wrestleuCa4Fun's blog


Physical Therapy

I got injured about 4 months ago at work , wrenched my neck pretty bad so i've been going to physical therapy a few times a week since . Pretty routine stuff , stretching and working out the kinks in my neck, exercises to build up strength and endurance as well as improved mobility. Therapists came and went as I rotated into the schedule . The 1st guy I worked with was name John, I worked with him the longest. He was fit, like you'd expect a sport therapist to look like, early 50's Nice toned / fit physique , shirt sleeves stretched by his bulging arms , big chest that tapers down to a slender waist . We are similar in height and weight but he definitely has fitness on his side . At 57 5'9” 170lb i've been in good shape, gym , cardio , hike, run, bit of grappling kept me going strong . Suspect the injury was just a recap of a prior wrestling injury from years ago. Anyways John worked with me the 1st few sessions pushing and pulling on me, stretching out my neck , shoulders and back. His pressure was strong and very physical. It was an effort to just relax and let him do his job of stretching me . Having wrestled so much, I had a tendency to push back a bit which caught his attention and created dialogue of our sports history . We talked about sports and fitness and discovered a similar background in high school of track , football and both of us wrestled a bit on the junior and senior team . He worked on me for about a month , before there was a schedule conflict and we kept missing each other during my sessions. It was great having the consistency and we got in some good banter a bit as he worked on me and I pushed back a bit.
Anyways on occasion we'd pass in the hallway and we'd push on each other , he'd test my grip or put a hand on my shoulder and push me back a bit with a quirky smile taunting me with suggested takedown . I'd respond any time any where . He'd laugh and say mend up 1st . Definitely was something brewing . I continued regular sessions and did my routines building my strength and flexion back.
It was my last week in therapy and I was scheduled for a mid day session . I got a call asking if I could come in the last appointment of the day as there was conflicts . I accepted the change and showed up at 6pm as scheduled. The place was pretty much cleared out. The receptionist checked me in and said that my physical therapist would be just a few minutes . She excused herself and left the building , locking the door behind her. I waited a few minutes when John showed up at the hallway door , He stepped into the waiting room , looks like it's just you and me here now he blurted out . I stood up moving towards him, he crouched into a wrestlers stance and said you ready for your final workout . Hell yeah I said , if your man enough . He laughed and stood up and walked towards me , I extended my hand for a handshake, but he pushed it aside and went right into a bearhug slamming his chest into my and wrapping his arms around my back ! Squeezing and lifting me off my feet . Oh i'm man enough to handle you . You sure your man enough to handle me as he squeezed tighter . I flexed my chest into his and said bring it . He put me down and we exchanged some push and shove activity . He asked how my therapy had been , talked about the few weeks passed we missed and asked if I was ready for the session of a life time . I looked at him funny and he grinned and said follow me . We passed all the rooms we normally used for therapy and went to the end of the hall. Upon opening the door a full size wrestling mat was exposed in the middle of the room . I blurted out , what the F.... , he laughed and said it was his personal room for workouts , complete with weights , cardio and the mats .
I was looking at the client list this morning and saw this was your last day, also saw how improved you were , so I had the receptionist change your schedule to this evening so I could work on you one more time, hope you don't mind he said . I turned looked in his direction and said i'm looking forward to this workout session . Good he said , he walked over to a chest of drawers and pulled out 2 singlets , 1 blue , 1 black he tossed the blue to me and said put this on . Eagerly I obliged .
We suited up and both turned as we were pulling the straps over our shoulders . He walked towards me and said we must stretch 1st to make sure your game for this . So he had me sit on the mat and he began to stretch my arms back and forth , extended back so my shoulders would flex a bit . He than sat on the mat directly in front of me and put his feet into mine and reached out for me to grab his arms , we pulled and stretched one another for a several minutes . He then got up and came behind me , had me put my legs out straight and he pushed on my shoulders and upper back stretching me forward . He was satisfied I was ready for a wrestle and said it's time to get to it . I jumped up and turned to face him . Adjusting my growing bulge in my singlet I was a bit embarrassed but notice he had the same issue. I smiled and said it's all good brother ! Awesome he said , he adjusted his singlet
pounded his chest with a big smirk on his face . He began to circle me , lets keep this a bit quiet until we're sure your'e ok he said . I'm game with that as I stepped up and offered him my hands to lock up in a test of strength.
He looked sooooooo good in his singlet with the tapered V shape ripped body. It was all I could do not to just grind my cock into his . We locked up and struggled into one another . Surprising to both of us our strength was pretty even, no one really gained an advantage as we pushed each other around the room . After about 5 minutes we broke and headed back to the center of the mat . We locked up collar and elbow and began our quest for a takedown . We exchanged several holds on each other trying for leg lifts , take downs and just tossing each other off balance. Finally I got a leg sweep in on him and dropped him onto the mat, I was quick to land on his chest and turned to be perpendicular to him so I could work my way up his chest for a pin . This guy was strong and hard to keep on his back, He bridged and tucked in on me so we were chest to chest and more parallel with each other. At this point we both got our arms wrapped around each other and secured a good bearhug on each other . Legs were flailing and we tried to out maneuver each other for control . We wound up rolling back and forth on the mat for several minutes neither gaining top position for long. It was a hard fought round and both were getting exhausted . We broke and rolled away from each other , got to our knees and rested with our hands on our hips staring at one another . Your tougher than I expected he said. I thought i'd for sure be giving you a lesson here tonight for all the banter you tossed my way . Looks like I have my work cut out for me tonight he said . I smiled and said i'm happy to be back in the game this quick. I'm ready for round 2 when ever your'e ready. He tossed me a towel and we wiped off a bit of sweat and moved in on each other to lock up again collar and elbow.
