Dan Boxer's blog

FICTION -- "Alia and Anna" Part 2


While driving down the parking lot that is the Las Vegas Strip, Dan Steele contemplated where he'd be one week from now.
With the bout he helped make into a mega-event only five days away, and not knowing his job status after Saturday's fight, he wondered what journey life had planned for him next.
He'd been working for Eddie for the last 18 months in public relations, helping publicize and promote Anna's boxing career – and by extension, this bout. And he'd done a good job, he thought … he was a key in turning a hick girl from Texas into one of the West Coast's most recognizable faces and bodies. Now, though, with the biggest night of her career rapidly approaching, and with his growing sense that Anna didn't stand a chance on Saturday, he figured his employ with Eddie was about to end.
He knew too much about Eddie's payouts to trainers and other fighters to keep Anna's perfect record intact. He didn't agree with it, but he figured it was just part of the game and he was just one of the game's players.
He also knew too much about a plot from those in Anna's camp to "even up the odds" before their fight – a plan that would bring physical harm to Alia, and that made him very upset – and he had concerns about how far Eddie, Anna and Arlen were willing to go in order to win.
Right at this second, though, he wasn't as worried about that. He was heading over to Alia's camp, maybe even catch a glimpse of her, and that would be a good thing today … the highlight of his day, for sure.
Dan and Alia were the most casual of acquaintances. They met briefly at the press conference announcing the fight, and they had chatted only briefly at two other press gatherings that he set up to promote the bout. But he had been immediately smitten with Alia at first glance, that one coming at the front door of the Orleans Hotel after Alia had laid Anna to waste at the now-infamous party and had man-napped Arlen. He watched them race by and remembered smiling, both at Alia's pretty face and the fact that Alia had just embarrassed a client that he had steadily lost respect for over the past few months.
It happened so quickly, but he seemed to recall Alia almost winking at him as she headed out the door – the same kind of wink she gave him when they talked at the press conference.
Alia was so different from Anna that a comparison was almost laughable. He had come to know how Anna ticked during those last 18 months, and knew she was little more than big hair and boobs, flashy and without substance. Of course, he would never say this to Eddie, Anna or Arlen, since they were caught up in all the hype.
Alia was … earthy. Plenty attractive, but hers was the kind of attractiveness that built from confidence, and she had a presence that was hard to describe. She could dominate a room, or any of the individuals in that room whether they be male or female, but chose not to do that unless it was necessary to further her goals.
Any doubts about that were printed right there in color on the poster he was taking to Alia's camp to have okayed. Her picture oozed power and sexiness … it was hard to take a bad picture of Alia, but for this one the photographer put her in crimson red gloves, white boxing boots, a short white hooded robe and nothing else. The key parts were covered – after all, these posters were going up all over town – but from the plunge of the neckline, the robe pulled up high on the thigh and the stern expression on her face, it was obvious that Alia loved the camera and it loved her back.
Anna was a different story. With all the weight she'd put on leading up to the fight – one trainer told her it would help her punch harder and not be hurt as much by Alia's punches – getting a flattering picture became a challenge. Dan thought she was rapidly turning into a cow, and half-expected her to start mooing in the days leading up to the fight. Finally one was chosen that made her look less bovine than the others.
The posters weren't needed to sell tickets – the bout had been sold out weeks ago – but the strategy now was to get people into the casino where the fight would be shown on closed circuit. The more people in the casino, gambling while they watched the fight, the happier the hotel people were.
When Dan arrived at Alia's headquarters hotel, he bumped into one of her trainers, who immediately invited him inside to her workout area. While the trainers and others looked approvingly at the poster, Dan's full attention was on Alia working out in the ring.
He was mesmerized watching her, and it wasn't just because of the low-cut top and high-cut bottom leotards that she favored so much for workouts. He watched the almost feline-like way in which she moved, and the way she danced in and out when sparring, moving in to inflict punishment on her sparring partners and quickly moving out or range of their counters. He could almost feel her heat, even from that distance, and he wondered what it would be like to be inside of that.
Alia only sparred with men, both because they gave her better competition and because she enjoyed watching their reactions when she rubbed against them when they clinched. Unknowing to them, she went out of her way to rub her pussy against their legs or crotch, just to see if she could get them hard … which she invariably did.
For this bout, she had brought in three 220-pound male boxers to simulate the power that she expected from Anna, rotating them in and out of sparring rounds to keep them fresh and keep her on her toes. She had just finished the last of a 12-round session when she spied Dan near the entrance to the gym, and waved him over.
