CelticFire's blog

Power isn’t Everything, Dante’s Story

The Celtic Fighter, or just Celtic as many shortened it to, sat in the locker room with his head against the wall. It had been a little over two months since the cowardly but brutal attack from Aki. He needed this time to recover from bruised ribs, messed up face, and nearly (read totally) destroyed adnominal wall. Shifting his weight he placed a hand on his chest, then stomach. The pain had finally stopped, the burning had gone out, but the memory would live on. The guys at the gym, for all their hyper-masculine attitudes, were sympathetic to him, knowing the devious of the situation. It wasn’t just a normal fight he had; the boy had cheated, and with brass knuckles no less. Sure, he won in the end, but at a VERY high price. But now? Now he was back in the game, he was fit and ready for the world. He had hit the gym for several days before the first offer for a fight came in. While the thrill of the fight was screaming back inside of him, for once fighting was in your blood, it never really left, he was still nervous. What if he had had a misstep? What if he had a flashback in the middle of a fight? One false move and he knew he would never fight again.

To say he was left shaken from the event would be an understatement.

Read the rest here: https://celticfirefights.blogspot.com/2020/01/power-isnt-everything-dantes-story.html

Última edição em 29/1/2020 02:38 por CelticFire
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Dante Biddle (1 )

29/1/2020 03:21

Perfect as all you write
