DavidTRex's blog

No training... Or walking far for a few weeks

My shin splints no longer feeling like someone is stabbing me. It's a dull ache now. But that means I am out of action for a few weeks.
Totally fucked off but need to recover so I can go back

My diet has goine out the window as I can't do much so eating when bored. Ilat least that is something I can work on as well as stretching now I can move more freely.

I'm supprised at the number of people who have never heard of shin splints. I know it's manly a runner related issue. (I got them when training for a 10k run years ago.)

Última edição em 25/6/2021 15:03 por DavidTRex
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gymrat (37)

25/6/2021 15:40

Wow - i'm amazed that this has persisted so long. You need to figure out what you did (precisely) to bring them on. Keep in mind that they are generally thought to be in the category of "repetitive stress" injuries. So:

1. warm up carefully
2. minimize "jerK' in exercises
3. don't over do it - gradually increase duration and intensity

I suspect your enemy was going from zero to full-on.

Heal, learn - get back int he saddle.


WarriorMuscle (34)

25/6/2021 20:10

Hey TRex,

Have you gone to a Podiatrist? Also have you isolated what exercises aggravated the area? Shin splints can persist for months. If it persists, it may be time to put a boot on that leg to immobilize it, and allow it to heal properly. Ice, elevate when possible, and take ibuprofen in the meantime.


DavidTRex (2)

26/6/2021 12:25

(em resposta à...)

Hey - Not yet - I did chat to the dr and they said let it rest for a few weeks then come back if its no better