"Come over to scout out the competition?," she laughed when he walked over, but it was a friendly laugh. The two talked for a while as Alia leaned on the ropes and caught her breath from the workout, Alia talking about the poster and Dan making small talk as best he could while trying to hide the fact that his cock was stiffening. Most women don't look their best while sweaty after a workout, he thought, but this one may look her best like this … probably because she is in her element, in an area and a place she can control.
Dan, of course, had no idea that Alia already had a plan for him, something that would help keep that control when it came to the fight. But for now they were just talking, and Alia casually asked what his plans were after Saturday's fight.
"If I said I knew, I'd be lying to you," Dan said. "Things are really up in the air over there … and it'll be even worse if you win Saturday," he added sheepishly.
Alia smiled. "Well, I hope that happens," she said, "but I'm not happy that you may be out in the street when this is over. You know … we're going to need some help around here after this, to try to keep the momentum going, as they say."
Dan almost melted through the floor at the thought, but recovered enough to say, "Well, my loyalty has to lie over there for a few more days, but I do have to think about my future and I have to consider all options."
"Why don't you come back by later on, when you finish up today," Alia said. "We can sit and talk about it, figure out how we can mutually benefit each other … find some common ground, so to speak."
Dan's first thought was that the common ground he sought was between those strong thighs, but finally he stammered out, "Sure … if I wouldn't be imposing."
"Of course not. Haven't had a lot of men visit me in the past few days," Alia said, laughing and giving Dan a wink that sent his erection raging again. As she walked to the other side of the ring to finish her cool-down, he watched her back side quiver as only those whose bodies are in perfect shape can, and he nearly stumbled as he turned to leave.
"Everyone really liked the poster," a trainer called out to him as he left the gym, but Dan only smiled and hurried away. His pants had become way too tight, and the trainers knew it … and so did Alia.
A message at the desk directed Dan to a suite number, and when he knocked on the door Alia answered in a matter of only a couple of seconds.
He had finished his appointed rounds, had taken care of the poster printing and a few other details, so his time was his own. He figured that some other members of Alia's group would be in the suite with them, talking about the future, but he quickly realized that she was alone.
She'd showered and was wearing a robe, not unlike the one in her poster picture that left most of a strong pair of thighs exposed. Her hair was still damp and tousled but not unattractive, giving her the look of a dark-hared lioness.
She fixed him a drink ("none for me this close to the fight … dulls the senses, you know," she said) and they made small talk about how Dan's talents could be an asset to her group.
Eventually, the talk turned to the fight, and Alia asked – only partially in jest –, "What are they cooking up over there for me?"
Dan didn't say much, but he noticed Alia leaning in on the couch they shared and nonchalantly spreading the top part of the robe.
"You sure you don't want to give me just a little hint," she said as she moved one foot over to rub against Dan's leg, a foot that eventually worked its way up to his crotch. "You know I'd be very grateful for anything you could tell me …. VERY grateful."
Dan wasn't sure how to react, but his cock was definitely sure. He hemmed and hawed that he didn't have that kind of information, and was still talking when Alia slid over and straddled him on the couch. She then pulled the drawstring on her robe, allowing it to open fully in the front and expose her full naked body to Dan's shocked eyes.
"I can be very good to those who help me," Alia said as she began grinding her exposed and fully-wet pussy on Dan's crotch. "And I can also be very bad. It's up to you."
It took Dan only seconds to shed his shoes, pants and shirt, and Alia immediately took him inside her and wrapped her thighs around his buttocks, clamping him firmly as she began a series of slow thrusts. Dan bear-hugged her, picked her up and somehow made it to the large bed at the other end of the suite, where he collapsed on his back, and Alia quickly pinned him there and began riding up and down his engorged cock.
Dan had a thunderous orgasm almost immediately, but Alia was only just getting started. Her strong vaginal muscles quickly massaged him hard again, and those same muscles clamped hard on Dan's cock in a vise grip.
Dan had never experienced anything like this before … and had a sense of fear. He didn't know whether he could push Alia away if he wanted to, and she had worked his member into a position where he was completely at her mercy, the ripples of her vaginal muscles alternately squeezing and releasing, milking him.
So this is what it's like to be raped, Dan thought.
"Now are you ready to tell me what's going on," Alia said as she continued her assault on his cock. "I know something is … I've heard too many rumors … and you're going to tell me eventually."
Dan did not doubt that at all, and he chose not to imagine what would happen if he didn't talk. Eventually, he told her everything … how Arlen had rounded up some of his Texas cronies to attack Alia on the way to the weigh-in one day before the bout, use pipes as clubs to break her fingers and hands. If the injuries limited her punching, that was the best scenario … but if she had to pull out of the fight completely, Anna and her team would brag to all that would listen about how the champ had gotten cold feet and was scared to face a woman like Anna in the ring.