We locked up again , He got a good grip behind my neck and pulled me forward , I resisted but thats what he wanted, He dove as I sprung back and got a double leg takedown on me and slammed me onto the mat , he dove on me grabbing my outside leg and pulling it up and towards my chest as he wrapped his left arm around my neck attempting to cradle me . I struggled and stretched the best I could not allowing him the full cradle. I kept pushing into him and we slid across the mat , I reached with left arm across my body and hooked his right leg and pulled him up and across me , as he was off balance I wrapped my right arm around his neck and worked my own cradle on him cranking him in as tight as I was in his grib , we struggled for leverage using our free legs but eventually they found their way together and locked up. As we tightened our grips we rolled each other onto our shoulders each getting a near pin before the other leveraged across and rolled out into his own advantage. It was quite the heap of sweaty muscle rolling around on the mats . Finally he got me high up on my shoulders and got his leg free allowing him to stick the pin on me . I consented the loss and collapsed on the mats , he lying on top of me , stretched out , he massaged my neck for a bit , asked if I was ok, which I agreed I was . He wrapped his legs around mine into a grapevine and pressed his bulge into mine . You think you can handle another round old man he said, I stretched our legs out and lifted my left leg and rolled him onto his back. Surprised I pulled that off he grinned and said I guess there will be another round. I climbed up on top of him , sat on his chest and flexed at him .
I stood up , offered him a hand and pulled him up to a stance . I stepped forward and shoved my chest into his, round 3 pal . I peeled the straps down on my singlet and pounded my chest . He smirked and pulled his straps down and did a double bicep pose kissing his own left bicep. We circled again and locked up collar and elbow. We pushed and shoved a bit , I pulled him forward and ducked under getting him to spring up and I got under and behind him , coming up and hooking an arm getting him in a ½ nelson , I got my right arm free and brought it up under his right arm and locked my arms in on him. He struggled but I had a good grip and lifted him off the ground. I rolled us back onto the mat and pulled him back into my chest. I wrapped my legs over his thighs and stretched his legs out with mine. He was bucking and trying to rock side to side but I had him secured in my grip. He rolled to his right taking me with him , He got on his stomach. I released my legs on his and turned away from him , I released my outside arm on his neck and began to roll him onto his back again with a ½ applied on him. I drove hard and got him flat on his back ! He bridged but I was able to get him off balance and shoulders crashed to the mat again. Pinned I yelled out. He struggled a few moments but finally caved to my pin. We rolled apart and lay on the mats exhausted and drenched with sweat. After we caught our breath he blurted out, you got a tie breaker in ya !
He stood and walked over and grabbed a few bottles of water . He tossed me one and we both took a good long drink . I stood up and adjusted my singlet a bit which was soaked and stretched all over the place. I'm game to shed the singlet if you are he said . Without hesitation I peeled off my singlet and tossed it into his chest. He laughed and did the same to me. We began to circle and our cocks stood erect and straight out challenging each other , we closed in on each other and this time our chests slammed together, arms interlocked around each others backs forcing our abs and cocks to slam together . We lifted and hosted each other , slammed cocks and abs together and struggled for dominance , neither letting go of the bearhug on each other , we struggled with legs to trip the other to mat, finally together off balance we rolled onto the mat , momentum forcing us to roll across the mat top over top, legs finally connected and we counter secured a grapevine on each other. Now the battle was on , same hold on each other we leveraged back and forth top over top . Gaining / losing control of each other . Cocks trapped between our abs each being pounded and ground into one another . Bridging , bucking to out leverage each other was bringing us both to full arousal , I think he was thinking the same thing I was as we both started grinding harder and harder into one another hoping to get the other to cum 1st and weaken their hold for the next pin. We battled for quite some time as our breathing started to get a bit gaspy and our bodies began to shutter. I rolled him onto his back as i'd done so many times in the past few minutes , I arched up and ground my cock into his as he bucked up into me . As our cocks collided this time , we both gasped with erotic pleasure and erupted our cum onto each others abs. We both collapsed on each other .
Hot sweaty and tangled in a heap we lay there for several minutes, massaging each others body and enjoying the physical pressure and pleasure. I have to admit something he said . I told the receptionist today I had an emergency and had to leave and to reschedule for tonight. When confirmed of the change I ran home and dusted off these old mats and brought them back to the gym . I'm glad you rallied your PT so we could end this way . I'm afraid though you're going to need some more PT time, so i'm going to put you on the schedule again for next week. 6PM ok with you …..... ? besides we need another tie breaker round !

