Dan Boxer's blog

FICTION -- "April's Offer" (Part 3)

Ever hear the cliché about how quickly things can change?
I'm living proof of that … although right now living, moving, even breathing, involves a lot of pain.
Four weeks ago, I had won the affections of quite possibly the most perfect woman ever, and the passion and excitement between the two of us was beyond anything I'd ever experienced.
Two weeks later, that woman watched me go back to my old gym and win a fight against an opponent who used to enjoy beating me on a regular basis. Her excitement just from watching me win made it a legendary evening.
Then, less than 24 hours later, she and another stunning woman were in the ring, duking it out over me in the most erotic boxing match I ever saw.
It's safe to say it was the most sensual stretch of my life.
So what happened? Why was I now lying in this hospital bed, my eyes swollen almost shut, my face and body sliced up, my insides rearranged and everything above the waist black and blue? That perfect woman … gone, probably for good, along with most of my self-esteem.
It happened so quickly, it was almost like a dream … except that the last 24 hours turned into less a dream and more of a nightmare. But it wasn't just in my mind – I still had the photo that she gave me when the whole thing started, and I definitely had the bruises that came when it all ended. Those were proof that it all did actually happen.
I've replayed it in my mind a hundred times, and it always comes out the same ….


The phone rang early, way too early considering everything that had happened the previous two days. I had already informed work that I was taking a sick day for the Monday, even though I wasn't really ill. Exhausted, yes … an emotional boxing match and 36 hours in April's company would wear down any man.
She had also arranged for a free day, and we were looking forward to a relatively quiet day with each other, in contrast to the previous two days that included body pounding of various types.
Both of us were still asleep when the phone rang, and I fumbled for the receiver before immediately recognizing the voice.
"Hey, we need another fighter for next week," was the operative sentence in the conversation.
My old gym held "challenge" bouts with another gym every month, alternating as hosts on a Saturday night, where boxers at most of the weight classes would square off with fighters from the other gym. Tickets were sold and the hat was passed after good bouts, and the gym and the local charities split the take. It helped both groups' budgets, but for the two gyms, it was honor on the line more than anything else. We wanted to prove our gym had the better fighters.
I still had a membership there even though the gym I'd met April in – and the one where I had "won" her in the private match with Duke – was probably going to become my regular haunt. But I still had an allegiance to a lot of the guys in my old gym.
And they were without a middleweight for the bouts scheduled in two weeks – one had a previously-scheduled surgery and would be unavailable, and the other had cracked a bone in his hand in a sparring session over the weekend. I was the only guy available that was around 160. If I didn't do it, they'd have to get somebody to step up in weight class … way up, apparently.
I thought to myself, hell, I just fought a guy 100 pounds heavier than me … how much difference could 15 or 20 pounds make? But I didn't say anything … and I remembered how highly motivated I was for that fight. I looked over my shoulder – April's bare leg was sticking out from under the sheet, which was also snug against her body and showed a wonderful set of curves – just to remember that motivation.
After agreeing, I hung up the phone and pulled the sheet back over us. One glimpse of her naked body and her blonde hair free on the pillow pretty much got rid of the exhaustion, and holding her in my arms made my lower body catch up with my brain in the waking-up process.
"What was that about," she said in a half-talk, half-yawn mumble.
"You want to watch me fight next week?," I asked, my face only a couple of inches from hers.
"REALLY?," she said, quickly waking up. "God, I was just dreaming about watching you in the ring … the crowd was yelling and you were pounding someone, you'd knock him down, he'd get up and you'd knock him down again, over and over, you standing there over him, fists cocked and ready … God, I was so turned on."
"Of course, you were naked," she added, as she reached between my legs and found my fully-awake member. "It was bouncing around so much, and all I remember was wanting it inside me."
She rolled over on top of me, the sheet still around her shoulders, but I had a perfect view of April in all her glory as she ground herself against me a couple of times before taking me inside her.
"Let's see if dreams can come true again," she said. I remember thinking, before the passion took both of us over, that mine had already.


In the excitement of the moment, I forgot to ask about opponents, and if my buddy knew who I was matched up against for the club challenge. So that night, I called back and asked.
"Guy named Spider Johnson," he said. "Don't know if you know him or not."
"Yeah, I know him," I said before I hung up. Spider Johnson, huh … and some of my excitement went away. I'd squared off with him before, a couple of years earlier, on one of these cards, and he pretty much sliced me to ribbons before it was over. And he'd done that to a lot of other people, too.
At 6-foot-2, the black guy was incredibly tall for a middleweight, and had long arms and legs that made him appear even taller. He was also very good at using that height and reach to his advantage, pistoning out jabs and follow-up right hands from a distance where regular-sized middleweights couldn't effectively counter-attack without taking several punches in return.
He was also good at twisting his hands just at the point when his punches connected, which created a lot of redness in best-case scenarios and huge cuts in worst-case since his gloves would rub hard against the skin. When we fought earlier, I was bleeding in three places around my eyes and I was bright red in several other places.
And don't confuse his scarecrow look for weakness. He had plenty of power in both hands, mostly because of his arm length. But more irritating than his twisting gloves or long arms was his mouth … he talked constantly during fights, always with something to say when clinched up. If he was controlling the fight, it was non-stop and really got under his opponent's skin … which, of course, he used to his advantage.
The whole secret was getting inside and working the body – not the easiest of tasks, given his jab, but most of the fights he's lost have been to guys that have stayed close and muscled him. If it's possible to have a glass abdomen instead of a glass jaw, that was Spider Johnson.
Still, it's hard to greedily anticipate a fight when you figure you're going to get cut up. I told April there was a chance I'd have a few cuts and scrapes after this one – she knew enough about the fight game where she would have figured it out eventually – and that piqued her interest even more.
"I LOVE the blood," she said, "the bruises … the beatings when one fighter takes control of the other. That just gets me SOOOOO hot."
"I want to be close so I can see the bruises, so I can feel the canvas and touch the blood when it falls … so I can hear the leather pounding against flesh, and smell the sweat. Mmmmmm …."
