blog de Curvy-pugilista

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Fue por la secundaria. No recuerdo bien como llegó a mis manos este juego, ready 2 rumble boxing. Pero después de jugarlo un par de veces me enamore del juego.

Me gustaba casi todo del juego. La temática. Los personajes. Los efectos de sonido.

Y fue gracias a ese juego que prendió la llama por el boxeo. Ya con internet en casa pude descubrir muchas más cosas y saber que había gente igual que yo. Que disfrutaba el boxeo mucho más allá que solo deporte

Última edição em 22/7/2023 15:02 por Curvy-pugilista
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Boxer Pup (1)

22/7/2023 16:08

Ready 2 rumble also had the same effect on me. It’s cool knowing you and possibly others had similar experiences in discovering your love for boxing


Curvy-pugilista (3 )

22/7/2023 22:17

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Really?? Cool! I think it was the way how the characters moved and sounded that influence on me.

It's weird. Few people have heard of the game


Mextoro 2 (8)

23/7/2023 01:07

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Quizas sea por que ese juego salio en el primer Play Station y no muchos tenian acceso a ciertos juegos. Tambien recuerdo el Ready 2 Rumble: Round 2, pero me gusto mas el primero. Era divertido jugarlo en aquellis tiempos.


Curvy-pugilista (3 )

23/7/2023 02:43

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Puede que si.

Yo tengo los dos. Me gustan ambos. Pero no podría elegir solo uno

Ambos tienen lo suyo


Boxer Pup (1)

23/7/2023 15:42

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I also have both of them and stil play them every now and then :)
Which characters were your favorite? Mine were Tank Thrasher and Salua because I love big guys :)


Curvy-pugilista (3 )

23/7/2023 19:42

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I like salua too. I always picked him to play as. And my favorite were Selene, lulu, jet, rocket, afro and furious faz


Birdman (1)

23/7/2023 18:56

Excelente anécdota, así comienzan las ganas de conocer más de algo que te llama la atención y gracias a internet te encuentras que no estás solo hay gente que comparte tu mismo gusto


Curvy-pugilista (3 )

23/7/2023 19:44

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Vaya que si. Cómo todavía estaba chico pensé que era el único por ese gusto 😅

Ya después descubrí que había gente mucho más creativa.

Ojalá y tuviera la solvencia económica para viajar conociendo esos amigos. Jaja.


KOFistBoxer (2)

26/7/2023 03:48

The Fight Night series from the PS2 days might be the best overall. I preferred it to the more cartoony games.

I know there are some legal issues that are hindering the production of a new modern game from an article I read. Unlike UFC games where you only need the license of the UFC to use their fighters, the boxing world is more fractured so you'd basically need a deal with each individual boxer (or whoever manages their likeness) to put it together. It's basically the issues that's been holding things up for the past 15-20 years or so since the last good one. It would be very expensive to pull off unless someone comes up with a good solution.

Until then the UFC's "Stand and Bang" mode is probably the best boxing simulator out there, as long as you don't mind the kick variety.


Curvy-pugilista (3 )

27/7/2023 00:41

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That's why "ready 2 rumble" caught my attention. That wasn't a boxing simulator. It had the elements that call my attention into boxing

Cuz I also enjoy the fight night and knock out kings franchise.

But ready 2 rumble has a special place