Alia took it all in, just as she had taken in Dan's cock, and slowly released her grip on his now-shrinking member. But she remained astride him, his cum leaking out in a torrent.
"I'm so sorry," Dan said. "I heard them talking about doing something, and I couldn't believe they would sink that low. But apparently there is no level they won't sink to in order to win."
"That's okay, dearie. I know you weren't involved, and I'm just glad you told me," she said, as she slipped her hand down between Dan's legs and quickly brought him back to life. This time, when she slid his manhood inside her, it wasn't to force out more information. It was more to satisfy her desires one more time – and, for once, his desires, too. She felt something different about him, the way he looked up at her and watched her eyes instead of gaping at her body, the way he held her without groping her, something that made her feel almost … tender. It was different from any sex she'd had in a long, long time.
She let Dan flip her over and put her in a vulnerable position, a vulnerability she hadn't shared with any other sex toys/pseudo-lovers. Her body remained taut but receptive, and instead of the violent banging of bodies, it was slow and ever so satisfying.
Afterward, Dan and Alia held each other for a while, without speaking. Finally, she said, "I am so happy that you trusted me enough to tell me the truth. Now I can be ready … and I think I can turn this around to my … our advantage.
"But I need your help … I need you not to say anything about our meeting, about how I know their plan, keep them thinking I don't expect anything. Can you do that … for me?"
At this point, Dan didn't know whether to laugh, cry, or roll Alia over and feel her warmth around his member all over again. Instead, he said, "I'll do that … for you. Is there anything else I can do?"

The images on the screen didn't lie, and Anna knew exactly what they meant.
Here it was, two days before she was to make up half of the biggest match in women's boxing history, and she finally decided to get Eddie off her back and watch a videotape of Alia's most recent fight. She didn't figure to get much out of it – watching other people box bored her – but at least she could tell Eddie she watched it.
She saw a fit and fired-up Alia slip naked through the ropes to face some European with spiked hair, and at first she was more interested in the two naked bodies than the boxing action. "I'm in better shape than that spike-hair bitch," Anna said to herself.
What she watched over the next 30 minutes made her stomach turn, and unleashed an emotion she'd rarely ever known – fear.
She watched Alia take the much-larger European apart for 10 rounds, and it was obvious she was stretching the bout out past what would have been necessary just to inflict more punishment. She watched Alia turn her opponent into a meat bag with skin, one that had to be taken from the ring on a stretcher, unconscious.
But more than anything, she watched one moment in the third round, when Alia stood and let the European punch her. Over and over, the bigger woman hit her with full-force punches right in her crotch, and Alia stood there and laughed. Anna played it over and over, unbelieving.
"She had to be wearing something, some kind of guard," she thought. "Nobody could take that."
After watching the end of that bout, she turned off the bedroom VCR and went to find Eddie, who happened to be sitting in the suite just outside. Anna was white as a sheet.
"I'm … I'm not real sure … I don't think I can beat her," Anna said to him. "She's too good."
Eddie looked up from his paper, where he was reading another story about the bout that Dan had been able to place.
"Yes, you can beat her," Eddie said. "You're much bigger than she is and you know you can punch. You just get your head right, and don't worry. I've got a few things up my sleeve that will make sure you're the one still standing with your hand raised Saturday night."
Anna didn't know what to make of that, and Eddie could see from her face that she was confused and worried. So Eddie told her the whole plan.
The weigh-in was scheduled for the next day, on Friday morning. Since this was a "grudge" match and weight classes weren't involved, the procedure was pretty much meaningless. But having a weigh-in was a tried-and-true boxing tradition, and gave the boxing media that was arriving from all over the country one more chance to see the two fighters – a couple of lookers in very little clothing – and get their final comments.
What Eddie and only a select circle of people knew was that Alia was going to be slightly detained on the way to the weigh-in. He'd called back to Texas, rounding up some of Arlen's cronies, and they were going to grab Alia and her handlers as they left their hotel. Their weapons were metal pipes, and their targets were Alia's hands … they would use the pipes to break some of her fingers and maybe a knuckle or two.
The idea was to hurt her just badly enough to make it impossible to punch Anna with any effectiveness, but not enough to make her have to pull out of the fight at the last minute. Eddie figured that Alia's seething rage at Anna would push her to go ahead and fight even while injured … and even if she couldn't, her hands hurting too badly, Anna and Dan would be able to turn public opinion to their side, claiming that the champ had a crisis of confidence as the fight got close and was too scared to take on their blond-bomber Anna.