She slowly licked her lips, and I swear I saw her shudder for a second. God, was she hot ….
"Who's this guy you're fighting, anyway?," April said, and when I told her Spider Johnson, her face went blank for a couple of seconds … and I saw a big grin break out on her face as she turned and looked out the window.
"What's up," I said. "You know him?"
"Yeah, I know him … I know him REALLY well," she said as she turned back toward me, still grinning and with a look on her face that said she was enjoying what she was thinking about.
She saw me look at her strangely.
"If you must know, he was my lover for a long time," she said, " …. about the best I ever had."
Now it was my turn for a blank expression.
"Don't take that wrong, baby," she said as she put her hand around my neck. "I love being with you … I really do. But when I was with Spider, it was … different. I'd look at that beautiful black frame, those long arms and legs, the way he moved in the ring, so angular … god, I love watching him box."
She had that dreamy look on her face again.
"And you know how he talks in the ring? I told him to do the same to me in bed … tell me how great a lover he was and how great his cock was, tell me what a terrible fuck I was and that I didn't deserve to have him … I know it sounds weird, but when he'd start trash-talking it was like I'd really turn it up, kinda to show him how good I was. It really got me hot, and I would just rock his world to the point that he couldn't do much for a day or so."
"Guess I really need to come up with some put-down lines for you," I said, managing a grin despite the rest of me being shaken. " … since you are just the worst lay ever."
Now both her hands were around my neck.
"Doesn't work for you, baby," she said. "That's not your personality … and I don't need you to trash-talk to get me going. All I have to do is look at you, think about you in that ring … it makes me just want to explode.
"I don't need you to be like Spider … " she said as she walked out of the room, " … although he did have the biggest and thickest cock ever."
I hadn't moved much, still a little in shock, when April walked back in not five minutes later.
"You think they need a round card girl?," she abruptly asked. "That way, I could be right there in the ring, getting a good look at you and keeping you hard and motivated … knowing what was waiting after you beat Spider up, watching your fists pound into that big black body and putting him on the floor."
My first thought was that maybe she wanted to get another close-up look at that cock … or that beating Spider up wasn't a given, and it could well be my blood she might orgasm over. But those were quickly replaced by a mental picture of April strutting around the ring in stiletto heels and some outfit that didn't include much material, left little to the imagination and showed off her terrific body. Maybe a few people might even notice the numbers on the round cards.
I'll admit, the thought of walking into my old gym, my old stomping grounds, with this incredible woman on my arm was already pretty appealing to me. But the thought of her being there in the ring, and people knowing she was there with me and I was there with her, was almost too good to be true.
I quickly called my buddy back – it had been only 15 minutes since he ID'd my opponent – and told him I'd fill their middleweight spot on one condition … that April carried the cards for that fight, and was part of the card group the rest of the night. These bouts hadn't used card girls before, but I couldn't imagine anyone saying no – and if they did, all I had to do was send one picture of April and they'd change their minds.
"OK, you're the card girl," I said to her when I hung up the phone. "You have anything to wear?"
"You mean I have to wear something," she said, laughing while she began fondling her breasts through her sweater. "You and Spider have both seen me naked … might as well let everyone else," she said as she pulled her sweater over her head, holding it up like a round card and displaying those stunning breasts and hard nipples.
I was on top of her in a heartbeat …


While April and I were busy wearing each other out, as only people who have new-found passion can, Duke was also in the process of recovering physically and mentally from our emotional private bout. The difference was that he was alone in the recovery process.
Except for the cuts around his right eye and some swelling, he hadn't been hurt that badly (I didn't have the power to do extensive damage) physically. Mentally was different … maybe it wasn't until the fight was over, and he'd silently dragged himself out of the gym and back home by himself, that he realized what he'd lost in our hour-long war.
He was determined – maybe borderline obsessed – with getting it back, and wanted that to happen quickly before the memories faded. He was going to hurt whoever stood in his way … hurt him badly.
There was going to be another fight, just the threesome again in the gym, and in his mind it was going to turn out much differently.
He went to work getting ready to make that happen.


Two weeks went by in what seemed like only a heartbeat. April and I spent some time together despite our work schedules, and a couple of times we wound up at the gym at the same time. That was almost fitting, I thought.
I, of course, was trying to stay sharp for the club challenge fight against Spider Johnson. April was there only on occasion to work out, punching the heavy bag just like the first night I laid eyes on her.
Maybe it was my vanity, but I hoped she was there to watch me … checking out the goods, as it were. That didn't matter, since my blood raced both times I saw her walk in, and I certainly took more than my share of breaks on those days just to watch her.
I had one last light workout on the Friday, the day before the club challenge, and was hoping to spend a quiet evening at home cuddled up with April. But as I was finishing up, April came in the gym and told me she had a friend who'd just come into town that she needed to spend time with, and that she'd come and see me late tonight.
"Don't wait up," she said and winked as she quickly turned and left.
Well, I can still have a relaxing night, I thought, and get ready for a fight the next night.
It turns out April was getting ready for that fight, too. I didn't find out until later, but the friend she was spending time with was Spider Johnson.
And I had a very unexpected visitor that evening, too. A knock at the door woke me from dozing on the couch, and when I answered I was greeted by a familiar face. And a familiar body, one that almost strutted through the door. Carla was just as stunning as I'd remembered.
"Surprised to see me?," she said.


Fight Saturday finally arrived, and I was laying out my equipment and packing my bag early that day when April walked into the bedroom. She didn't say anything, just strode over and began running her hands over the white satin trunks that were on the bed – the same trunks I'd worn against Duke, and then again the next day when April put me on the canvas in a completely different way. They still had some faint blood stains, but had become my good luck charm and I needed that luck for this one.
She picked up my white gloves – again, same as the fight with Duke – and held them under her nostrils, clutching them to her chest as she breathed in deeply, sensually. With my boots already in the bag, that was about all the equipment I needed … the two gyms had agreed, by popular demand, that fighters would "man" up for the challenge, without protectors or jock straps. Trying to entice the female fans, I guessed … and wondered if April might have had something to do with the agreement. I had long since learned to put nothing past her when it came to the boxing game, and she had already provided the details on Spider's impressive equipment.
