Be sure very sure you are up for your match. Do not take any more face or head shots than are necessary to win the fight. There is no shame in being counted out rather than get up to get hurt a lot more. It is rare but possible that a person can die doing standing bare knuckle fist fights or boxing for that matter. It is more likely you would die in a car crash on the way to a fight though. Just be smart and know when you have had enough. In this group each match has to have one winner and one loser. Losing is not the end of the world time to time. The fact is if you are good you have lost a couple fights. If you have won all your fights you either do not fight often or fight guys who do not fight.
huge fighting man (2 )
25/12/2011 15:52Be sure very sure you are up for your match. Do not take any more face or head shots than are necessary to win the fight. There is no shame in being counted out rather than get up to get hurt a lot more. It is rare but possible that a person can die doing standing bare knuckle fist fights or boxing for that matter. It is more likely you would die in a car crash on the way to a fight though. Just be smart and know when you have had enough. In this group each match has to have one winner and one loser. Losing is not the end of the world time to time. The fact is if you are good you have lost a couple fights. If you have won all your fights you either do not fight often or fight guys who do not fight.