to be continued .

Última edição em 21/10/2016 08:27 por wrestleuinla; 0 comentário(s)
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The Taxi ride

Just getting back from a trip away for a few weeks, I had to hale a cab from the airport, I just couldn't rally any friends to pick me up at 7am on a saturday morning.
My time away , was a long trip, part work , part personal time. Had a few great days out hiking in and around Mammoth Lakes. I enjoyed the time outdoors and the core and cardio exercise that came with it. So now back in Los Angeles I beckoned a cab – he pulled up, I shoved my luggage in the trunk and jumped into the back seat. The cab driver got my address and started on down the road, I was settling into the ride home which should take about 45-60 minutes . It was hot out already and I decided to pull off my sweat shirt and get comfortable in my tank top that I had on underneath. I'm pretty toned at 45y/o 5'9” 168lb 44c 31w and healthy 16a, fit from several days a week at the gym, cardio, core work and hiking mostly. I was watching the city go by and kept noticing the driver checking me out in the mirror as I panned around the sights around us. I hadn't paid much attention to him as he never got out of the cab when he pulled up. He looked away and I got a glimpse of him. He was a handsome guy, white , sandy blond hair, tucked up in a cowboy hat, thats about all I saw. We were about to drive up onto the highway, when he asked if it was ok if he pulled over and take off his jacket, I had no issue with it and he pulled to the side of the road. Not leaving the cab, he shucked his coat and exposed himself in a white tank top, to my surprise he was quite fit, he was watching me as he took off his jacket in the mirror and seemed to flex a bit as he settled into his cab, the drive at hand. We traveled onto the freeway and our eyes kept connecting in the rear view mirror, he'd flex a bit, exposing his tight biceps, i'd do the same. Was kind of fun and intriguing. Finally I broke the ice, How long you been driving cabs, he told me about 30 days, he moved here from Oklahoma , got the cab job and was settling into life in Southern California . Quite some biceps you have there, he blushed and smiled, thanks man , couldn't help noticing yours he said. He asked my stats and I repeated 5'9” 168lb 44c31w16a, I do alright I said, at 45 it's tough to keep it all together. Not being able to really get a look at him , I suggested his were impressive as well and asked his stats. He came back with almost identical stats at 5'10” 170lb 44c 31.5w and 16.5a, 36 y/o. Asked him of his sports background and training. The conversation was good, turned out we both ran track, wrestled, played some ball and spent a lot of time in the gym. He seemed to be most interested in the sport of wrestling and we discussed our high school match records. I told him I still wrestled from time to time as timing and opportunity lent itself. Mostly private training/matches, but enough to keep my game on ! He came back with a similar story.
We finally got to my place , he pulled up into the driveway, we got out and I opened the garage door to get into the house. We both stretched a bit both with a watchful eye on the other. This guy is in amazing shape, i'm thinking to myself. Be fun to tangle with him. He went around back grabbed my bags flexing a tight bicep as he lifted it out of the trunk. He looked at me and smiled. Where you want this thing he asked as he started to head up into the garage, which doubles as my gym, mats included. He got into the garage before me as I was collecting a few items out of the back seat. He set the bag in the middle of the room and took a look around. As I walked into the room he had jumped up to the pull up bar and started doing a few reps, You don't mind he asked as he pumped off a quick set of 10. I smiled and said no issue. He finished and walked towards me , I set the rest of my things on the table and turned to face his approach. He was flexing a bit and reached his hand out to shake mine. My names Luke he said, I'm Kevin as our hands clasped tight and shook into a bit of a muscle challenge. Our eyes met with surprise as neither of us gave to the pressure. Nice grip I said he smiled and said same. He was looking over my shoulder in the direction of the wrestling mats set up on that end of the room. He smiled and said wow you really have this place set up well , mats and all. I haven't wrestled since I got to LA, i've been staying on cousin's couch and just haven't the chance to set something up . Well that could be arranged I said as I step up and press my chest into his, his hands go down and we press tight into one another – squaring off chest to chest, arms interlace behind each others backs and we draw each other into a mutual bear hug . Pressure on we