Iceman's blog

Life limiting

This week, not long after a match with an old friend, I learnt that my life limiting illness was going to be somewhat more limiting than I was hoping for. I left the site, and thought wrestling was behind me for ever.

But then I realised that even though timescales were going to be a tad different from what I had expected, I had to make each second count. So I returned and hope to forge connections again.

Nothing is guaranteed and I write this only to explain my brief absence and return, and that time is precious. So I won’t waste it any longer :)

Última edição em 15/10/2023 23:21 por Iceman
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BamaJDon41 (10 )

16/10/2023 02:02

Sorry for your bad news. Mortality is something that should only be faced in later years when we know that most of our life and our healthiest years are behind us. The more time we have to face that reality, the easier it is to come to terms with it. I hope your time is longer than you fear and better than you could ever hope.


Merseywrestle (65 )

16/10/2023 17:28

Sorry to hear about your news just live every minute and fill it with memories for all who love and care about you.