I could have taken her or she could have taken me right there, but we both knew the timing sucked … she knew how important this fight was to me, and I wanted nothing else but to impress her. There would be plenty time for both of us to "knock out" the other later.
But she did lean over and kiss me deeply, and said, "Guess it's time for me to get my equipment together."
I smiled – thinking, of course, that her equipment was about as together as anyone I'd ever seen – as she walked out of the room. I finished packing my bag and changed clothes, and was about to walk out when April came back into the bedroom, wearing my long robe.
"Do you think this will work for tonight, champ?," she said as she slowly opened her robe and put her hands on her hips.
Oh, my God …
A red bikini top that was cut in the middle all the way to the strap and showed her lovely cleavage to its utmost … blue bikini bottom that looked painted on – April was no rail-thin model type, she had real curves and just about everything she wore made those curves look perfect – and what had to be five-inch stiletto heels. Around her neck, she had a dark red bow tie covered with red sequins, which sparkled when they caught the light … kind of like her eyes.
So much for timing …. Who could resist something that looked like that? I knew I had to keep my strength up, but I could at least pleasure her, and while I was removing the blue bottoms I found myself hoping this was the only time tonight I'd wind up on my knees. For her part, April stood there on those widely-spread stilettos, hands on hips, while my tongue went to work … the only danger was getting my tongue seared by her heat.
After all, it's important to warm up properly before a fight …


We walked into the gym about 30 minutes before the first bout, and I introduced April to the gym manager who was organizing the night's activities. After getting over his initial tongue-tied state – April had that effect on a lot of people when they saw her for the first time – he told her how glad he was to have her and immediately put her in charge of that night's fundraising.
The gym had taken our idea of ring girls one step further, and had recruited two other stunning women to work the crowd and collect charity donations along with carrying the ring cards. Between the boxers' cock displays as the sweat began flowing, and the barely-clothed women in the crowd, the gym had impressive enticements for both the female and male spectators. This was destined to be the gym's biggest-ever fundraiser.
While April was filling her new role, I headed to the ancient locker room to put up my gear, and then came out to find a seat in the back to relax and watch the early bouts. There were nine scheduled, and mine was scheduled for the seventh.
The gym folks had done a good job of spreading the word, and by the time the first bout started every seat was gone and people were standing behind the seats. Eventually they were standing four and five deep … a huge crowd in such a small place. The concession table was doing a brisk business, and I was sure that April and her crew would do well with donations. It was going to be a good night for the gym and the charities … now I had to do my part, which was a lot tougher.
April? The first time she stepped into the ring, between rounds 1 and 2 of the opening bout, with that colorful bikini and all that it entailed, the whistles and wolf calls were deafening. Most women would have been embarrassed. Her? She ate it up, and by the time she circled the ring her strut was making men in the crowd break out in a sweat. She knew exactly where I was seated, and as she gracefully climbed through the ropes before the bell she glanced over at me and winked.
Damn, just watching her for 30 seconds and getting that wink made me horny all over again. I had to start concentrating on Spider Johnson, or April would be spending the end of her evening trying to revive me.
The bouts went off pretty much without a hitch, and our gym was slightly ahead in wins when I went to the locker rooms to finish getting ready. But as I was walking to the back, I glanced to one side of the gym and saw a familiar face there watching the bouts – Duke.
I didn't know if he saw me on my way to the locker room, since he was watching the action in the ring. But he definitely knew I was there and that I was getting into the ring shortly. Was he there just as a boxing fan … or watch me and start picking out things he could use in a rematch that I knew would eventually come? Or was he going to create a scene here tonight? From what I'd gathered, he had too much class to do that … but he'd also lost a great prize, and that kind of loss can cause a man to slip out of character.
I didn't have time to worry about that at the moment. A couple of bouts had ended quickly, and it was getting close to our turn. I passed Spider Johnson in the hallway going to the locker room, and he only flashed a big toothy grin at me.
I had just finished putting my trunks and boots on and was wrapping my hands when April stuck her head through the door and then walked in.
"Hi," she said. "Just wanted to check and make sure you were okay and didn't need … anything."
"I think I'm good," I said. "Better now since you came in."
We both stood about six feet apart, eyeing each other up and down … April in her bikini, bow tie and heels, me in my boots and trunks that left little to the imagination. Suddenly we both began giggling like schoolgirls, like we were sharing a secret – the secret being that we both made each other SOOOOO hot …
She stepped over and lightly hugged me, I think just to see if she could feel an erection – she did – and said, "See you out there … and fuck him up for me, champ," before walking out.
I was certainly going to give it my best shot, and I had just finished wrapping and taping my hands when one of our gym guys came in to glove me up, an indication that we were up as soon as the bout in the ring ended. Almost on cue, I heard the crowd roar, and found out later one of my former gym mates had just dispatched his opponent in around 30 seconds, leaving him writhing on the canvas and holding his liver area.
That put our side up 4-2, so I knew when I walked out that if I won, it would assure our gym of winning. But at that moment, that wasn't my primary concern as I headed to the ring with two of my gym buddies who would work my corner.
Spider Johnson was already in the ring when I got there, dancing around in his all-silver trunks and shooting out jabs and crosses with the matching silver gloves. He looked taller than I remembered, and since his body looked as thin as a fence post he appeared even taller when we walked to mid-ring for instructions.
"Hey, boy, you ready for another whuppin …" he said after the referee finished. "I'm ready to give you one. Oooo, I'm gonna have me some fun … almost as much as I had last night when I fucked yo' woman goooood."
I didn't say anything, didn't think about it, really … just watched as I backed up to the corner, took the mouthpiece and waited for the bell. I did have a moment to glance at April, who was walking just inside the ropes carrying the "Round 1" card and whipping the crowd into a frenzy with every step. I also looked over to where I'd seen Duke earlier. He was still there, hadn't moved, and was also watching.
