Guysmiley's blog

Easter Weekend Mash with Kevin93

It was the second time we'd met over an Easter weekend with Kevin93 traveling out to Cali from Ohio for a pin/submission match. Plane an hour late due to weather in Denver but it didn't mess with our plans. After all, the owner of the ring we were renting was an hour late stuck in traffic, so it all worked out.

For months, he'd had been talking smack to me, how weak I'd become from my surgery, how he was going to kick my ass with the strength and muscle he'd gained since joining the Y and working out. My two word response had remained, "crush you!"

As the door to the storage unit that housed the ring closed, he smiled and added, "your ass is mine." He then retreated into the restroom to change. As he emerged in his blue singlet, I could actually see some physical changes since our last meet, leaner look, bigger pecs and biceps. But I said nothing as I went in to change as well.

Coming out in my black square cuts, he was already in the ring and I could feel his eyes on me. Honestly I'm about 20 pounds heavier than before my surgery, but working to get back down. But that hasn't affected my powerful looking body.

"Damn," he said as I climbed in the ring, "you're even bigger than before." His jaw dropped as I did a simple flex. He added, "Let's do this."

Straightway, he brought his hands up in a test of strength. As we locked fingers, I could actually feel that he had gained strength and had to bring a higher level of resistance into play before I could take control, bringing his hands down and putting pressure on his wrists. He danced around, a wincing look on his face as I bent his wrists further. I forced him to the mat, and ended up sitting on him in a classic school boy pin.

He tried to dislodge me by pressing up on my hands but he hadn't gained that much strength and I easily held him in place. I moved forward, my weight on his chest, my knees on his biceps. Not for lack of trying, he couldn't budge me and I counted a three count pin. First match belonged to me.

Getting up, we immediately locked up, each trying to gain advantage. I could see the increased size of his biceps, and maybe while a little distracted, he managed to take me down to my back. But that was his mistake as I brought my legs up, putting him in a closed guard, and squeezed. His face twisted in pain and my pythons brought that instant tap I was so used to and I let him go. We paused for a few, taking in some hydration before continuing.

Back in the ring, he charged at me. I met him head on and pushed him back into the corner. That's when I brought a knee up into his midsection, pleased to hear a nice OOMPH as it landed, forcing his air out.

I tossed him and as he landed, I grabbed his legs, putting on a figure 4. He held out nicely until I added some body weight and once again, he tapped. The match was going a bit one-sided, but not for lack of his trying.

Only now, I didn't let him back up but immediately straddled his back, facing forward. I pulled his arms up over my knees, locked my hands under his chin, and began putting pressure on with a camel clutch. I pulled back while putting my butt down on his lower back and as his body started to bend, his hands tapped on both knees. I shoved his head toward the floor as I stood up, him laying there moaning.

I dropped, not using my full body weight, dropping an elbow across his shoulder blades. His whole body reacted as the room echoed from the noise of me landing. I was just getting to my hands and knees when he moved swiftly, grabbing me in a balls to butt bear hug and drove me down onto mat. His arms tightened, and once again I could feel the increase in his level of strength. But even though he squeezed with all his might, it wasn't enough to make me tap and eventually, I broke free of his grasp. I pulled him between my legs and applied my leg scissor again. He arched as my pythons squeezed and he quickly tapped.

"Now that's a squeeze," I said, laughing as he rubbed his sides. He started to get up but I was faster. He was on his hands and knees when I got on his back in what I refer to as the "pony ride", my quads locked on just below the floating rib. I squeezed and he groaned loudly, tapping on my leg. I slid forward, now catching his neck in my scissor. He might have almost screamed as I squeezed until he tapped. When I let him go, he crashed to the mat, sucking in huge draughts of oxygen. This time, I had to bring him his hydration.

We took a few moments to hydrate and for him to catch his breath. As we started back up, we didn't even stand but started on our knees this time. Under hook, over hook, control the neck, push, shove, until I managed to slam him to his stomach on the mat. I grabbed his legs and twisted them into a figure four, putting pressure on the knee joint. He resisted, not wanting to tap again, so I added my body weight into the mix and he quickly gave in, tapping the mat.

Without completely letting go of the figure four, I rolled onto his back and grabbed his head under the chin with my left hand, pulling back on his head. I pulled him back far enough that he couldn't tap with his hands, and it was his garbled voice that shouted his surrender. I let go of both holds but as I got up, I turned to my own stomach and delivered a hard knee right into his side. OOMPH escaped his lips. I dropped an elbow across his shoulders, then grabbed him in a reverse head lock, cranking back on his neck. His hands pounded the mat 3 times hard.

I rolled him into my leg scissor again and began to squeeze. I started asking him if he was ready to quit. He resisted and I upped the anty, squeezing harder. I asked again, but he still resisted. More pressure and suddenly he was quitting, begging me to release him. I gave one more little increase in pressure, asking if he was sure. He was, and i let go, rolling him out of between my legs.

Now the real fun of the match was about to start for we had agreed that whoever gave up first got worked over until the winner was ready to say the loser had had enough. I dragged him to the corner of the mat and hoisted him to his feet. I wrapped his left arm around behind his back and took control of it with my left hand. I used my shoulder to push his right arm up and out of the way. That's when the first punch to his gut happened. His abs were tighter than the first time we[d met, but it wasn't too many punches directly into them that he was begging me to let go and stop.

"But that's not our agreement I chided him," and slammed a sideways knee into his left side. Another and some more punches and he started slipping to his knees. I stopped punching and grabbed him into a balls to balls bear hug, easily lifting him off the floor, my pressure causing him to arch back. I could have snapped him, but I was having too much fun. I dropped him back in the corner, in the same position as before and began punching him again. His abs were soft now and each punch dug in deeper. I switched to upper cuts, each with enough power to lift him off the floor. He began to sink again and I wrapped him in the bearhug again. Carrying him around the ring while squeezing, he was having trouble breathing. I let go and pushed him into the corner again, but he leaned into me full weight, unable to stand on his own.

A third time I bearhugged him and this time, you could almost hear his bones starting to bend, his head rested on my shoulder and I knew he'd had enough. I squeezed real hard, pressing out his breath, and then dropped him to the mat, unmoving.

"Now it's time for you to be my bitch," i said from above him. He looked at me and knew it was the truth, but what happened next is a story for another time.

Última edição em 22/4/2016 21:01 por Guysmiley
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Kevin93 (14)

24/4/2016 16:28

Guys scissor hold is by far the strongest I have ever felt.


BamaJDon41 (10 )

01/7/2018 12:23

I love this story. Every bit of it sounds like experience. You sound like a real punisher.
