MDWisawesome's blog

A glance into the mind of an outsider to Wrestlefest (will update some pics too )

(There will be a TL DR at the end so)
Ok, OK. So, obviously, this is a bit late to be fully impactful, but what I'm writing may not be that impactful anyways, so it doesn't matter.
If you saw me at the black eagle on the 28th, please be advised that that was not my natural personality. I was trying to force my personality out, and it turns out wearing a low cut singlet in gold tiger stripes doesn't give an extra boost in confidence. So, for the most part of my night, I was there for maybe 2 hours, and I came at like 8pm, so, already not a good start. To be fair, I had a final that day, and my train came late, the earliest I was going to arrive at Union Station is 7pm. The wall of taxi cabs trying to secure the bag and people making illegal u-turns and crazy driving made it harder, but luckily it wasn't as hectic as Beijing. Still, for an Ottawa guy, where everything's slower and cleaner(relatively), it's a bit much.

I'll try to be flippant and as interesting as I can, because I know what I'm writing is not going to be as good as what it sounds like in my head. Nevertheless, my natural personality is flowing with confidence, so let's get 'er done. Besides, most of you guys will probably only remember the first paragraph and the ending paragraphs, as people do. I'm not an expert in human nature and behaviour though, so that's why I'm kinda the outsider. Then again, no one else is, really, because people are fickle, unpredictable and kinda crazy, even the ones without mental illnesses. That's why theres three different social sciences, and nobody knows what people are really like. You can't put people in a box, especially if they're claustrophobic.

I know exactly what I want to say, when I'm not thinking about nothing. Problem is, that's not good for in person social situations, cause I'm really mean or kinda crazy or random. So, in the time it takes to filter everything out, I lose out on opportunities to make good jokes or join the conversation. Worse, it makes me freeze, which is why that it looks like i'm introverted. I just kinda stop, and no matter how aware I am that it's happening, it just doesn't work.

As well, you guys have solid interests and hobbies. I do too, but my knowledge in them isn't so deep, even when it's topics I really like. They're more like the hobbies I would have if I was a better person, y'know? On paper, I really like astronomy, chemistry, somewhat biology, kinesiology, forensic science, muscled dudes in tight shorts. But if you really asked me to talk seriously, I would kind of run out of things, cause I know the surface level. "Oh, yeah. that guy. He did do that. Wasn't that crazy?" *pulls out phone to search stuff up*. Except time travel and stuff, that is so fraught with many guys' interpretations that no one needs to be an expert to discuss it extensively, just very nitpicky.

I always want to give the impression that I'm smart and know a lot, but to be honest, I don't. I'm not really too good at anything, which sounds way too self-deprecating, but it also means I'll never be bored, because I can constantly find areas to improve in(when I'm not feeling lazy or watching Netflix). Improving my physical health is the easy one, so that's what I'm working on now. Then, I can work on other areas of my personality. Between school and my co op program, I don't have too much personal time.

Above all, I want to excel, to WIN! Even just wrestling is fun, and losing too, if I can learn something. And I did! That's why I like submission wrestling and Wrestlefest so much. It's easy to meet so many guys and wrestle them all! And with so many guys to wrestle and converse with, there's no need to really be that interesting, as long as I can be interesting enough that I can get matches. Submission wrestling really helps me, because it challenges me to think on the fly, challenges me not to get pinned down by bigger guys, and to use proper technique so I can submit people and not get submitted myself(But of course being 5'4 146 lbs I still do). It also gives me a chance to show off to a group of people, like in the submission round robin hosted by mcic. That means, I get a chance to challenge preconceived notions (Ie IM NOT A JOBBER-unless you earn it), and actually meet so many new opponents, some unexpected ones too. I think I made a pretty good showing, if you call not being able to submit anyone and managing (barely) to not get tossed around like a rag doll a pretty good showing. It's exhilarating and exhausting all at once, but I want more. Even now, with a slightly stuffy nose and sore throat, I still wanna wrestle.

Wrestling is such a physical and thinking challenge (cause it's more reaction and stuff rather than purely intellectual-unless you look at the mechanics of the wrestling and physics involved). I'm one stubborn guy, so I hate losing. In a fight like wrestling, wrestling to wrestle is pure fun in itself. Also, I did get to pick up this one guy, Beef Supreme, and he weighs 210 lbs, so pretty uplifting I must say.....(so yeah im bragging. Deal with it). The hot and sweaty body contact makes it even better, especially if I'm very turned on by my opponents. And I generally am. Was fortunate to meet some super hot studs and daddies, like markyfighter, wrassluna, Kid canuck (yeah so what if I'm name dropping? Are YOU gonna fight me? please ;)), seattlefight, toughwrestler, mattz4fun and more. They also look good in gear too, another bonus. All my opponents always either teach me something or help me develop in some way, so that's an added bonus.

Wrestlefest is a place to learn and grow, socially and wrestling-ly. We get to strengthen our older relationships with wrestlers, form new ones and unexpected ones too. It's a time to rest but also get battered endlessly. Also, it's a time to shower and keep your nails trimmed, lads. Hygiene is pretty important too. Also, if one needs attention like I do, they can just meet people anytime they want. It's like being on Grindr but with guys you can actually trust (mostly), and talk to. Lots of the wrestlers are nerds too, charming and sexy nerds that can sweep you off your feet on and off the mats. Furthermore, the food in Toronto is nice. Mouthwatering, and since wrestling's going on, it's guilt free. Toronto is full of food places everywhere, and generally within walking distance of hotels. There's also that Storm crow manor or something, if you wanted a chance to win a free shot glass?? IDK, I didn't go there.

Wrestlefest is a place where nerds unite and get their fill of camaraderie, nerdiness, physical battles and some fun sexy times too, the kinkier the better. I'd say the benefits outweigh the costs, even any opportunity costs. Please, come to Wrestlefest (in NYC or Canada or elsewhere) because lots of guys wanna fight you, including me(probably).
TLDR: Hi, I look like an introvert but I'm not. I want to be smart, but I'm not. I like to wrestle a lot, Wrestlefest is perfect for wrestling. You get to learn stuff, meet people, eat food, drink, be merry, have fun sexy times with nerds and jocks. Make sure to shower and be clean, cause you're gonna be fighting and sweating a lot. I lifted up a 210 lb guy, so I think I'm ok with strength. There's some very hot well known guys here. Benefits outweigh costs of coming here. I wanna fight you.

Última edição em 07/8/2023 18:55 por MDWisawesome
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liteguynyc (96)

07/8/2023 20:36

You are a very interesting and motivated guy. Loved watching you wrestle at the open matt event, You are a STUD !


fsmeets60 (14)

08/8/2023 00:46

Living in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and would love to participate and advice,,!!


synxiec (74)

08/8/2023 15:28

This was a fun little trek and for notes, I will absolutely remember most of this for at least three days.


SeattleFight (477)

09/8/2023 04:27

You punch way above your weight, stud. Can’t wait to wrestle you again!!!
