Cymrofight's blog

Just to let those of you who may be interested know that Huw's interment and memorial service a week ago today went off well. Huw's ashes were placed in an urn decorated, as befits a classic Dr Who fan, with images of the TARDIS and words from the series: "We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one". This was placed in a small plot in the grounds of the church where he'd been minister, attended by ourselves and a small group of family members and friends. The memorial service itself in the small church was very well attended, and overseen by Huw's bishop. It was a warm, affectionate tribute laced with many humorous anecdotes and memories, and altogether very touching. New friendships were made and continued over the very good refreshments in the hall afterwards. No doubt as Huw would have insisted on.

Última edição em 02/10/2021 13:52 por Cymrofight; 14 comentário(s)
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