I circled out to the left, figuring that Spider would try to establish his jab, and it didn't take long for him to begin pistoning out those left hands. I was able to block most of them away and responded a couple of times with jabs of my own, but I ate a couple of his jabs between my gloves each time I tried to follow my own lefts.
I tried to slip inside, but got tagged with an overhand right on the side of my head and grabbed Spider's arms as we clinched and backed into the ropes.
"Man, why don't you just fall down now," he hissed around his mouthpiece. "Save me some time and save you a lotta pain."
That pattern continued the entire first round – Spider jabbing, jabbing, jabbing, me trying to get inside and usually paying for that daring with Spider's gloves thumping off my head. When I did get close enough to do some damage, he would grab and hold on, usually wrapping an arm around my head – a six-inch height advantage helped – and using his other arm to punch my kidney areas, while I tried to get my arms free to punch inside, usually without success.
We were clinched for a long time, long enough for Spider to drop a bombshell … and it wasn't with his gloves.
"Oooo, good two days," he said as we struggled. "I take yo' woman last night and I whip you tonight." I tried to pull my arms free, but Spider held on. "Yeah, she told you she was visitin' a friend, huh," he spat out. "Well, she was visitin' between my legs … gettin' her some more Spider cock. Guess she can't get enuf of me … I know you ain't filling her up."
All this time, Spider's free hand was digging punches into my side. I was getting abused, physically and verbally, when the bell rang. I hadn't landed a single decent punch in the first round, and Spider let me know about it. "Take your white ass and sit over there," he said. "I'll be back to beat you up some more in a minute."
While my corner crew shouted instructions, I watched April walk around the ring – she had arranged to carry all the cards for this bout. She winked as she walked by my corner, but she also slowed down near Spider's corner. I couldn't tell if she said or did anything, but I saw him with that big toothy grin.
I was pretty sure Spider wasn't lying about April "visiting" him … the story about going to see a friend was too close to what she'd said. I wasn't sure how to feel about it … but I didn't have time to ponder the question too long right then.
I came out faster in the second round, only to have Spider's first jab hiss off one of my gloves and catch me painfully right in the nose. I was trying to jab myself, but all I was doing was pushing his gloves back into his face – at least I was accomplishing that. But every time I tried to pivot and step inside his guard, Spider would be a half-step ahead and catch me with a jab-cross combo that was starting to sound like a broken record – and feel like one.
Finally I bulled in and pushed him into the ropes, which swung well backwards over the apron as Spider held my arms and kept me now too close to get off with anything effective.
"Yo' woman's walking around in here with some fine titties," he said as he kept up the verbal sparring in the clinch. "They felt so goooood last night. After I finish fucking you up, may just have to fuck those some more, too … fuck her until those titties cave in."
I should have known better, but his words were getting to me, and I pulled my arms out of his clinch and swung wildly at his head. Spider was ready, ducked under both my left hook and right follow, and his feet, body and shoulders were in perfect position to throw a hard left under my right rib cage and follow with a right under my left ribs.
I went down like a shot, on all fours, gasping for breath as Spider's gloves felt like they squeezed all the air out of my lungs. Spider stood right on top of me, as the referee – surprised by the quick knockdown – was slow to step in.
"She said she was glad to have a real dick inside her," he hissed through his mouthpiece again, "and not that little limp thang you kept trying to stick in," before the referee could push him toward a neutral corner. Spider was still smiling down at me when the referee grabbed him around the waist, and I couldn't help but notice that his huge length and thickness was pushing out and tenting his trunks big-time. Damn, I thought, April was right …
He made a point to walk by where April was standing against the apron, and grabbed his crotch bulge with one hand and smiled at her. I watched her give him a quick smile … before turning toward me and giving a little shoulder shrug.
I was surprised, but I shouldn't have been. After all, April never hid her intentions … she had jumped from someone else's cock to mine on the result of my last fight, she'd apparently screwed the guy across the ring from me last night … and I suddenly realized that she might just dump me and move on tonight if I didn't get things back under control.
That quickly snapped my mind back to reality and probably helped force air back into my body … just in time, because the referee had already reached "seven" in his count even after guiding Spider to the far corner. I quickly stood, and by the time the referee had wiped my gloves Spider was on top of me again, determined to finish the job.
"Here I come again, white boy," he said on the way in. "Don't know if I want to put you down now, or just whip yo' ass until you just fall down."
This time, it was me doing the holding and clinching for the rest of the round, but Spider never came close to following up, at least with his gloves.
His mouth, though …
"Look over there, boy. Oooooeee, she got a sweet ass," he kept going. "May make you watch while I bang into that. Let her have it with some real man meat."
I was feeling better by the time the bell rang to end Round 2, but my corner guys didn't know that.
"You better take your mind off the girl or he's going to take you out," one of my buddies said – ironically, at the same time that April strutted by carrying "Round 3" and gave me a quick look that I couldn't distinguish between worry and confusion.
Time to change tactics, I thought. Going southpaw worked against Duke, so why not try it again? It'll take him time to adjust, and until that I can probably get some shots in.
At the bell, I took a southpaw stance with my right lead in front, and the first time Spider snapped off a jab I stepped back to avoid, and then pushed forward with a right hook over the top of his left. It connected right on his temple and sent sweat flying – my first decent punch of the fight.
Spider backed up blinking but kept flicking out the jab. Moments later, I again stepped back as a jab whizzed by, and landed another right hand to his open head, this time across the jaw, and I saw him shake his head to clear the cobwebs.
Throwing caution to the wind, I bored in, and the stance didn't matter as I flailed with lefts and rights. Only a few got through as Spider blocked, parried and grabbed, but some did as I was finally able to land some body shots. I could feel him shudder every time my right hand made it past the maze of his gloves and arms and crashed into his abdomen.
Spider grabbed and again pulled me close enough to thwart the body attack. "You ain't hurt me," he whispered. "You ain't shit." But I knew I had hurt him, and even more important I had found a way to counter his attack and get at his weak point inside. I could feel April beating on the ring apron and hear her yelling, "Yes, Yes, hit him again down there."