struggle to outmuscle the other and lift one of us off the ground, to our surprise it was a fairly even struggle and no one was able to gain advantage, so after several seconds we broke the hold and stepped apart. Wow never expected that I said, he smiled and suggested this could be quite a match. You have time for one I asked, don't want the meter running on me. He smiled and said he'd call in for a break if I was game to take him on . Bring it on I said. As he went out to radio in, I stepped into the house for a moment. Upon my return he had re entered the garage, shut the door behind him , shucked his shirt and jeans, was standing there in his tight white briefs ready for action. I laughed wow you don't mess around, he smiled and said no time like the present. How bout double or nothing on the cab fair I suggested, he hesitated a second, flexed his biceps and said your on, prepare yourself to dig deep for some funds pal, as he laughed. I stripped off my tank, kicked off my shoes and stripped down to my black briefs I had on.
We stepped onto the mats and flexed for one another , started circling and locked up in a collar elbow hold to start. The pushing and pulling began and we worked our way around the mat trying to gain advantage and create an opening for the next move. I pulled he stepped forward, I dropped and got a double leg on him driving him hard onto the mat, I climbed up over his legs onto his chest and got perpendicular to him, wrapped an arm over his shoulder and started to drive him into the mat. He bridged and rolled and got out from under me, we scrambled in and out of holds for several minutes, gaining control, losing control, near falls but no one gaining true advantage . As time went on the holds got tighter and less collegiate, headlocks were applied and we found ourselves in a pile in the middle of the mat. Squeezing tight neither was giving in, I arched back and got some leverage, I dropped quick and rolled to my right flipping him over the top of me onto his side, he landed on my right leg so I quickly got my left over his mid section and added a scissor hold on him. I arched back and started to stretch him out. The pressure was on, I squeezed my legs hard and started to feel him give up a bit. He released the headlock and tried to pry my legs off his stomach. I rotated a bit got further behind him and was able to work my hold into a full nelson. Scissored and nelsoned I stretched him out in front of me. Head pressed into his chest, for several minutes, sweat pouring from us and heaving for air, he finally tapped out .
I pushed him off me and he rolled to the mat onto his back, I rolled on top of him and just laid there with him chest to chest , arms interlocked I stretched them over his head, legs intertwined I secured him underneath me enjoying a full body press. I smiled, well bud, looks like I got myself a free ride home, hope that doesn't set you to far back in the day. He grumbled and moaned and began to put up a bit of a fight. I arched up and our cocks flexed together between our abs. I released his hands and wrapped my arms around him and got him in a bearhug/grapevine combo, he moaned as I pulled him in tight . He suggested if he gets me to cum 1st we'd be a draw on the funds and I pay my way. I smiled and said your on , but 1st lets shuck the briefs. We unlocked, separated and stood up. Briefs were peeled off and we flexed at one another and stepped up chest to chest again. Interlocked a mutual bearhug on one another and begin to drive into one another, once again lifting and hosting one another off the ground struggling for dominance. Off balance we crashed to the ground locked together, we rolled top over top, legs interlocked and the primal battle was on , humping and grinding, twisting, bridging we flipped and rolled one another across and back over the mat several times. Breathing was starting to get shallow, slippery we struggled to gain control, finally on my back he was able to stretch my legs apart and gain the upper hand, he drove down hard into me, trapping my cock with his, we began to grind into one another, arching bucking, gasping for air, locked tight I felt his body began to jolt, he was losing fast, but I was right there with him, one last buck into me, we both gasped and sprayed our loads together between our abs. Exhausted we layed there in a pile on the mats. A few minutes later we peeled ourselves off each other, sitting on the mats looking at one another, grinning from ear to ear.
How bout you come stay with me for a bit and get off your cousins couch I said to him. He pondered it for about 2 seconds and said your on. Lets discuss it in the shower as we get cleaned up, I said. Body pressed together, off to the shower we went.. .. Looks like I found myself a live in wrestling partner …...... to be continued !