Anna looked overwhelmed by it all, but she trusted Eddie and soon was openly excited about the prospects of facing a top opponent whose hands hurt so bad she couldn't hurt her. Besides, she heard Arlen stirring around in the bedroom – Anna's face-sitting had knocked him out cold, leaving her time on her own to watch the tape – and now she needed a dose of confidence that she could only get by thoroughly dominating her partner once again.
She hadn't had that opportunity for over a week in the not-too-distant past. After Arlen's night with Alia, he defined the term "pussy-whipped." He couldn't get it up for almost 10 days, no matter what Anna tried … hand jobs, blow jobs, anal probes with all sorts of sex toys, even allowing Arlen to assume the dominant role with Anna tied to the bed and helpless. Nothing worked until the bruises that Arlen had on his groin and face – both compliments of an Alia pussy that hit almost as hard and fast as her fists – finally healed.
Time to hop aboard and ride some cock, Anna thought. Still got some catching up to do. No need to worry about the rest. Eddie had everything under control.
There was no shortage of confidence in Alia's camp. She was in better shape physically and fighting-wise than she'd ever been, thanks to a training regimen aided by the move West to a drier climate, and to the talented and larger sparring partners she'd brought in specifically to help her prepare for Anna. Anna's only pluses – which she felt she could easily neutralize – were in pure size and punching power, and Alia wasn't exactly a light hitter and could dance circles around her big-busted, big-hipped, big-everything foe.
She had worked up a huge anger toward Anna, bordering on obsession. She wanted to make an example of her … slice her face to ribbons with her rule-bending talents at raking her glove laces across sensitive areas of her opponent's body, beating her already-huge breasts until they're so red and swollen that the skin threatens to crack open, pounding her sides and under her ribcage to the point that her kidneys fail and urine runs down both legs.
She'd already proven that she could beat her so hard that Arlen's cum would pour out of her pussy and ass – and that only took two punches at the party. Now, she wanted to inflict that kind of punishment for an entire fight, make her last dominant performance against Ludmilla look tame by comparison, and wreck her completely for 12 rounds. To that effect, last night she had made a clandestine visit to the referee that had been appointed by the local commission to work the fight – and left him panting and nearly unconscious from their lovemaking, having sexually coaxed a promise that nothing, absolutely nothing, would cause him to step in and stop the fight early.
And now that Alia knew the details of the Anna-Arlen-Eddie plan to incapacitate her – details she had muscle-fucked out of Dan, whom she almost felt sorry for since he was obviously disgusted by those actions but was powerless to stop – she had formulated her own scenario to deal with the situation, and had everything in place when she left her hotel room early Friday morning, robe covering an incredibly sexy bikini she'd saved just for the weigh-in.
Arlen's cronies were downstairs in position, hiding in the parking garage, pipes in hand and ready to do damage.
What Arlen's goons didn't know was that Alia had people in position, too. She'd made some calls to friends back East, inviting them out for the fight and asking if they could get into Vegas a couple of days early to help her take care of a "situation." Instead of pipes, they had guns … they didn't figure to need them, but a show of force was necessary so that nobody would mistake their intentions.
Arlen and his group stepped from the shadows and quickly surrounded Alia and her trainer and cornermen, weapons in hand. They were ready to do damage, but couldn't understand why Alia and her entourage weren't frightened out of their wits. At that moment, Arlen's cronies found themselves surrounded and doubled-up by a dozen tough-looking guys that would have looked at home at a Mafia-hosted Italian dinner.
They used their gun butts from behind to force Arlen's men to their knees … except for Arlen, who had a stupid expression on his face as Alia walked over.
"Coming to visit me again, I guess?," Alia said. "What, you didn't get enough of me last time you were here … well, I can take care of that."
Alia pushed Arlen against a ledge face-first, quickly jerked his drawstring pants and shorts down to his ankles (Arlen had worn those most of the last two weeks … since Anna needed sex so often, it was just easier) and bent him over to expose his white ass. She then pulled a huge 18-inch black dildo from her carry bag (she had been prepared for this, after all) and slowly strapped it on as Arlen and his men looked on in horror. It was absolutely the largest cock any of them had ever seen. But with guns trained on them, courtesy of Alia's East Coast friends, there was little else they could do but sit and watch.
"Does Anna ever rape you?," Alia asked as she bent over and began licking Arlen's anus. "Does she ever violate you after you've said no," she said as she inserted a finger that made Arlen's cock come to attention immediately. "Does she ever pound on you like this," she said as she began penetrating Arlen's anus with her mammoth lovemaker. It didn't take long before Alia was beating Arlen's ass with a steady rhythm of thrusts, and the audible "squish" sound that accompanied each of Alia's cock bangs sent fear through Arlen's troops.