I kept hammering at his body, taking some shots in return, but now they weren't doing the damage I was doing to his abs and sides. Spider kept clinching and trying to hit me under the ribs again off the clinches, and late in the round I stepped in just as he swung a sweeping left hook. His left pounded into my groin and unprotected – and rigid – cock.
Unnnnnhhhhhh ….
I doubled over, went to both knees and grabbed my crotch as the pain shot through my entire body. The referee pushed Spider away and bent over me, yelling, "You all right?"
Hell, no, I thought, guy just crushed my cock and nuts, you think I feel all right? I stayed in a kneeling version of the fetal position for a couple of minutes before the intense pain finally started to lessen. I was ready to punch whoever's idea it was for these bouts to be sans protectors … as soon as I could stand up straight without wanting to vomit.
Since I had all the time I needed, I did some serious knee squats to take the pressure off, and the pain started slowly being replaced by numbness. It still didn't feel good, but at least the hurt was going away.
I looked over at Spider standing in the corner, and for once he was expressionless and wasn't talking. April, on the other hand, did have a look of concern on her face, so that was a positive sign … at least she wasn't yelling at Spider to crack my nuts again and render me useless, freeing her up to jump Spider's cock.
It probably took around five minutes, but I finally felt close to normal and told the referee I was ready, and he waved us back in. But the momentum I had built up early in the round was pretty much gone, Spider had recovered from the body punches I had gotten in, and it was back to the earlier pattern – Spider lashing out with the jab, me trying my best to slip them and get inside, and us clinching when I did force my way in.
It also didn't take Spider long to regain his voice the first time he grabbed me on a push inside and against the ropes.
"Your dick all swollen up now?," he grunted through the mouthpiece. "Maybe that help you please that fine woman, but you ain't getting' another chance. She said she still wants my big log bad, like she got it last night."
"The rest of you is gonna feel like yo' dick in a little while … or maybe I'll just bust yo' dick up a little more."
I wasn't in any mood to talk about cocks right then, and started flailing punches into his sides for a few seconds before the bell ended the third round.
I hit the stool quickly, and my corner guys pulled out my trunks and put an ice pack right on my groin. It likely dulled the pain even more, but the cold shock revived me – as did April, who stopped on her way by with the "Round 4" card and knelt down in front of me. That red bikini top was straining to keep her charms in tow when she leaned over.
"You all right, baby," she said. "Just try to relax. It's your turn now, champ. Go fuck him up for me."
"Great idea," I said, managing a little bit of a smile. "As soon as I get some feeling back below the waist, he's mine."
She smiled, stood up, and continued her rounds around the ring. I didn't see if she slowed down or stopped near Spider's corner, because my corner guy was in my face.
"Get over it," he said. "Time for you to get after this guy. Get physical and push him around … he doesn't want that."
I planned on doing that right from the Round 4 bell, but Spider's jab was still effective, and maybe even more so since he'd had a couple of extended rest breaks. He started taking dead aim between my gloves, and early in the round he caught me leaning forward with one of those glove-twisting pistons. I could feel it rake into and rip open the skin below my right eye, and I felt the blood begin to flow down my nose and into my mouth.
Spider smiled through his mouthpiece at the sight of my blood, and he intensified his jab attack as I got more and more frustrated. Soon he was splitting my gloves on a regular basis, and followed his jab with a slashing right that ripped the skin under my other eye. I didn't know how bad the cuts were, but I could feel even more blood running down my cheeks.
I had to keep my gloves high to protect my eyes from further damage, and Spider's continual jabs kept pushing my gloves back against my face and slowly turn them from bright white to a dull maroon. And because my hands were high, Spider started mixing in more looping body punches, and those long arms were able to generate enough force where I could feel the breath whoosh out of me every time he connected. Soon I was clinching as he backed me against the ropes.
"You quit now and I won't bust you open no more," Spider hissed as we struggled inside. "Maybe just hit you in the dick some more …. Nah, think I'll just keep cutting you up until you beg for Spider to stop."
The bell rang to end the round, and I hadn't even made it to the stool before my guys were covering my face with ice, the end-swell tool and Vaseline.
"You got to go get him right now," they said. "This is going to keep popping open and it's going to bleed enough where the referee is going to stop it before long."
I knew he was right, so I decided to throw caution to the winds and do nothing but attack until I couldn't go any more. April saw my wide-eyed look when she strutted by.
When the bell rang for Round 5, I almost ran across the ring and started throwing wide-swinging lefts and rights to get Spider to raise his gloves and defend his head. The bull-rush caught him by surprise, and he backed up and did exactly that, his gloves up at his temples.
I quickly pivoted inside, something I'd been trying to do for four rounds, but this time I was able to plant and dig a left hook under Spider's elbow and under his rib cage. I could feel his breath shoot out of his mouth with an "oooooffff," and I quickly doubled up with the left. When his arms moved that way, I shifted my weight and unloaded a big right hand that caught him directly in the solar plexus.
Spider doubled over, and likely would have gone to the canvas even without the chopping left hand that crashed into his jaw on the way down. But that left spun him and landed him on his side, and I quickly stepped back before the referee came in and began the count.
I could tell Spider was hurt since he had one arm and glove tucked in close to his side, and that protection was still there when he stood up. He was already retreating before the referee finished cleaning his gloves, and I rushed in to continue the body assault.
Spider tried to grab my arms, but they were a blur as I rained in punches, knowing that if I didn't finish it here I probably wouldn't get another chance. With Spider backed into the ropes, enough of those shots got through that I could feel him start to cave in, and soon he was sitting on the bottom rope before slipping to the canvas, still hugging his abdomen.
"Who's quitting now?," I yelled down at him. "Who's begging for me to stop?," before the referee stepped in and pushed me toward a neutral corner.
Spider made an effort to get up, but he was still trying to climb the ropes when the referee reached "10" and waved it off.
My corner guys were in the ring in a flash, hugging me, and April wasn't far behind, leaping into my arms and grabbing me around the neck. As she slid down and her heels dug into the canvas, she reached around with both hands and grabbed my ass, thrusting herself against me. Suddenly my groin didn't hurt as much anymore, but I was still miffed at her, if what Spider had bragged about was true.