Última edição em 18/1/2015 01:29 por wrestleuinla; 0 comentário(s)
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It had been a long week at work, but I got a few hikes/runs in, in preparation of my weekend trip to the river. Having 4 days off , I was going to pack in to the spot that I grew up visiting each summer with my family and few friends from time to time. But this time, I was going alone , My name is Jim, If all goes well, I hope to fish, hike, jog and just relax for a few days .

I got an early start, before the sun was up, traveling about 6 hours in my truck to the spot I needed to park it . It was warm day, I pulled my shirt off, loaded up the back pack and started my long walk in to the camp site, along the river, in Kings River Valley. It took a few hours, but I made it. The space was still the same, flat open space, thick grassy terrain, shaded by tall trees surrounding the camp sight. The path hadn't been used much but I found my way. I got to my spot in early afternoon and settled in to set up camp. I still use the tent we used as kids, big, spacious room for 10-12 sleeping bags. Kind of silly to bring such a big tent for just myself, but there is history in that tent, and I wanted it with me. I'd camped in the spot almost every summer as a kid, but hadn't been back in years . Work, life just got in the way. I'm 36 now, married > divorced, working more than I should, I live a good life, stay fit , standing 5'9” 170lb. I workout , gym, home workouts (core work), jog , hike and still get in a bit of grappling/mat action when time allows.

The early summer had been good to me , I kept active out doors, locally in preparation for this trip, healthy tan and toned body, ready for the weekends activities. I got the tent up, gear packed away and settled into digging out a fire pit, so I could prep dinner and settle into a night by the fire. Relaxing for a bit, my thoughts drifted, I reflected back on the summer I met Randy here in the valley, both our families were camping and we met while exploring the area along the lower creek, we were of similar age and stats and shared a world of interest, so we became fast friends. We spent our days fishing and hunting , exploring the great outdoors. We wrestled and challenged each other several times down by the river and had a great summer . I've often wondered about him, but we never saw each other, after that one summer.

The afternoon was getting on, so I moved down by the river with my fishing pole, ready to catch some fish for dinner. It was a great day, warm, soft light through the trees, the fish were biting and active, I snagged a few fish and was content with having enough to eat for dinner. I was enjoying my time and fresh air. As time passed , a few deer surfaced and were grazing across the river, a fox had surfaced earlier and had run along the river bank. It was nice to be out here , absorbing nature. Suddenly there was a commotion, the deer scattered and I saw a shadow of someone forging through the trees towards the river bank. Another hiker had forged into the area and was walking towards my camp site. He waved as he got within sight and I acknowledged him back with a wave and hello. As disappointed as I was that someone else was in the area, I was pleased to see this guy was so fit. He appeared to be about my height and weight , a handsome athletic guy. He crossed the river and came up the path towards me. I stood up and greeted him as he got closer. He stopped about 5 feet away, took a sip of water, brushed the sweat off his brow, we caught ourselves looking one another over. He definitely was fit, similar build to myself, blond hair, blue eyes , well defined muscle on his frame with nice hairy pecs , a healthy V shaped body. I have dark hair , blue eyes, a 44 in hairy chest, 30 waist and solid 15.5” arms. I invited him closer with a hand shake. Surprised to see any one out here I said, you caught me off guard. He suggested the same, hadn't expect to find anyone here either. He reached out and our hands clasped , tight and firm hands shake. We both smiled, I said welcome.

Mind if I sit a bit, with you before I go set up camp up the river, he like myself had been hiking in for hours . He had started in the same spot I did, he acknowledged my vehicle along the side of the road. I offered him a piece of ground and he pulled off his pack and settled down next to me. Conversation lit up and we talked about our current lives, just shooting the breeze, time just flew by. We both caught ourselves looking each other over often. There was something familiar about this guy and I sensed he felt the same about me.

