of the recipients find their agreed upon rules violated, and this can at times even result in injury. Tapping, verbal submission, etc. are ignored by the one who is acting out in the role of a sadist. The greater the pain inflicted and the prolongation of certain holds is how these "get off," increase their sense of superiority.

This writer chose to describe such actions. One could well believe his goal has been achieved. What he does not accomplish is attributing some moral or ethical aspect to the story as far as I can tell. But, that may well have never been considered. Do you believe such was necessary? Anyway, dear reader, I am lead me to say, "That and fifteen cents will not get you a cup of coffee."


Mattyboy (10 )

18/12/2021 10:11

(em resposta à...)

I could point out that the story is unfinished but I will settle for “Oh for goodness sake man”.


DomSquashMatch (8 )

19/12/2021 22:34

Good Story

In reply to GINGERMAN, every word you wrote was garbage trying in a pretentious way that you know better than the writer.
For gods sake how much time have you spare to analyse a well intentioned story. Clearly our time is more valuable than yours
