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ratboy29's blog

anyone nearby?

just some fun guy that's into feet would be nice

Última edição em 28/2/2024 15:43 por ratboy29; 3 comentário(s)
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let's fight

Looking for someone to box or wrestle with NEAR me. Sorry, I don't wanna travel to a different country for this.

Última edição em 22/8/2022 09:54 por ratboy29; 2 comentário(s)
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Was a little down, now i'm working out 3 times a week again and feeling more confident. Regular foot care too so I got nice soft feet. Hit me up if both those things are something you like.

Última edição em 30/6/2021 08:57 por ratboy29; 0 comentário(s)
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now i can finally post these pics

Última edição em 25/5/2019 05:23 por ratboy29; 4 comentário(s)
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