I was hypnotized by them, they were the first thing I noticed about him, those marvelous legs which were much larger than they should have been. I always made sure to stretch when he was squatting or deadlifting because the mats were just across from where he was when his legs were at their finest. The addiction I felt inside my gut was unbearable and I was such a coward. There was no way I could ever strike up the nerve to say hi or anything else. I suppose that was a big part of why I always chose to stretch when he lifted, I was hoping he'd see me staring at him and then he'd come to me either to call me out or call me over.
It had been at least six months and I had gained a considerable amount of flexibility to say the least. There were certainly plenty of times where he must have noticed my trance and chose not to acknowledge it. I suspected that part of him was wholly exhibitionist and that he appreciated the audience.
The day I knew for certain was the day everything changed. I took my seat in the usual place and waited... and waited... my heart sank as I waited even more. He was in the gym, I knew because I passed him on the way to the lockers, he was talking to some friends. Maybe they held him up? Maybe he's working out with them? Had his schedule changed? Was the cycle of his routine finally broken?
No. No, he came and claimed his rack as always but my hearts drumming hadn't stopped, instead it thudded harder. He had fallen into the new trend that seemed to be taking over. He had ditched his usual gym shorts and tee shirt for a sleeveless spandex shirt and spandex tights. His package was on full display and more beautiful than I had imagined it. His legs were like a road leading to the promised land paved in black gold. There was no hiding my enchantment, no turning away, I was washed away in the fantasy of being between those legs, feeling those muscles, smelling that bulge. Was I even breathing? I was so lost there would be no way of ever knowing.
"Hey," a voice spoke from somewhere that seemed distant, turns out it came from right in front of me. "Dude, when were you planning on ending your gawking and actually coming over to speak to me?"
"Huh?" I said, coming out of my trance. Then it hit me. He'd walked over. He was standing right in front of me now and he was talking to me. What the fuck was I supposed to do now?
"It's been at least four months and every time I do a leg day you're right here to watch. So, are you going to say hi or what?"
"Um, hi." I said. Really? That was the best I could come up with? I'm acting like a kid in puberty noticing his first rack.
"You know, I've been watching you too. You're kind of funny over here with your endless stretching." He said and I wanted to say something smart back to him but it was like he had turned off the master control switch in my brain. He waited a minute and then said, "I'm going to go lift now, you can watch if you want but when I'm done I expect you to pay for the show with a coffee." And with that he walked away. I stayed there and didn't even bother to stretch. Instead I watched his legs work and noticed him smile at me occasionally.
I did as ordered and bought him a coffee afterward and we talked. His name was Alex and he jokingly said he suffered from bigorexia, a condition where a person obsesses about getting larger muscles and never recognize the progress they've already made no matter how big they get... and then I opened my stupid mouth.
"I usually think about it more functional." I said quietly.
He looked puzzled for a moment and then asked, "and what functions do you feel would prove my strength? Have you seen how much I lift?"
"Well, a lot of people can lift a fair amount..."
"So? Name your challenge and I will meet it."
I had nothing. He was right, strength is all about how much you can lift, how high you can jump, how much you can pull, I had not challenge to present him. Well, my brain didn't but my mouth just spat the dumbest thing I have ever said out without any cognitive approval. "I've seen videos where a guy can squeeze another guy out with just their legs on a person's body, I don't think it can be done."
"Ok," he said without hesitation. Ok, but seeing as it's your idea I insist that you take the pressure."
And then it struck me. I realized what I had proposed and before I could backtrack he had taken me up on the offer. What I didn't realize that the moment he first spoke to me I was getting strapped into the roller coaster and there was no getting off, not until the ride was over. Any illusion of control I had was gone hours ago and all I could do was hold on till the very end.
The next thing I knew we were at his place and stripped down, him in his tights, me in my compression shorts, fucker hadn't even showered and the smell of him made me shake all over as though someone was sucking on my nipple. His legs were closing around me when I first noticed how incredibly attractive his face was. How had I gone this long without noticing. He was downright cute and the kindness in his eyes calmed my nerves which had been ravaging my system. His smile went a little cruel and he straightened his legs making me cry out in surprise.
"A bit fast?" He asked but all I could reply with were heavy pants and shock. He squeezed again a little more slowly but he built up again to the same pressure that was a little more bearable but still harsh. His arm went around the back of my head as he pulled me down to him and then he whispered in my ear, "I've come to realize, you're never going to tell me what you want so I'm just going to squeeze you every way I can think of until you do."
He rolled me onto my back and straightened his legs across my abdomen. The way he lay he looked like a lounge singer on a grand piano flirting with the audience. I instinctively pushed on his top leg to relieve the pressure but he responded with a sharp, "Don't you dare!" which was accompanied by a sudden burst of pressure that he didn't let up. I could feel my pulse throbbing in my abdomen. I looked up to the plain white ceiling, mouth agape and tried to breathe but he seemed to be timing his pressure with my breaths. Part of me suspected that he was really going for it, that he really wanted to squeeze me out.
I doubted he had the endurance for it and I think he came to the same conclusion because he shifted his position so that he was behind me and then secured a body triangle around my midsection and clamped it so that his calf pinched into me. From there he played around with different things, flexing his quads, leaning forward, lifting the foot that was locked in behind his knee, pulling on his other ankle.
A moan leaked from my throat which he used as a cue to wrap his arm around my neck.
"That would be cheating." I said.
"Good point." He said but didn't release my neck. He pressured the back of my neck forward into the crook of his elbow for half a second as if he was making a point that he could end it at any moment and then he released the pressure but kept the hold.
I could feel my legs were beginning to get a little cold and numb, the throbbing pressure in my core from my blood trying to pass to my lower body. I don't even know when I got erect but the erection was now painfully hard.
When Alex felt well rested enough he rolled me back onto my back, this time placing his legs across my chest. It was like getting hit by a cannon ball, my lungs were suddenly emptied of air and my head filled with pressure like wrapping your finger from knuckle to tip with twine, pressure like something was going to pop. His endurance was very impressive.
Suddenly I began to convulse, my body hinging and twitching violently. Not knowing how to respond Alex loosened his grip.
"Don't!" I cried out in desperation and instinctively he returned his pressure harder than before. Part of me was afraid my ribs would break but they were silenced as an explosion of ejaculate projected from my ridiculously hard but somehow confused feeling dick.
When I started to come down from the unexpected orgasm Alex loosened his grip once more but I asked him to not let me go all the way, at least not yet. I nuzzled his crotch with my face, feeling the curvature of his rock hard legs with my hands and breathing in shuttering gusts. There was a wet line of pre-cum smeared across my forehead from his rock hard cock.
"Can we do this again sometime?" I begged.
He petted my hair and although I wasn't looking up I knew he smiled when he said, "Of course."

Última edição em 03/3/2016 00:03 por Chris in seattle
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WildcatLes (29)

04/3/2016 16:46

Another great story. I'll look forward to your next installment.


briansp (56 )

08/3/2016 03:02

Great writing! Hot! People may not realize how hard it is to write a story like that. Based in reality or no?


ShortMick (47)

23/1/2019 21:27

Just brilliant!