It was getting dark and conversation had gone on for hours, talking about life and such. I offered to have him stay for dinner and set up camp here for the night going up river at this hour would be difficult. He agreed and we forged up to the camp site. He pulled a few things out of his pack and we settled down near the fire after it got going and we starting fixing dinner. He had some whiskey and poured us each a healthy double shot to sip on. We finally got around to the subject matter of this meadow, turned out he had spent time as a youth here as well. He shared a story about his 1st summer here in the valley, while camping with family, how he wondered off and met this kid from another camp site and how they wound up spending their time together fishing, hunting, and exploring the great outdoors. All of a sudden my eyes fixed on this guy and it dawned on me, we had never exchanged names, I stood up and just blurted out “Randy”, he looked up with surprise, a fast smile came to his face and he stood up with a big smile on his face. Jim he asked? What the ….... what are the odds of this ? We both laughed and lunged towards one another into a big ol mutual bear-hug. We put the squeeze on one another, lifting and hosting one another off the ground . Laughing and just enjoying a good embrace of 2 friends, who parted paths but never forgot each other. We broke our hold and stepped back a step and just stared at one another . Our chests heaving from our attach on one another. I reached out and put my left hand on his upper right bicep. He tensed it a bit, man you look good my friend, I said. The years have been good to you. He reach out and did the same to me, likewise he said. We both beamed of excitement to have run into one another again.

With out warning we both just slammed into one another again arms crossed over and under one another we embraced again in a tight bear-hug. Just like old times I said, I took ya then I can do it again. He laughed , I don't recall that he said and dug into me, our pecs mashed together tightly. Battle on I claimed and we struggled into one another for leverage. Our shirts off , warm night it felt great to have our chests grinding together. We wrestled as kids, but never got into any mischief m2m man, so I was a bit worried when I sported wood from the embrace. I tried hard to refute my feelings, but the energy that was unfolding between us was amazing. He drove in hard and stood up – bringing our abs together, I tried to avoid what was gonna happen next, but to my surprise when our cocks collided I felt his cock as hard as mine pinned against one another . We looked at each other to get a feel for the others reaction, both cautious but eager to accept the challenge. I drove my cock hard into his and we melted into one another embrace.

We twisted and turned , lifted, hosted and spun around neither wanting to let go of the other. Cocks ground together and struggling to get out of shorts . We remained tight in battle for several minutes, finally to sweaty to hold on we finally slipped and stepped apart. Heaving for air, hands on our knees we just beamed with pleasure of this chance encounter.

Your strong he says, we size up so amazing, just like as kids. I was thinking earlier this afternoon about our times together here, it's a great memory. But now we are here, catching up and ready to explore it all at another level. I look at the tent in his shorts and smile, he blushes a bit and looks me over. Guess we share similar interests he said as he looks at my shorts . Yeah I guess we do. Care to see who's champ of the camp site ? I ask. He smiled and said willing and ready. Shorts are a bit restricting he says, how bout we....lose the shorts. I suggest we lose the briefs as well. He grins , we both straighten up, kick off our shoes and strip off our shorts and briefs. Lets take it out onto the arena floor, the grass was short and thick, provided us with a natural mat to tangle I. I have to worn you I said, after our time together here that summer, I took up wrestling and spent my junior and senior years on the wrestling team. He laughed and smiled , said so did I ! . With that we began to circle one another , sizing one another up, looking for a takedown. Several lock ups, tussle and escapes occurred. Neither gaining control. We got each other in a mix of holds, cradles, nelsons, arm and leg locks. We tangled in and out of holds for what seemed liked hours, hot sweaty full of challenge and lust for each other, the kid we explored body contact with so many years ago. We wind up chest to chest again, interlocked over and under again , arms wrapped around each others back with fingers locked together. We pull each other in tight and attempt to trip up the other. Off balance we both tumble together to the grassy mat below us. Neither letting up , we struggle and roll top over top attempting leverage control. Legs interlock in mutual grapevines and we find ourselves in this primal battle, chest to chest, abs slammed tight and our hard cocks raging in battle between us. Primal cock fighting at its best, arching and grinding, slamming together. Both of us wanting to get the other to cum first. So equal in strength / leverage / skill neither gain control. With great strain, flipping each other back and forth, we finally arch back and slam into one another again, grinding hard, hot , sweaty I feel his body surge as mine does the same. We both gasp for air, bury our faces into the others neck/shoulder and squeeze tight. I feel him shutter as I do, we arch back – slam one last time as cocks unload our battle fluids onto each others abs. Struggle and roll, milking each other dry. We collapse onto one another. Fully wrapped up, not wanting to let go.