The steady "bang … bang … bang" had an unexpected side effect as Alia had a quick flush of orgasm at the same time Arlen exploded again, this time shooting out a combination of cum and blood. She leaned down to Arlen's ear, her breasts rubbing against Arlen's back and reminding both of their tryst from four weeks ago.
"You are going to tell Anna and Eddie that your guys took care of business," she whispered. "You're going to make sure that all your guys tell everyone they see that they busted me up pretty good. You got that? Or I will come and find you."
When she finished that threat, she turned to the rest of the group, her rubber cock appendage damp and still curving upwards, ready for more.
"You're all going to do as Arlen tells you," she said to his cronies. "Unless anyone else want to take a shot at me … I promise you won't forget it."
Arlen's buddies scattered like rats, heading back to the shadows. Alia's group left Arlen spread-eagled over the ledge (Alia noticed that Arlen's cock was still solid wood … God, how does he keep it up like that, she thought) and headed out for the weigh-in.
On the way there, Alia's trainer wrapped heavy bandages around her hands … part of their ploy to make Anna and Eddie believe their plan had worked. Alia also messed her hair and rubbed dirt on several spots of her robe and her exposed body parts, to further enhance the deception.
The activity was already at a frenzied pace when Alia's group walked into the ballroom at the MGM Grand, the site of the weigh-in. Anna and Eddie were playing to the assembled media, Anna wearing a sheer white bikini, her aeroli not hidden at all and her nipples protruding out of her 44DD's like gun barrels. Every time someone would ask her a question, she'd giggle and bounce a little, and none of the reporters paid any attention to her answers.
When Alia walked in, all attention turned to her … especially Anna and Eddie. They quickly saw her disheveled appearance and the wraps on her hands, and both uttered a giggle of delight under their breath. It was perfect … her hands were injured, but apparently not badly enough for her to try to make a fight of it.
Anna's thoughts of what she could do to an opponent who had hands like marshmallows … one who couldn't hurt her for fear of hurting herself worse … made her wet all over again, and the tiny bikini brief did less to hide that than the layer of fat that strained at the elastic.
Alia never stopped walking when she entered the room, going straight to the scale, which she tipped at 144 pounds – a couple of pounds heavier than her last bout with Ludmilla. She had stripped her robe before stepping on the scale, and it was hard to tell which drew the most notice – her chiseled body so stunningly displayed in a black bikini, or the marks on her body and robe and the wraps on her hands.
Reporters screamed questions about those bandages, but Alia quickly left, covering up with her hooded robe and not even acknowledging Anna's entourage while ignoring their taunts.
"You SCARED?," Anna yelled. "You finally figured out that I'm going to beat your little ass … going to beat you down so bad that you won't be able to find your way home … come back here and I'll punch you out right here!" The reporters were eating it up, and Eddie could hardly restrain his glee.
The only thing that slowed Alia's hasty exit was seeing Dan at the door of the room, where he had been dispensing some last-minute notes to the media. As she walked past, she hesitated, and once she was certain that nobody else could see, she gave him a smile and another wink before rushing out.
Dan didn't understand at first, but a few seconds later he figured it out … and, fortunately for Alia, the screams and jeers from Anna's supporters drowned out Dan's laughter. He knew what was happening, what was going to happen tomorrow night, and it made him feel happier than he had been in days – not as happy as the last time he saw and was with Alia, but still really, really happy. He couldn't wait for tomorrow night.
The commotion finally died down, and it was Anna's turn at the scale. She bounded on, tits bouncing and the cameras catching every bounce of her curvaceous body, and the scale topped out – it was set for a maximum 200 pounds. Officials put another weight on the pendulum, and the scale finally stopped at 215 pounds.
Anna would outweigh her opponent tomorrow night by over 70 pounds! The questions came to Anna non-stop – how will you use your size against your opponent, do you think it's fair that you have such an advantage, how will your opponent deal with the size difference, etc.
Anna just kept bragging, talking about how she was going to make Alia pay for embarrassing her four weeks earlier. "When she's knocked out, flat on her back on the canvas, that's when I'll make sure she feels my entire body on top of her," she said with a teasing look. "You guys will just have to imagine how that feels …. mmmmmmm. God, I'm so horny now."
They ate it up, and why not? Anna was supremely confident. Everything was going as planned, and she went off looking for Arlen. They still had more than 24 hours until the fight, and that gave her plenty of time to polish his chrome a few more times … an early victory celebration, to be sure.


Última edição em 01/11/2021 18:25 por Dan Boxer
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