"I knew you could do it, champ," she purred. "God, watching you pound into his body made me so hot. I could just rape you right here."
"Like you did him last night?," I said, pointing across the ring where Spider was on his stool with his corner men shaking smelling salts under his nose.
April quickly pulled away from me, a shocked and surprised look on her face. It only took one look for me to know that she had indeed been with Spider the previous evening, and it took her only a few seconds to realize that I knew where she'd been.
"Baby, I did it for you," she said. "I knew if I did him, if I milked him dry, he wouldn't have much left for tonight … that he'd wear down quick and wouldn't have any stamina. I took it all out of him … I wanted you to win so bad."
I didn't tell her that I'd also been going at it hammer and tongs the night before, so I couldn't be too upset. But I had to act like it. "I need to get out of the ring so they can start the next fight," I said. "I gotta go to the back."
While I was climbing through the ropes, I looked over to where Duke had been, and he was gone. Just as well, I thought … I wasn't up for any meetings or confrontations tonight. Pretty much all I wanted to do was go somewhere and stretch out, as soon as the doctor bandaged up my eye cuts, and think.
When the doctor was done, I threw on some sweats and headed back toward the gym area … or at least, I was headed down the hall in that direction, before a female form stepped in front of me. I had my head down, so I almost crashed right into her, but I knew instantly who it was.
"What … thought I wouldn't come to watch you tonight, especially after last night?"
I looked up and smiled. Carla had that effect on most people, and once you saw her it was hard to forget. Tall and auburn-haired, impossibly perky breasts. We had dated a few times a couple of years earlier, and I was pretty sure she'd had a little surgical assistance there. But they certainly felt real enough one night ago, and the rest of her body felt sensational, too. And it looked great tonight, too … she was wearing a tight little black number that scooped waaaaay down while also hugging all the other curves. She looked great.
"Sorry … just didn't expect to see you here," I said.
I knew she'd been dating another guy from my old gym, but apparently that was over … at least, I gathered it was from the way she took me around the world less than 24 hours earlier.
"I was sooooo scared when that guy hit you … down there," she said. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"I'll be all right," I said, not knowing exactly what to do since Carla's body was now pushing against mine in a couple of places and we were eye-to-eye … actually, her eyes were above mine, since she was probably 5-7 to start with and her heels made her at least two inches taller than me. That height, her looking down into my eyes, gave her a feeling of power and emboldened her.
"I can make it feel all better," she said in a whisper as her hands moved to my hips … and slowly started to move forward. "I made you feel all better last night, didn't I?"
One hand was now at the front of my sweats, the back of her hand rubbing against what was a growing erection, and the other was planted under an ass cheek and held me firmly in place. I wasn't doing much to discourage her groping … something I regretted when April suddenly appeared in the hallway.
"I think you should move those hands," April said, a determined look on her face as she walked over. "Or I will have to move them."
"Yeah, sure you will," Carla said, turning to face April but making a point to leave one hand against my cock and making sure April could see it. "Nice bikini for nighttime … tell me, does someone have to hand you the right card each round, or can you count that high?"
"At least I have something worth showing off," April retorted, "instead of everyone laughing at your skinny ass."
"You mean the way we laugh at you when you strut around out there? I think your streetcorner is still available when you finish here."
"Don't think too many are laughing," April said, "except for all the bitches like you who can't satisfy a man."
"Well, I can satisfy this one for sure," Carla said, pushing herself against me even more. "Just ask him if he was satisfied last night … he was certainly hard enough, long enough."
April shot me a look as I tried to intervene. "Ladies, please … let's not have an ugly scene here."
"The only thing ugly is going to be her face," April said, "unless she gets the hell out of here now."
Carla turned to me and put her hand on my chest. "What's the deal with blondie here? I know she jumps in the sack with whatever boxer happens to win a fight here and there. So what … is it your turn with her?"
Carla saw my face, and quickly looked at April.
"Oh, my god, it is," she laughed. "Oh, how funny."
April stepped even closer, grabbed Carla's arm roughly and pulled it over to where the two were face to face.
"This area is off limits to scum like you," April hissed. "If you don't get out of here right now, I'll throw you out … after I mess up that face a little."
Carla shook off April's grasp, stepped forward to where the two were inches apart, and halfway turned her head towards me.
"I thought I was going to have a little competition for you," she half-laughed. "But this little whore … why don't you run along before I start taking you apart, piece by piece?"
Carla grabbed April's sequined bow tie, pulled out the elastic and let it snap back against April's throat. April used both hands to shove Carla back against the wall, and I stepped in between before the two could get more physical.
"Ladies … this is not the time or the place," I said. "This is a charity event and a lot of people here … a lot of people that are friends of the three of us. If you can't settle this, take it somewhere else."
"We're in a gym … let's take it to the ring," April said. "If you're woman enough …."
"Can't think of anything I'd like better than to mess up that pretty face," Carla said, "and I'll work over those boobs just for the fun of it."
"You won't be awake long enough," April said. "Hope you've got lots of insurance, because I'm really going to fuck you up good."
"Such class," Carla said, "coming out of that cunt of a mouth. Hey, wherever, whenever, bitch."
The two glared at each other for a few seconds before Carla reached over to me, grabbed my sweatshirt and pulled my face into hers, kissing me before I could react and making sure her tongue was visible to all. She then walked quickly out to the main gym area and out of sight. April then turned her glare at me.
"So you and her …," she said, and I thought tears were about to well up in her eyes. "I … I …," she struggled to find words. "I guess that makes us even … but what I did last night was for you, even if you don't believe it."
There was an awkward silence before April spoke again.
"The only time I want to see you back near her is when you set us up … out there," she said as she pointed toward the ring. "Make that happen and maybe I'll forgive you." April turned abruptly and quickly walked out.
