LadWrestle98's blog

Posting Other User's Pictures on Different Sites

So this evening I found out that a certain Tumblr blog has posted a picture of me on their Tumblr account.
This particular picture had my face in it. I had this photo set to 'members only' in the trust that since only other members would be able to see it, they would not post it since they are a user of the site, too.

I suppose that mutual respect is missing from certain users. I have since reported that picture on the site on which it was posted. I am not going to be posting my face any longer on this site and that will be reserved for people who I am wanting to wrestle with/ I know and trust.

I understand that I am using a public website and it is perhaps not the best idea for me to post pictures of myself wearing very little, I thought another wrestling/boxing enthusiast would at least respect my confidence to do so and not infringe upon my privacy and post this picture elsewhere.

On the off chance that the person responsible sees this blog post, I am asking you to come forward and tell me that you are the person who posted it on your Tumblr blog, if you have any level of respect for another user of this site.

Última edição em 08/8/2021 00:33 por LadWrestle98
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Baby Bear (18)

08/8/2021 01:00

That’s genuinely shocking, sorry someone did that to you man :(


elpectoral (16)

08/8/2021 01:43

This is unacceptable, particularly because this guy will not have the balls to raise his hand and fess up to the shit he did. Wimpy.


osakarob (78 )

08/8/2021 03:34

To the guy who did this to you, let's state things clearly and appeal to his better angels: Taking LadWrestle's photo and posting it on your Tumblr is a violation of the Terms of Service of this website. (10. You must respect the privacy of other members and never disclose their personal information or correspondence without their express consent.) Let's assume that you did not know this. You now have an opportunity to do the right thing and remove it. Be a man of integrity and take it down.


Glovefight (14 )

08/8/2021 07:00

Being a member on the site is just a fake name and a fake email away. Someone could make a fake account, harvest hot pics, post them. Maybe there should be another tier for paid members? Maybe not?


surrey71 (21 )

08/8/2021 08:47

Shocking behaviour, but unfortunately certain keyboard warriors will act in such deceitful ways.
I cannot name names but I caught out a user on here who posted fake pictures on his own profile. Used the pictures to lure me into a match but when he turned up he bore no resemblance to the pictures at all.
He claimed it was a mistake, but have since found out he’s well known for it across other sites too - shocking, especially as he was an accomplished scrapper and we had a decent match - he still has issues with the result, he underestimated me!
But I don’t think the user that stole your photos has the balls to come forward but he might just remove them!


NJWoodbridge (141)

08/8/2021 14:44

Something similar happened to me a long time ago, i.e., pics on scuzzy web sites edited to include blood, feces, etc. That's why I reduced my public profiles to two, removed all face pics, pretty much no longer took pics or allowed anyone to take pics of me with few exceptions.


grkwrestler (1)

08/8/2021 15:58

That's why I don't post face pics. I found my pics were on another site too and another guy created a profile on MF using my pictures. I notified the MF admin and had to prove it was me. The fake profile was then deleted and the perp banned.


rob c57 (18)

09/8/2021 09:58

Sorry to hear.
I think it's always a good idea to have a healthy dose of Paranoia when you post anything online.
Even tho I know I'm naive and always think the best of people . . . you just never know. :-(
And of course once the genie escapes from the bottle, you just can't jamb the damn thing back in again !
I guess it's a lesson for everyone.


Squashlad (244)

09/8/2021 12:59

(em resposta à...)

On the other hand mate, you always thinking the best of people is one of your finest qualities. 👍


LadWrestle98 (34)

09/8/2021 16:15

The picture has now been removed off this person’s tumblr account. But my face will not be going back up. (Or at the very least not for a long time).


Ironbull (96)

11/8/2021 13:37

The UK has outlawed "upskirting" in which women find that someone has taken a photo up their skirt. It has also outlawed "revenge porn" so that even people who acquired intimate photos with the consent of the subject can be prosecuted for publishing them.

I'm no expert in this area, so if anyone has better knowledge of the law, please comment.

But, to my layman's eye, isn't this in the same ballpark? Certainly should be for the distress it's clearly caused.

The difficulty I think is that a candid photo on this site is not really that private. I suspect that a defence would be mounted around that. Anyone can join this site and who knows what their agenda are.

The bottom line seems to be that, in an age where we carry a camera 24/7 and the internet provides an instant forum for publication with very little oversight or censorship, candid photos are posted here or any forum are posted substantially at your own risk. Sad but probably true.

Work in progress I suspect. Perhaps legislation will become more protective in the future. I hope so.


grkwrestler (1)

11/8/2021 15:55

(em resposta à...)

Agree with your assessment. It's discouraging when guys would use someone else's pictures to hide behind in their profile


hrylegs (78 )

13/8/2021 04:51

I have seen something similar with a past opponent. Someone took his pics & used them to created their own account! I alerted my past opponent & he reported it & the fake account was deleted but that’s why I don’t have any face pics. I have a kid & if he comes across it at some point on the internet I’d have to explain why my face has a meetfighters stamp in the corner of the pic & I’m not prepared for that conversation.


Jiuliano-Jitsu (4)

14/8/2021 01:06

MeetFighters releasing an Android and iOS app in the future could drastically reduce this issue, by enabling print screen blocking. Obviously, they would need to restrict all access to these apps, but that would be a good trade-off for our security needs.

As of now there is some decent, instagram-like protection in place, but there isn't much more they can do with html code to improve our security even further.

In fact I am actually impressed someone on Tumblr copied someone's else pic here, as it is a bit more complicated to copy than it is for other websites. Why wasting so much energy for this anyway?

In fact, MF implemented some of these protections in the more recent years/months, so probably these copied pics out in the wild are the older ones.


Jiuliano-Jitsu (4)

14/8/2021 01:59

Actually, I just checked and indeed it isn't that difficult to copy MeetFighters user's pictures. I thought they had better copy protections in place, but it is unusual for websites to have these kind of protections anyway.

Making your profile private and avoid posting your pics on public boards will help a lot, though.
