James's blog

Boxing Classes - Day 6 - I Am Limited

Boxing classes. Are going great.

Like I said last time, I've really been enjoying these classes. My classmates are really sweet, my coach was fantastic, and everything is just, perfect.

And then my knee got fuckt.

Seriously, I'm not sure what happened. I may have not been using the right posture, or I may have been putting too much pressure on it, but one way or another, my right knee has just been in agony for the last two weeks. It got to the point where when my sparring partner started circling left, I staggered and collapsed. I legitimately could not put weight on my right knee to the point where doing so caused me to fall over.

Of course, I'm okay. My partner immediately had me lie down and massaged my thigh/calf/ankle, coach got me some ice and sat with me as my classmates continued to spar. I can walk on it semi-fine, but I do end up limping whenever I move too quickly with it. And I'm...kind of nervous about all this.

My buddy that's been boxing/fighting for 12+ years spoke with me about his concern for my wellbeing. He's excited and happy about my passion for the classes, but in his words, my body is clearly trying to tell me something: it's not ready. Not yet. This is further shown by my current back pain and my recent issues with fatigue and dehydration.

So I've still got some ramping up to do. I took the last class off and, while there is a class tomorrow, I'm hesitant to return just yet. I struggled making my way down the stairs to the laundry room in my apartment. How can I expect myself to be in any shape to perform well in boxing class when I can't even make it around my building without wibbling and wobbling?

I want to go. I want to go back and get stronger and learn more and grow into the best version of myself, but I don't think I should like this. But then I'm spending money on...essentially nothing.

Later this week, I'm going to be getting laser eye surgery. PRK, to be exact, as LASIK would be a bad idea for someone who likes to box. PRK is effective, where they essentially shave off the top two layers of my cornea, correct the 3rd layer, and then bandage my eyes up. It's much less painful than it sounds, but the recovery is...god-awful. Essentially, I can't use screens, read books, or exercise for 2 days post-surgery. The exercise bit goes on for longer, because getting sweat in my eyes is a biiiig no-no.

Which means even -more- time away from the gym.

Now, this could be a good thing. Gives my leg and back more time to heal. But at the same time, I just don't want to lose this vibe I have. I thought I was getting in a good rhythm. I thought I could finally keep this up. 2-3 hour-long classes a week. I could do this for a while, it feels good to get exhausted and work out and finally get closer to feeling good about myself.

I don't want to have to take a break from this for 2-3 weeks. I don't want to have to take my classes slower. What's the point of going to these classes if I don't leave every ounce of myself on the mats?

So, yeah. I'm frustrated. But physically exhausted. Pray for me, or wish me luck, because these next weeks are going to be very trying for me.

Thank you for reading, and I wish you all the best.

Última edição em 03/2/2020 08:46 por James
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BamaJDon41 (10 )

03/2/2020 17:21

Good luck James. Hope everything heals fast and you're right back at it.


James (9 )

03/2/2020 18:03

(em resposta à...)

Thanks Don 💖


nhgrappler (19)

03/2/2020 18:53

Hi James,
Have you had your knee checked out by an Orthopedist? Do you recall having injured your knee recently? The fact, which I know you realize, that you are unable to put your body weight on that knee going in a specific direction is not normal and my concern is could you have torn your lateral muscles of your knee cap. I think before you start sparring again it might be a good idea to have that checked out and if nothing is damaged exercise your leg muscles to strengthen that part of your leg.


James (9 )

03/2/2020 19:45

(em resposta à...)

Hey mate, thanks for the advice! I'll swing by a doctor's office this weekend and get a recommendation to an orthopedist. I appreciate the advice!


ikf (23 )

10/2/2020 13:53

Please don't do PRK (or any laser eye correction) until your health has cleared up. There is a chance your vision would change (again) once you fix whatever is also killing your knee, and then you would have harmed/altered your eyes for nothing.

And do get your knee checked out and your health fixed up before you jump in again.

"I don't want to have to take a break from this for 2-3 weeks." - no, you should take a break for about 1-2 years, and spend that on regaining your health, and preparing your body with a smart training regime, to be ready for combat sports. Check out stadion.com they have some good material and books on the topic. You need to build the foundation before you can build the house.

You still have 6-8 decades to live, better be wise about where you spend your health; anything you spend too early (e.g. knee, eye) you will miss later.

(And Brock Lesnar is not tank-like at all - the guy has chicken legs.)


James (9 )

10/2/2020 16:42

(em resposta à...)

My eyes are damaged because they were like that when I was born.


Juggernaut (0)

11/2/2020 14:40

I could write a scroll listing all the reasons I can't or shouldn't do the things I do. Instead of focusing on your setbacks, concentrate on your fulfillments.

If you need to take 2-3 weeks off to take care of health related issues then do so. After that, set a date and get back to what makes you happy.

Remember, your physical health and your emotional/psychological heath are all connected. If one breaks down, the others will suffer as well.

Consider the old adage that gets me up and out when I'm feeling low: winners never quit, and quitters never win. Just take it one step at a time, and the rest will take care of itself. Good luck.


ikf (23 )

11/2/2020 14:52

(em resposta à...)

"Consider the old adage that gets me up and out when I'm feeling low: winners never quit, and quitters never win." - this will motivate people to continue pushing their bodies past the point of chronic injury (pain), and thereby harm themselves. I do not recommend you (or anyone) to give this advice to anyone, unless you want to harm their health.


Juggernaut (0)

11/2/2020 16:08

I'm not sure of the mentality of those you feel would come away with that sort of interpretation. But if that's what you got from the quote, then you missed it by a mile.

Perhaps this explanation will help you (and anyone else) interpret the intended meaning of the quote:

"All of us face challenges. It is our response to our challenges that separates the winners from the quitters. Most of the winners in this life, have faced lots of failures and disappointments in their life & career, but they never stopped believing in the beauty of their dreams… and Never gave up!"

If that Lombardi quote hadn't worked for me to get me through my physical ailments, I would be giving it to anyone else.


ikf (23 )

11/2/2020 23:14

"I'm not sure of the mentality of those you feel would come away with that sort of interpretation. But if that's what you got from the quote, then you missed it by a mile." - there are very many fitness and combat sports gyms around that are unknowledgeable enough to push people into that territory. "no pain, no gain". that's the sort of nonsense that I would like everyone to avoid.