We lay there for awhile embracing and massaging one another, exploring our bodies through embrace and wandering hands. After several minutes I finally spoke, man i've dreamed of this day for years, every time I came to this meadow after our time together I often wondered what it would be like to tangle like that, and now out of luck, here we are. He pulled me in tight, so have I he said, so have I. I've longed for this encounter and regret having lost touch with you. We separated stood up, gave each other one more embrace, How bout we get cleaned up down by the river. He patted me on my back and we headed off that way. Guess you found your camp site I said , we have 3 more days together I said.... to be continued …

Última edição em 18/1/2015 01:30 por wrestleuinla; 0 comentário(s)
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I'd been mixing up my workouts both at the gym and working out in my garage a few days a week, doing home workouts now for a few years , not a full gym but enough to do some good core work, pull up bar, mats for stretching, dumb bells and such. I have a good routine going and have kept myself in good shape. My garage sits at the front of the house and I often workout with the door open. My street is a rather busy, with a park across the street, I run there as well and often catch site of others working out in the park, running the perimeter .

Today I was in the middle of my workout , jumping rope at the front of the garage, shirtless, in my cut off sweats , when I noticed someone new jogging on the back side the park, he was making his way around towards my place and we acknowledged each other as he passed. The parks not that big so wasn't long before he passed again. I was in the garage doing curls he looked over and again we nodded at one another, he looked back again as he passed. He was fit , looked to be about same age , my size – myself standing 5'9” at a fit 170lb. From a distance he looked similar in stature, dark hair, tan a nice fit body, had a on white tank top , strong looking legs. I continued my work out. A few minutes later I see him walking across the street a few houses down and up the sidewalk passing closer to my home. I wave as he gets closer and he walks up the drive. As he approaches I verify my thoughts that we are close in height /weight and physical structure. I step forward in the garage and meet him ½ way .

We are looking one another over and make small talk, I asked how his run was , he asked about my workout and asked to see my set up . I offer him a drink of water and invite him into the garage, he has a look around. I can't believe my eyes looking this guy over as he looks around the room. He's in great shape . Haven't seen you around the park before I say, he tells me he's just moved on the block a few houses down. A job transfer and was just getting settled in. Well welcome to the neighborhood man, my name is Scott, i've lived around here for 10 years now . He responds I'm Mark, he turns and we shake hands. I nice firm grip, we look one another over again. You picked a good neighborhood and house, you move in alone ? He confirms he's single , he asks me I confirm the same . Nice set up you have here Mark says, got everything you need for a good workout, He looks around the room taking everything in. Then it happened he took a good look at all the sports pictures on the walls and started walking around looking them over. I'm a photographer by hobby and have photographed many an athlete and sporting events over the years and had some nice photographs of athletes and sports . Mark asked about the photographs and my sports background. I told him about my hobby and that I played some high school sports, volleyball and done some grappling over the years . I asked the same of him and he played some ball , football and done some wrestling. He was fixated on my wrestling photos on the wall and asked if I wrestled . I told him I did some in high school as well . He turned and looked me over again, smiling. You still wrestle he asked , I said when opportunity lends itself. I was thinking to myself , this can't be happening of all the luck , this guy just drops in out of no where and is a wrestler. You I ask , he said he was a bit rusty but had wrestled a bit for workouts when he could as well.
He sets himself up in a wrestlers stance and suggests we might have to have a go at it on the mats some time . I walk up to him smiling , I think I can arrange that and give him a friendly push. He steps up laughing and we take a good look at each other once again. Both taken back a bit by what was unfolding here we laugh and joke a bit standing there talking about the sport . Turns out we are identical height and weight have similar experience we found ourselves , jousting verbally how the match would end up . I suggest there is no time like the present , I have mats , we are both warmed up from our workouts . Lets get to it . He reaches a hand out , we clamp hands again – sizing each other up with a test of strength and he says your on.

I close the garage door and I turn – he's pulling off his shirt and kicking off his shoes .He does a double bicep flex and taunts me . He's got nice firm pecs around a 44 inch chest , slim waist around 31inch almost a six pac and nicely developed arms around 15 ½ . We are both at 5'9” 170lb . I've got a hairy chest myself 43 in firm pecs , a tight 31.5 waist and solid 15arms myself. I kick my shoes off – do a double pose back at him and pound my chest. After a few minutes of posing and taunting one another, we unfold the mats that were resting on the side wall and we step up onto the mats. Shorts cool with you I ask, Mark agrees and says for now . I catch a spark in his eye as he winks at me I've got speedos on he says, I pull my shorts down and show him the same. Without a word the shorts come off and are kicked to the side of the mats .