Shit, I thought … now what do I do? Guess I do what April wants, and it's not like Carla didn't want it, too. I walked over to my old gym's manager – the happiest guy in the room tonight, with his cash register stuffed from tickets, concessions and donations – and told him I needed a favor.
It so happened that the gym was closed to the public on Sunday, the next day, and I started setting up another private evening of boxing.


April and I didn't talk any more until the evening's final two bouts were over. She was still working the ring and her crew was still working the crowd, and the last two fights were good ones – a light heavyweight bout that was action-packed from start to finish, and a heavyweight match between guys who could really hit and weren't really good at not getting hit. The crowd thoroughly enjoyed the evening, and everyone left in a good mood – except, maybe, April and I.
As we walked out, I tried to make conversation.
"Look, she just came to my place and threw herself all over me," I said as we walked down the street next to the gym. "I didn't know if she was drunk or stoned, but …"
"What, you just set something up after I told you I was going to be visiting a friend?," April said. "You got her to come over after I left?"
"NO!," I said. "She just showed up."
" Yeah, like she just showed up tonight. I could really tell how hard you were trying to fight her off. I guess it was all that exertion in trying to get away from her was why your cock was getting big."
"Can we just drop it," I said. "We both messed up … can we just leave it at that?"
April didn't say anything for a while.
"I still want to hurt her bad," she finally said. "I need for you to set that all up. I have something to prove to her … and I guess to you, too."
When we got home, I called a friend and got Carla's phone number while April was showering. I called her to make sure she was serious about the two of them actually lacing up gloves and getting into the ring.
"You tell the little bitch I plan on beating her to death," Carla said over the phone, "… and then you and I will go and have some more fun. Last night was just a warm-up … you have no idea what I can do to a man."
I didn't respond to that, only telling her the time, place and other details. I wanted to make sure she was aboard with this before I told April, and it was a relief when I hung up the phone and stretched out on the bed.
When April came out of the shower, I told April about the arrangements – my old gym, 8 p.m. the next night, straight boxing. A private setting, just the three of us – I would serve as referee and second for both fighters. From her reaction, you would have thought that nothing had ever happened to damage our relationship.
"Guess I'll have to see if I can influence the referee," April said as she let her towel slip to the floor and reveal herself in all her lovely nakedness. "I know you can't wait to get between us and break up the clinches."
She crawled under the sheets and immediately began massaging my lower abs and my crotch, which was still a combination of pain and numbness thanks to Spider's left hand.
"Ooooo, I think the champ is still sore," April purred as she began pumping my instanty-stiff cock. "Look, it's all swollen. Let me see if I can make it all better."
It didn't take her long to pump out a stream of milky-white cum, which coated my chest and abdomen. April licked at both before climbing on top of me.
"Now that we know it still works, let's see what else it will do," she said.


I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to the evening all day Sunday.
I was going to get a close-up view of an ultimate male fantasy – two hot chicks battling it out with me as the prize. The more I thought about it, the hotter I got. For the first time, I had an idea of why April got so turned on when she watched two men fight and knew she was leaving with the winner.
But I was also concerned for April. I knew she was no delicate flower, and she was plenty strong when she was hitting the heavy bag in the gym. And she'd been around boxing enough to know how to handle herself.
But she was also a lot shorter than Carla, and I knew Carla had taken some legitimate boxing lessons when she was dating one of my old gym friends. Whether that was just to impress him, or if she was serious about learning how to box, we'd find out in a few hours.
I kept asking April if she wanted me to do anything for her or help her all day, and she kept telling me she was fine and not to worry. She actually spent most of Sunday napping and lying around, which was good since I had to take care of some details before their bout. But eventually she collected her gear early in the evening and we headed to the gym.
I used the spare key the manager had given me to let us in, and blocked the door open for Carla. As soon as she arrived, I thought, I'd come back and lock the door behind us, assuring privacy for all three of us.
We went back to the locker room area, and once inside I went ahead and wrapped and taped April's hands, taking special care to do a good job on her knuckles since her hands weren't used to punching anything except the heavy bag.
"I'll go and watch for Carla," I said to her. "You go ahead and get dressed and I'll come back to glove you up once she gets here."
April just nodded. I could tell she was nervous, so I rubbed her shoulders a little before I walked out. As soon as I walked down the hall and back into the gym, I heard the front door squeak open. It was Carla.
I walked over and locked the door behind her.
"The little blond bitch here, or did she chicken out?," Carla said.
I didn't bite. "She's in the back getting ready," I said. "Let's go back to the other locker room and I'll help you get ready."
"I'm ready now," Carla said as she dropped her bag, leaned in close and reached around my back, making sure to rub her chest back and forth against me. She had heels on again, meaning her eyes were still a couple of inches above mine, and she was obviously enjoying the fact that I wasn't resisting her advance. "You can come back and help me get undressed. That would be nice …."
"I meant get your hands wrapped and taped," I said as I tried to lean back.
"When I get through with blondie, you can tape me up anyway you want," she said, "as long as I get to tie you up after that."
She flashed a mischievous grin as I finally pulled away, grabbed her bag and headed toward the back. We walked by the ring, which I already had ready with the lights on, stools and water bottles placed and the timer set up.
"You're gonna love watching me in here," Carla said as she ran her hand along the apron on our way to the locker room. "I'm going to look so good you won't be able to stop yourself … you're going to do me right here after I beat up the bimbo."
She was right about one thing … I was going to love watching this.
When we got to the locker room, I reached under the training table to grab the wraps and tape. When I stood back up, Carla had torn off the jogging suit she had been wearing, and was standing there wearing only a red thong bottom.
"See anything you like," she said as she put her hands on her hips and cocked to one side.
I stepped over, grabbed her at the waist and picked her up, surprising her … but I quickly put her on the table, grabbed one of her hands and started with one of the wraps. "Maybe later," I said … but it was definitely a distraction, having those perky breasts looking at me while I tried to concentrate on her hands.
I finished and turned to walk out. "You finish getting ready," I said, "and I'd recommend covering those puppies up. They make too good a target."
"If you insist," she said. "Just wanted you to see what was coming later … besides you cumming everywhere, that is."
