In my school gym class it was like this. Two opponents stand oppossite themselves in a small ring. Can be drawn on ground or few sashes were forming a ring. Opponents have the hands behind their back clasped. Goal is to push the opponent out of the ring while standing without use of hands. Another variant was that you had one leg bound with hands at the back and you would push opponent out of the ring using your torso but while jumping. So higher risk because opponent could throw you out of balance.
Hi, i invite men-opponent from all over the world, even from Brazil, ( in the near future) to have a nipple fight (with my big and swollen tits naturally). If you interested please contact me, whatsupp+5527999487302,,,,,,Tank you, be safe and have a nice day!
Fighterlad (0 )
14/1/2021 19:28In my school gym class it was like this. Two opponents stand oppossite themselves in a small ring. Can be drawn on ground or few sashes were forming a ring. Opponents have the hands behind their back clasped. Goal is to push the opponent out of the ring while standing without use of hands. Another variant was that you had one leg bound with hands at the back and you would push opponent out of the ring using your torso but while jumping. So higher risk because opponent could throw you out of balance.
loyalgrunt (3)
24/2/2021 13:02(em resposta à...)
would love this
manmedellin (6)
15/1/2021 18:42(em resposta à...)
Sounds hot!
coroa-saradao (0)
21/11/2020 12:50Hi, i invite men-opponent from all over the world, even from Brazil, ( in the near future) to have a nipple fight (with my big and swollen tits naturally). If you interested please contact me, whatsupp+5527999487302,,,,,,Tank you, be safe and have a nice day!
bcgrapple (2)
19/11/2020 18:38I love a tough bearhug contest to submission
SeattleFight (509)
20/11/2020 17:42(em resposta à...)
@bcgrapple you’re on. My pecs and biceps vs yours.
OrlJockwrestler (5)
20/11/2020 12:12(em resposta à...)
hell yeah... nothing like it
DenverWrestler (886)
14/9/2020 20:07Very hot idea! but how do you determine the winner? make the guy submit in a bearhug? then what???
Zephyros97 (3)
14/9/2020 14:16I like a lot the idea
Pettocontropetto (2)
14/9/2020 00:22I search a ripped guys for pecs to pecs grinding fight Você precisa efetuar login com seu usuário e senha para visualizar a galeria de fotos.