good hard bare knuckle fight these Russian lads are proper hard men!! when young I was in several underground bare knuckle fights garages abandoned buildings farms scrapyards many lasted over an hour and a few over 2 hours - brutal and bloody, proper fighting!!
that was nice (and long) . my few fistfights (3) in the army were short except for one with a guy my size and skill . it lasted too long actually lol but it was exhilarating because it was in an army barracks in front of about 12 soldiers . They ended up pulling the guy off of me and I was glad cause id had enough.
A long one. So we take our time trading bareknuckle punches to the face and body. Let the other man feel out the punch, and come back to the fight. Trading back and forth to the face is a huge turn on, gloves or bareknuckle.
05/12/2021 08:57I live in cadiz town, alain.
I host. I live alone.
I look for a barenuckle fight, no rules, fists fights
15/11/2021 13:15I look for a street fight.
I host. I live in cadiz town, spain
NoMoreMrNiceGuyNYC (4)
14/11/2021 19:46These last a pretty long time.
MudFighterMel (0)
11/1/2022 09:35(em resposta à...)
good hard bare knuckle fight these Russian lads are proper hard men!! when young I was in several underground bare knuckle fights garages abandoned buildings farms scrapyards many lasted over an hour and a few over 2 hours - brutal and bloody, proper fighting!!
Wreststevster (6 )
08/12/2021 13:47(em resposta à...)
Great video man I love it these two guys are hot.
halndallas (6)
15/11/2021 23:06(em resposta à...)
that was nice (and long) . my few fistfights (3) in the army were short except for one with a guy my size and skill . it lasted too long actually lol but it was exhilarating because it was in an army barracks in front of about 12 soldiers . They ended up pulling the guy off of me and I was glad cause id had enough.
fightguy (18)
15/11/2021 07:28(em resposta à...)
Yeah....Top Dog has some good fights...maybe not a lot of technique, but a lot of heart. Always good to watch.
PopsBearBrawler (5)
14/11/2021 17:44My recollection from long ago fist fights is that, by nature, real fist fights don't last very long because they aren't controlled at all.
Glovefight (14)
14/11/2021 11:02A long one. So we take our time trading bareknuckle punches to the face and body. Let the other man feel out the punch, and come back to the fight. Trading back and forth to the face is a huge turn on, gloves or bareknuckle.
Mario (0)
14/11/2021 13:10(em resposta à...)
I'm ready for a long Fight
MudFighterMel (0)
11/1/2022 09:37(em resposta à...)
how long do you think you can fight for? i love long drawn out stamina fights really test how tough a man is
Mario (0)
13/11/2021 06:25Interested
FighterV (1)
02/11/2021 07:10I'm ready!!!
Mario (0)
14/11/2021 14:04(em resposta à...)
Me too for a long Fight
02/11/2021 00:43Hit me up boys