I walked down the hall to check on April, lightly knocking before I walked in. She had her back to me, but I could see her in the mirror and the reflection was stunning.
She had on the shortest and tightest pair of foxy boxing trunks ever, white with black trim that showed off her tan and also hugged what little bit of her gorgeous ass they covered. She had on her Everlast white boots and the hand wraps I had done earlier, but nothing else. She had been stretching and loosening up, and already had a sheen of sweat from the warmth in the gym – which made her look even more sensual.
"Wow … good thing for me it's not the two of us in the ring again, or you'd be putting the champ down again," I said, trying to lighten the mood.
"Your other girlfriend's the one that's going down," April said, "and then I'll be ready to drop you." She was smiling, but it was easy to tell she was serious about the first part. I pulled her gloves out of the bag – 10-ounce whites. I had insisted they use at least 10-ounce and had asked for bigger, to lessen the chance of someone getting hurt. I had also insisted on mouthpieces for the same reason, and for two-minute breaks between rounds so I would have time to check both corners.
While April sat on the table and I laced her gloves, she finally asked me about the fight.
"OK, what should I do here? You're the champ, you tell me," she said, with just the hint of a smile.
"Well, she's taller than you," I said, "so I think your best bet is to stay on top of her, not let her use her longer arms, and most boxers without a lot of experience don't like to get hit to the body. Once you get inside, just do the same thing you do to the heavy bag … hit as hard as you can for as long as you can."
"OK …," she said. "I really want to kick her ass bad … yeah, for me, but mostly for you."
My face must have looked like a question mark.
"I want to win this for you," she said. "I got you into the fight against Duke that you probably shouldn't have won, and I'm pretty sure you won it for me. And you wouldn't have boxed again last night if you hadn't known how much I wanted to watch you fight.
"Just knowing you did that both times got me sooooo hot, and then when you won …. Ohhhh," she said, her hand instinctively moving to the crotch of those impossibly-tight foxy trunks. "Now I want you to feel the same way … I want you so hot watching me that when I win, you'll want me so bad you'll be out of control."
She stood up and playfully started tapping my crotch with both her gloves.
"I want you spewing cum everywhere," she said, "and then I can use her to wipe it up."
I grabbed her gloves. "Save that thought," I said, smiling. "Give me a couple of minutes and then come out to the ring when you're ready. And I'd put something on up top if I were you … don't want to give Carla anything to aim at." And I couldn't help but plant a deep kiss on her lips before I walked out.
When I tapped the door and went into Carla's locker room to glove her up, I saw she had added a tight red bikini top that matched the thong. Her long legs went all the way down to matching red boots, and when I dug her gloves out of her bag while she limbered up – her slender and toned body able to stretch into very provocative positions, I noticed – I saw that they were also a matching red. She will look sensational in the ring, no question. Hell, she looked awesome right here.
"Ready for these?," I said, holding up the gloves as she finished her stretch. "Like the color."
"Can't wait," she said. "Her face will soon be just as red, and probably the rest of her, too, if she stands up that long."
I didn't say anything, just held her gloves one by one against my chest as I laced them. I noticed a couple of nice biceps as she pushed against me, and I hadn't noticed that before.
When I finished, she held her gloves up, indicating she wanted me to hold my hands up to give her targets for some shadow-boxing. I did, and she quickly took a solid boxer's stance and started peppering out punches … pop, pop, pop, fast and hard with both fists. My hands recoiled some with each impact. This went on for at least half a minute before she stopped punching, but continued to bounce in place with her gloves high.
Damn … she knows what she's doing, and she noticed the surprised look on my face.
"Surprised?," she said. "Your little blond bitch is in trouble. Picture her tits where your hands were. I'm going to have fun ripping those tittles up."
She still had an evil smile when I walked out, her right behind me heading toward the ring in long and confident strides. April could be in trouble here, I thought, if I didn't warn her … she's not expecting Carla to have any boxing background. But I'm not going to have much of a chance to warn her between now and bell time.
Carla gracefully slipped through the ropes and lightly bounced across the ring, where she began punching the pad in her corner. April could hear the noise as she came into the gym area, quickly entering the ring and grasping the top ropes on both sides of her corner and pulling them in her own stretch. After my last locker room visit, she had added a tight white "wife-beater" shirt to her ensemble … but it was cut off at the bottom, so high that it barely covered her breasts, and wouldn't if she ever raised her hands above her head.
I called them to the center of the ring, and as they walked out I couldn't help thinking … two great-looking women wearing very little clothing and boxing gloves, about to start punching on each other until one of them is on the canvas. Dammmmnnnnn … if I didn't have to be in here with them, what a pleasure it would be to sit at ringside and jack off while watching.
The stare between the two was like knives flying back and forth. They both stepped forward, chests almost touching except that Carla's four-inch height advantage put her nipples at the top of April's breasts. I had to grab their shoulders to back them up.
"You two keep it clean," I said. "I won't interfere unless I have to, but back off when I tell you to. Settle this between yourselves."
I didn't even try to get them to touch gloves. April and Carla both walked backwards to their corners, neither taking their eyes off the other. Carla bounced with her gloves high, while April pounded her gloves together, the noise echoing around the gym. April put her back against the turnbuckle, rolling her neck and shoulders to stay loose and making her "wife-beater" creep up enough to give me a nice view and another warm feeling in my crotch.
I went over to start the automatic timer, but I took a quick detour close to April's corner.
"Be careful," I whispered where Carla couldn't see me. "She's better than you think."
In hindsight, I should have known better. As in every other instance since I'd met her, I underestimated April once again.


Última edição em 07/10/2021 20:24 por Dan Boxer
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07/10/2021 22:48

I like to wonder what's coming next. April of course has to win, how man ends up in a hospital is the question. Does he have a fresh encounter in the ring with her old flame or is he assaulted by him? And, then, April may well arrange another fight between these two to feed her need. This is not a very stable woman, psychologically IMHO. But, hey, I may be all wet. What I am hankering for is Part IV, and the sooner the better.

Great story line; thank you for sharing.