We begin our rounds on the mat in the refs position, not aggressive but trying a few holds and rides on one another, sizing each other up both gaining and losing control, discovering that we are pretty even in skill and strength. We work each other into and out of several holds , nelsons, cradles, scissors, mixed in some headlocks ,arm and leg locks, just enjoying some good clean wrestling mat time, to men mixing it up. After about 30 minutes we break and take a rest, chat about our strengths and weakness of our give and take.
Now rested I ask if there's gonna be a round two. He jumps up and says now or never. Dam glad you stopped by I say. Mark agrees and we step up, begin to circle and shove chests into one another and press hard into each other. Arms go out to sides and we lock up hand to hand for several minutes , Grunting and straining we spin around the mat – driving hard into one another gaining control , losing control , pretty much a draw at this point . We unlock hands and separate Mark smiles and acknowledges we are rather even in strength I laugh and agree. How's this for neighborhood welcoming I toss out . I quickly move for a double leg takedown, he moves to the right and dodges my efforts , we square off again and go chest to chest , this times arms interlock opposite each other and are drawn into a mutual bear-hug. The battle and pressure is on, tight hold each lifting and straining to get the other off the mat , leverage gained , leverage lost back and forth we struggle, finally legs interlocked we trip one another and hit the mats hard on our side neither letting up we roll on the mat, first left , then right struggling for top position, legs interlock and we are now trapped in opposite bear hugs and grapevines . We leverage back and forth struggling for top control only to lose it to opposite leverage. This goes on for quite some time, both hot and sweaty, tiring from the battle between us . Our hairy pecs matted together from sweat and the struggle, abs pressed tight against one another as we endure the leverage battle between us. Our cocks pressed tight up against one another as we grind and grapple our bodies together . I notice his cock hard against mine . My 7”cut cock is raging hard pressed tight against his. Sweaty we lose our grip and separate .

We get to our knees huffing and puffing smiling at what we just endured and look one another over . He's looking at my cock and says I see you like that primal battle as well. He's sporting some healthy wood himself around 6.5” of thick cut meat. Doesn't get much better than that Mark I say. We stand and step up to one another – our cocks collide between us, we rub them together a bit just looking at one another's reaction . I'm liking the greet and meet neighborhood stuff Mark says. We laugh and step closer to him, you ready and willing to lose the speedos and go at it in the buff – I grab his ass and bring his cock in tight with mine , we grind into one another . Raging hard on to hard on – chests press tight into one another we muscle strain and grind into each other . He leans forward and says lets do it. We separate step back and drop/peal our soaked sweaty speedos off. Our raging hard cocks drop out and salute each other . We lung at one another instantly our hard cocks trapped between our abs as we once again secure opposite bearhugs on each other. We strain into one another, Mark hooks my leg, hosts me off the ground and tosses us both on the mat, he lands on top and drives hard down on top of me . Our legs interlock and I gain grapevine advantage we struggle again left and right, I finally gain leverage and flip him on to his back. I arch up and drive down into him our cocks trapped deep between our abs we begin to grind feverishly into one another – my face planted next to his on his shoulder I grunt and say i'm gonna make you cum 1st he bucks wildly into me and returns the challengee. We leverage back and forth several times top over top. Finally resting against the wall I get him on his back and drive hard down into him – bear hugs lost we clamp hands together and I drive his hands over his head and stretch his hot sweaty muscled body out under mine . Pec to Pec, Cock to Cock we hump and buck into one another – our cock heads dripping with precum mixing with our sweaty bodies as they glide and slide together. His breathing becomes rapid and almost gasping, noooooo noooooo he gulps out as I drive hard again into him. I feel his body shutter i'm barely holding out myself and as he shutters I begin to do the same. I plant my face in his neck and gasp for air – we once again drive hard into one another our cocks pressed tight between we stiffen and begin to spew massive amounts of cum between our abs. We grind and drive every last drop of cum onto our sweaty soaked abs. Exhausted and spent I collapse onto my new neighbors body, I roll us over, him on top of me and embrace him into a manly hug. We lay their breathing and massaging one another regaining our composure. How's that for a meet and greet I ask. Mark laughs and says can't wait for a rematch and workout. Anytime I say, anytime , been waiting for the likes of you to move into the neighborhood. Mark squeeze me tight in his own bearhug embrace.

To be continued..........

Última edição em 18/1/2015 01:26 por wrestleuinla; 0 comentário(s)
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